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Can I drink Alcohol/Beer while taking Doxycycline Nyclate?

3 Answers

aquanaut 6 Dec 2012

You may also be interested in this article about Antibiotics and Alcohol:

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chemist1989 10 Oct 2012

Absolutely not. Don't even think about it. The carbonation, coupled with the alcohol, will render doxycycline useless and whatever disease you're fighting will win the battle. Doxycycline works in a similar manner to hydrogen peroxide and beer completely neutralizes it.

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Marvell 20 June 2010

A couple of glass of alcohol won't hurt, while you are taking doxycycline. Just separate the dose from when you drink alcohol, to ensure that the antibiotic is absorbed properly.

However, chronic consumption of alcohol may cause faster elimination of doxycycline and it may not work as well.,1034-0

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doxycycline, alcohol, antibiotics, drug interaction

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