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Atrial Fibrillation Questions (Page 2)

Related terms: A-fib, Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation, PAF, AFib, AF

Displaying 105 questions associated with Atrial Fibrillation.

When changing from metoprolol succinate, 25 mg daily, to metoprolol tartrate, what dose is correct?

I take this for blood pressure and have had no problems but understand that the tartrate is cheaper.

Can Xarelto cause hair loss?

I have been on Xarelto, which is a blood thinner, for about 7 months. I have been wondering if Xarelto is causing my hair loss. It comes out in a handful every day, At first I was using my hair brush but now I use my wide-tooth comb. I can't believe I'm getting all this hair every day. My... read more

Amiodarone, how long are you meant to be on this drug, anyone been on it for more than 3 years?

Atrial Fibrillation - has anyone been on amiodarone for longer than 3 yrs? Are you having any sideeffects? I have been sinus rythym for 3 yrs, but wonder how long Im supposed to be on this drug.

Does Xarelto affect tinnitus?

I've been taking 20 mg. of Xarelto with my evening meal for about a year for a-fib. In that time, long standing tinnitus has dramatically increased in frequency and severity. Also, I had an ablation procedure which appears to be successful done in November. The tinnitus doesn't seem to... read more

I'm taking xarelto for occasional afib. Have had gerd day and night since taking this drug?

Has anyone else experienced this? I know this may seem trivial compared to stroke or hemorrhaging but it is very disruptive and painful. Taking zantac . Helps for a little while then it's back. I have been on xarelto for two months. Will this eventually go away?

Having shortness of breath on Effexor XR should I continue on?

I've been taking generic Effexor XR 75 mg for about 3 or 4 weeks now for anxiety/depression and I've been noticing that I'm having a sensation of feeling short of breath after taking my medicines in the afternoon. Obviously, it isn't fun to feel like there are issues with your... read more

I took 2 doses of Xarelto by mistake. What should I do?

I took 20mg at 7pm and another at 9pm. I forgot I had taken it earlier.

Atrial Fibrillation - does anyone experience waking up in the middle of the night with a racing?

... heart that lasts for a short time? I wil also feel anxiety and sometimes hand tremors. I am on tambocor. Is this drug related or just something to endured with afib?

Should I take Amlodipine and Diltiazem at the same time?

I was told mlyl heart rate was too high. I am already taking amlodipine and now I was given a prescription for Diltiazem with directions to take one pill a day. Since they are both calcium blockers should I take them both?

Which is stronger, digoxin 0.25 mg or 0.125 mg?

My doctor changed my dose.

Sertraline and Eliquis?

I'm taking sertraline 100mg and just been given a prescription for Eliquis for AFib. Is there a danger? I'm 65

Hi, Is Atenolol used for High Blood Pressure and Atrial Fibrillation?? I have been on Atenolol?

... various doses for 8 years, now I developed AFIB, my Dr says just keep on Atenolol... We add aspirin to thin the blood a little instead of a strong Blood thinner (which I do not want to start). Anyone else on this regimine? Thanks, Moonbeam

Cialis - What about side effects for a man with a pacemaker & A-Fib?

Doctor says low dosage cialis is OK for otherwise healthy 80 yr old with mild A-Fib and a pacemaker, but I wonder if others in similar circumstances have had positive results with the drug for BPH as well as ED. Someone here mentioned irregular heartbeats after starting this medication.

Eliquis - Which over-the-counter pain medication is safe to take for arthritis pain and/or headaches

... while on Eliquis. I've been using this drug for a-fib for 11 days.

Do foods high in vitamin K interfear with taking Xarelto? What foods should be avoided?

Taking to prevent stroke. Most blood thinners react with vitamin K. Can I still eat all the leafy green vegetables I like. I eat alot of salads and spinach and broccoli and carrots too. I want to keep eating healthy so can I still eat all of the above veggies.

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