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Latest Questions (Page 54)

I just started taking Wellbutrin 150mg XL prescribed by my doctor 18 days ago for MDD . I was taking

... venlafaxine for a few years which worked great but caused sexual impotence so I’ve recently moved to Wellbutrin XL 150 mg in the morning. My question is how long does it take for the side effects ( Nausea headache , trouble concentrating , agitation , anxiety ) to subside ? Thanks

Does MiraLax interaction with Nexletol?

I am taking Nexletol for my high cholesterol for several months now. Recently I took MiraLax for chronically constipation. I feel the MiraLax can reduce the function of Nexletol. I am going to have a blood test to see if my cholesterol increased after taken MiraLax.

Is this dosage dangerous?

I have been prescribed .5mg of synthroid. I have been told that this is a dangerous dosage? If anyone can shed some light I would greatly appreciate it.

Can losartan be used with amlodipine?

High blood pressure

What are the side effects of clonazepam?

It seems having serious side effects

Does my mother's PCP know what she is doing?

Why would my mother's PCP increase her dosage of levothyroxine which is prescribed to her for underactive thyroid if her thyroid hormone levels measured high? I'm no doctor but it's my understanding that levothyroxine increases levels of the thyroid hormone so why would someone need...

What anxiety medication works with amiodarone?

I am on Amiodarone and I need to know what anxiety medication will work with with it.

Lyrica drug classification?

What drug classification is Lyrica?

What is hydroxyz pam 50mg?

My Dtr died March 1, 23 of a heart attack. This is a bottle of her medicine. What this medicine for?

What would cause me to have diarrhea for over a week?

How do I have stomach cramps and diarrhea? I've had this for over a week.

Tapering - What is taper regime from 200mg to 100mg Pristiq?

Side effects driving me from Pristiq. Dr. wants me to taper to 100 from 200mg, then wants to see me in a month. Is this possible? Last time I tried withdrawal was awful. Any advice?

How does Zurzuvae differ from traditional antidepressants?

I take Plavix and Eliquis. Why did I have a stroke?