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Alcohol Questions (Page 6)

Displaying 322 questions associated with Alcohol.

Hi, has anyone got any experience with Vivitrol/Naltrexone injection?

..for use in alcoholics, to stay abstinent or to reduce volume of alcohol intake? Personal experience or a friend or family member that has used the monthly injection would be gratefully received. Looking for any advice, good or bad. Thank you!

20 years of Maintenance dose of Trazodone and Alcohol?

I'm being told that my 50mg maintenance dose of Trazodone prohibits me from EVER drinking alcoholic beverages. In fact, in the state of AZ, I've been charged with DUI - Drugs as I had a metabolite of Trazodone in my blood after drinking wine the night before. Not over the limit on BAC but... read more

Is it possible to safely consume alcohol while taking bupropion?

I will be celebrating my 21st birthday in about 4 months and was put on bupropion about a month ago. I am very aware of the risk of seizing when mixing alcohol and bupropion. I have found the new medication to be extremely helpful in improving my mental health but I also don't want to miss out... read more

What are the "common" withdrawal symtoms from alcohol?

I quit 1 week ago today. Started on Antabuse so no chance of relapsing. The problem is I feel horrible. Severe Headaches, nausea, low back pain, etc. I am trying to determine if its the withdrawal, the medication or something else. If this is alcohol withdrawal how long will it last? I feel worse... read more

Alcohol Withdrawal - So twitching uncontrollably is a normal symptom? Even daily? I'm 25 and I have?

... drank daily for only 2 years. Weekdays about six to eight. Weekends I really dunno most likely 10 to 15, maybe 20. I have not been shaking but get real anxious and confused right before I twitch with my hands and neck for a few seconds. Alcohol related or am I just I retarded?

Does alcohol reduce efficacy of prolia desnumab?

On my third Prolia injection and happily no side effects. I drink 3 glasses of wine every evening but would desist if I thought it was interfering with the action of the drug.

Celebrex - can I have a glass of wine a couple of times a week while taking Celebrex?

My doctor prescribed Celebrex for me for my back and hip pain. I have not started asking it because of the alcohol warning. I like to have a glass or two of wine a couple times a week. Should I be worried? Does anyone here drink wine?

60 mg of cymbalta, drinking 5-7 drinks a night?

so i've been on 60 cymbalta for about 5 years now (other antidepressants before) and started drinking alcohol about summer 2011... i liked it and literally started drinking every night since then to last thursday (jan 10) ... i started getting really depressed so i cut down on the drinking... read more

Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Alcohol - How dangerous is it?

How long should I wait between taking 1000mg of Tylenol in the afternoon and consuming a few drinks in the evening. I only drink socially maybe once or twice a week, never more than that. Is this dangerous? Thank you.

Medication - can you have alcohol when on co-amoxiclav tablets?

bp 500/125 mg?

I have been prescribed 10mg of amitriptyline for arthritic pain but was told no coffee,tea or?

... alcohol. I would really like my coffee, anyone else not allowed coffee and why?

Small dose as needed klonopin and alcohol?

I take .125mg of klonopin as needed, only about once a week, to avoid panic attacks. How long after I take the drug would it be safe to drink? I know most people say to never ever drink on benzos, but I'm sure with such a small dose it should be out of my system in a few days.

Discomfort in lungs/diaphragm/chest and tightness of throat 5 days after vomiting?

Last sunday I had a hangover and threw up (since then I have given up the alcohol and addressed my problem with that). During the vomiting, I was leaning against a building (not sure if that's relevant, but friends have commented that an odd posture might be the cause of the issue). Since... read more

How long after taking a 5mg dose of buspar is it safe to drink alcohol without interaction?

I've been taking 3.75 - 5mg of Buspar for 2-3 weeks now and the side effects have pretty much dissipated. I have a friends birthday this weekend and I am wondering how long after taking a dose of Buspar is it safe to Drink Alcohol without interaction. Is it when it passes through the liver or... read more

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