I was told mlyl heart rate was too high. I am already taking amlodipine and now I was given a prescription for Diltiazem with directions to take one pill a day. Since they are both calcium blockers should I take them both?
Should I take Amlodipine and Diltiazem at the same time?
Question posted by ifelheim on 15 Jan 2010
Last updated on 22 November 2022 by kirbyjosh
5 Answers
Can you take amlodipine and diltiazem together and is it safe to do so.
This is one of those times when internet advice is no substitute for 16+ years of education & training. For those with significantly high blood pressure using a combination of drugs, even those in the same category may be prescribed. One might be told to take drug A in the am & drug B in the evening. Dosage of each medication is titrated for best results.
You should know there are multiple safeties built into the system of prescribing drugs: First is the computer software used by the doctor prescriber. Every drug is compared to recommended dosages, diagnosis, age, weight, sex etc. Any possible interaction with other drugs, dry etc are instantly run.
Second is the RN who works with your doctor. That professional reviews your chart multiple times per day when you're in any facility and at least once before you leave the office aFter an appointment. Most, like myself have extensive experience in our specialty. (Mine is cardio-thoracic with additional orthopedic with a certification in cardio.)
Then there's your pharmacist. Most have doctorates in pharmacology A Master's at the very least)) & know almost immediately when a prescription should referred back to the prescriber for review. Even if that professional doesn't catch an error immediately the pharmacy computer should instantly show a potential error, and again the order would be referred back to the prescribing person.
Finally there is your insurer. Their system should generate a message error and within a very short time'- usually a few hours if not minutes, invariably before your drug(s)is/are dispensed,
All this adds up to a huge safety net against potential errors. Can they happen? Yes, but it is extremely difficult to manage this. Definitely call your doctor with any questions or concerns about treatments or medications.
I hope this answers your question.
dear amlodipine increases the heart rate by activating baroreceptor reflex in first. And Diltiazem decreases heart rate by depressing AV Node and thus provide more protection to heart.So I think You Should take only the diltiazem (Dilzem- Pfizer). But you have to discuss this factor with your Dr Also.
I don't know why you would take those together? I have been on both, but never at the same time. I took Diltiazem until my husband and I were TTC a baby. Then was put on Aldomet, safe to use for conception and pregnancy. Then I was put on Lotrel, which is benazeprine and amlodipine. When that didn't provide sufficient reduction in my pressure, we switched to Micardis, which I am on now, and seems to be doing the trick. Don't take both. You were probably meant to quit the amlodipine when he gave you Ditiazem. Check with your dr asap. Just call the office and ask. That way you won't be doing anything that could be dangerous. Good Luck!
Did you tell your doctor that you are already taking a calcium blocker med? If so, he must have a good reason why you should take both. But I suggest you ask for a second opinion of another medical practioner. I am also taking diltiazem for 8 months now. I have a normal heart rate except during exercise where I have an average rate of 140.
Thank you for the response. I had planned to check with a second Medical Doctor, but now I will for sure.
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high blood pressure, heart disease, atrial fibrillation, amlodipine, diltiazem
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