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Latest Questions (Page 55)

How does Zurzuvae differ from traditional antidepressants?

I take Plavix and Eliquis. Why did I have a stroke?

Is duloxetine a fast acting drug?

I have severe neuropathy in my feet and legs am taking gabapentin but it's not enough the pain is unbearable so today my neurologist added duloxetine will I have relief tonight? How long does it take?

Can meloxicam cause seizures?

I recently started having seizures. will this drug be any type of cause for this?

Can I safely take clonazepam with my Abilify?

I'm on clonazepam 1mg, and have recently been started on Abilify 10mg for my BP2. My pysch didn't seem too concerned, but I've read multiple things on Google and now I'm worried. Should I do one in the morning and one at night? Or find an alternative for my anti-anxiety? Please...

Does Kisqali improve survival for mBC?

How long after taking Zenpep do you wait to take an antibiotic?

My caretaker wants me to take my antibiotics with my Zenpep before I eat. Will that interfere with either or both of these drugs efficiently?

Symptoms of stopping use of sertraline?

Symptoms upon stopping use abruptly

Does Remeron help with sleep?

Is Dayquil bad with Camzyos?

Can I take DayQuil with Camzyos or what other over the counter medicine is good for cold and flu coughing?

What will happen? I have I totally messed up. I just took the wrong dosage of Ozempic weeks ahead?

I was supposed to take .25 for 4 weeks And I took 0.5 instead. I've only been on it for one week and had no side effects whatsoever. Have I messed up really bad? What will happen? Can I go back to 25 after this or not?

Can Entyvio be given at home?

Skin Rash - Where on the body do rashes from methyldopa appear and can you describe the rash please?

I have had a rash on both lower legs for some time and although it didn't start immediately I suspected methyldopa. I am 77 and immobile. Recently the dose has been doubled and the rash is worse. Before this I asked if it could be lymphedema and I am waiting a doppler test prior to having...

Sudden metatarsal pain while using Wellbutrin?

Could this be related to my taking Wellbutrin? Very painful! Need orthotics to walk.