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Latest Questions (Page 57)

AndroGel - Are you constantly aroused and have a racing heart even into the night?

My side effect is a racing heart, into the night (aroused). Can't sleep.You guys have that?

Has anyone experienced vertigo while taking Emgality?

Does Emgality cause vertigo symptoms? I'm experiencing the feeling of involuntary head shaking that lasts for several seconds. I feel nauseous and have gotten a severe headache afterwards. I'm not sure if it's the Emgality or something else.

Why do your glands swell just below the ear?

Can Farxiga cause drop in already low blood pressure?

Can Farxiga contribute to worsening of low blood pressure (currently around 95/65), whilst also taking Candesartan and Nebivolol? I have been prescribed 10mg of Farxiga (dapagliflozin) for heart failure with moderate ejection fraction of 42%, but have no symptoms of HF, and generally healthy and...

How long does it take to detox from Seroquel or quetiapine withdrawal?

I am trying to stop Seroquel, or the generic quetiapine on my own. I have no doctor. Mine quit during COVID-19-19 and they have not replaced him in over a year. I just FaceTime with nurses every 3 months and they find doctors that just call in the prescriptions. I am on 600 mg of quetiapine a...

Will my insurance cover Ozempic?

Does semaglutide cause nighttime digestive issues?

On a semaglutide compound for 15 weeks and pretty consistently waking up around 3-4am with digestive issues (BM/Vomiting). Noticing this tends to happen if I eat anything past 9pm. Has anyone else experienced this?

Effexor - Has anyone who has ever had success with this med sweated so much?

Tried different meds for depression and anxiety and I guess I'm bipolar not sure my psyc doctorr just wants to mainly treat my symptoms without putting a name to it. She recently put me on Effexor XRr starting at 37.5 I'm also taking gabapentin and Seroquel only at night 100 mg and Xanax...

Can I eat an hour before a clindamycin dose? And can I start using probiotics today?

Is it OK to eat a sandwich with no cheese an hour before a dose? I take clindamycin 300 mg 4x a day (orally). I have been taking it for 3 days now and I am on a 10-day course. Also if I started clindamycin 3 days ago, can I start drinking probiotics now?

Chronic Migraine - What has more side effects, Qulipta or Nurtec?

I need to decide on a drug for my chronic migraines. I have tried many. And they do not seem to work. I am 78, so some of the meds they will not prescribe.

Metoprolol - I was recently prescribed this and took about 60 pills. I have noticed hair loss,

It seemed to happen pretty quick. Is anybody else having the hair thinning and falling out?

Mavyret - Cold sore side effect or shingles?

Has anyone else had issues with fever blisters ??? I’ve had them consistently since week two of taking the medication and haven’t had one in 20 years prior to that now I can’t get rid of it and I’

Can I take Diamox and Trintellix together or do I have to wait a certain amount of time?

I currently take 20mg of Trintellix. I have been taking it for almost a year. I just started taking Diamox.

How long does tramadol stay in the system?

Can you become addicted to Lunesta?