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Alcohol Questions (Page 4)

Displaying 322 questions associated with Alcohol.

Can you drink alcohol while taking Cephalexin?

Can I drink alcohol with diabetes insipidus?

I have diabetes insipidus and I have heard rumors that you can't drink alcohol with DI and honestly I want to be able to drink. Can anyone fill me in with some info on this?

Terbinafine and alcohol?

I am a man in my mid-50s. I have been a daily drinker my entire adult life. I just started terbinafine and am giving up drinking while on it. I have no doubts that while I am on this pill I will not drink alcohol. My concern is not interaction with the drug, but potential for substantial liver... read more

How long should I wait to drink alcohol after taking 1mg of xanax? prescribed 1mg 1-3 times a day?

Is it ok if I just take my morning dose then wait to drink later that night? Or is that bad to skip my other 2 doses? I barley ever go out and drink just once and a while with friends. Just would like to no what's safe for future decisions.. i'm very new to this medicine and don't... read more

What is diazepam dosage regimen for alcohol withdrawal?

I have alcohol withdrawal symptoms and some diazepam 5 mg tablets. how many pills should I take, and how often should I take them to help with the withdrawal ?

Can you drink alcohol when you are taking suboxone?

My boyfriend has been on suboxone for 3 weeks, what will happen if he drinks beer? Will it be ok?

What are side affects of drinking alcohol while taking metronidazole vaginal gel. why can you not d?

Why can you not drink while using the medication?

How long after taking Diflucan can you drink alcohol again?

I just took a 3 pill dose of diflucan, how long do I have to wait until I can drink alcohol again?

Ok to have a couple beers while on lexapro?

i know the packet says "alcohol may cause drowsiness" but i had a beer today and i feel fine.. i used to take desvenlafaxine for 2yrs(ssnri) and i drank every weekend and nothing bad happened.. surely one or two is ok here and there?? i cant imagine my life without having a beer or a wine... read more

Has anyone ever drank alcohol while taking the metronidazole vaginal gel(0.75%)? Side effects??

I was prescribe the vaginal metrogel yesterday and have put it in last night and this night... I have not drank because I have read online that it isn't safe to take while taking the medication. But I mostly read that for Flagyl... Does it make a difference if it's the vaginal gel?? Had... read more

How does alcohol affect you when taking Concerta?

Hello all: Had every test imaginable plus sleep studies, and was put on 54 mg Concerta after a life-long battle with "cronic fatigue." Yay! it's changed my whole life, but I'm quite concerned about something: I am a fairly light social-drinker, maybe 1 or 2/month, yes, the... read more

I'm 21 years old and on the birth control pill and throw up EVERY time I drink alcohol?

Throwing up every single time I drink alcohol, even if it's just 3 beers or a whole bottle of liquor. This never used to happen to me, I was able to drink just fine, I usually had a hangover with vomiting a LITTLE more often than my friends, but NEVER like this. I'm on ortho-cept right... read more

Can alprazolam aid in alcohol withdrawal?

After three years of fairly heavy drinking (either a bottle of wine or a 6 pack of beer, and occasionally a bit more, nearly every night). I decided to join an AA group. I've also talked to my doctor, who had previously prescribed me alprazolam (Xanax), when I was trying to pass my alcoholism... read more

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