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Latest Questions (Page 53)

Citalopram - Why? Does Celexa generally poop out after 4 years?

In the beginning, it worked OK for my anxiety. Not as good as Lexapro but I found Celexa to be a gentle start up and less overall side effects in general. But for the last four months I feel like I’m back to square one with my anxiety, and I even feel depressed. I’m currently on 20 of...

What can happen from taking Plan B (or generic) 3-4 in a month?

I haven’t been able to find much on the website or other informational sites about the continuing use of Plan B as an alternative method for birth control. I had an issue with random high blood pressure from stress so my primary was reluctant to put me back on regular birth control. I’m...

Hello, I've been having horrible adrenaline rushes that I'm assuming are anxiety since having a...

... concussion months ago. I've tried a number of meds and none seem to work. I started 5mg 2x a day of buspirone 6 days ago and my anxiety or adrenaline is worse. Do you think it will get better? I haven't had too many other side effects at least none that have lasted. I so badly want...

About Wellbutrin and dextromethorphan taken separately?

Because my insurance would not cover the cost of Auvelity, my doctor has given me separate prescriptions for Wellbutrin and dextromethorphan. Has anyone tried to take these medications separately, and if so, have they worked when taken this way?

Tadalafil (generic Cialis) in film-coated tablet - can it be split without degradation?

Tadalafil (generic Cialis) in film-coated tablet - can it be split in half without degradation of drug strength/effectiveness?

Wegovy vs Ozempic what's the difference?

Does Wegovy have the same benefits and side effects as Ozempic?

What is the new Malaria vaccine (R21/Matrix-M)?

What causes a rash that moves to different parts of the body?

How long is the shelf life of cephalexin?

What is the shelf life of this med

How do I get a otc replacement card?

My dad lost his OTC card and needs a replacement card how do I get him a OTC replacement card

Is venlafaxine still helping me?

I'm taking venlafaxine for 20 years, isn't it too long with the same pills? I feel I'm getting worse of my depression

Is it standard practice to take 238g of Miralax before a colonoscopy?

I am having a colonoscopy and my doctor has me taking 4 Doculax and a bottle of the Miralax powder with 64 oz of Gateraide. Is this the usual way this is done? Seems like a lot to me. Thanks for any help.

How long does alcohol show up in blood test?

How long after ingesting alcohol does it take to show up in blood work?

Is there a sublingual blood pressure med or a liquid form?

My husband has a very difficult time swallowing. He has high blood pressure but can no longer swallow his pill. I'm worried because lately his symptoms seem worse. He also stays angry, which is how he was years ago when first diagnosed with HBP. Does anyone know of a sublingual or liquid blood...