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Thyroid desiccated for Underactive Thyroid User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Armour Thyroid, NP Thyroid, Nature-Throid, WP Thyroid, Westhroid, Niva Thyroid, Thyroid Porcine, Bio-Throid, APur Thyroid

Thyroid desiccated has an average rating of 5.1 out of 10 from a total of 299 reviews for the treatment of Underactive Thyroid. 41% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 48% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Thyroid desiccated

  • Sultr...
  • May 2, 2016

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Many years ago I was told by my doctor that I had hypothyroidism. First, I took Synthroid, which made me very sick, so for years I never took anything, ate healthy organic foods, and felt wonderful. I went recently to a specialist (Endocrinologist), and he also said my blood levels showed an underactive thyroid. The strange thing is that I don't have any of the symptoms of this disease. But I tried Armour Thyroid for about a month and had chest pains, stomach cramps, and I was so tired all the time. I spent most days in bed. Now I went off Armour Thyroid, and I feel back to normal. I don't care what a test shows... it's how I feel that matters."

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144 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 27, 2010

Nature-Throid (thyroid desiccated) "I had several side effects from Synthroid that I thought I just had to try and live with in order to treat my hypothyroidism. After starting Nature-Throid, the side effects were gone and I noticed an improvement with all of my symptoms. Today, I feel the best I have felt in 20 years. The difference is truly amazing to me. I didn't think I had any other options until Nature-Throid was suggested, I am so thankful for this medicine."

10 / 10
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210 Report
  • Malib...
  • January 26, 2014

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "When my hypothyroidism went low enough to treat 15 years ago, I was given Levoxyl, adjusted up to 150 mcg. Fibromyalgia of 23 years worsened. In the last 4 years, I developed severe fatigue crashes, heat and exercise intolerance, anxiety, depression, water retention, leg and back muscle weakness/wasting/pain. Tests normal. I exhausted the best rheumatologist and neurologist in town, two normal muscle biopsies. Thyroid levels are at the top of normal. Doctors kept me there, prescribing prednisone and five other medicines for fatigue and pain. Sudden breathing problems occurred. Hyperthyroidism exhausted my adrenals. A new doctor put me on Armour, lower at 75 mg two weeks ago. I feel fantastic - more strength, less pain/weakness!"

9 / 10
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167 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 22, 2015

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Four years ago, I began taking birth control. After a year of trying to find the 'right' pill, I was experiencing extreme fatigue, mood swings, depression, constipation, skin/hair problems, weight gain, and an inability to lose weight. I stopped the pill and still continued to experience these symptoms. I spent the next few years trying to lose weight and trying to convince my doctor to treat my thyroid. She wouldn't because my TSH level was normal. Two months ago, I found a doctor who prescribes Armour based on symptoms. In one month of taking 25mg of Armour daily, I have regained my health and my life. Fight for your health and ask for Armour. If it doesn't work for you, it's worth searching for a medication that does to feel healthy again."

9 / 10
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143 Report
  • Never...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 22, 2019

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Originally on Synthroid for my hypo/hashimotos. Made me feel way worse. I've never felt so terrible. After months of asking my endo to switch me, she said I should increase my dose, and I fired her. I've since been on Armour for 2 years, and I'll never go back. I used to be able to barely get through the day without a multi-hour nap. I still sleep more than other people, but generally, no nap needed! Turns out I can keep up with the crowd."

9 / 10
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87 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Barbie
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 24, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Used this product for a couple of years and would have rated it a 9 until disaster struck with the August 2019 refill. It now has the worst smell and taste you can imagine. Smells like cat urine, must have a lot of ammonia which is dangerous to eat. Other people who have been very happy with this thyroid pill in the past are complaining their symptoms are coming back and some are getting quite ill and having burning throat and stomach. Something is very wrong and the company has been notified but doesn't care."

1 / 10
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87 Report
  • ReviewX
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 7, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I have used this without a problem until I refilled my prescription in October. I have become increasingly sick since taking this bottle. It started with a flu/cold that wouldn't go away, then horrible stomach pains, and then the fatigue set in, where I literally could not get out of bed. In addition, I had abnormally high blood pressure. I went to a few doctors who had no answers until one day I noticed when taking my NP that it tasted different. I might have noticed it before but disregarded it. I did some research online and found that the specific batch I am taking which is M330E19-1 is on the STTM website list of problematic batches. I discontinued it today and will switch to Armour. It's becoming harder to get reliable desiccated thyroid."

1 / 10
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83 Report
  • tina...
  • April 24, 2014

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "So far so good. After total thyroid removal, had difficulty on just levothyroxine (T4). Slept all day, irritated, etc., the usual. Enough was enough, emailed my endocrinologist and he tried a different route. It's been a week and I already lost 6 of the 8 lbs I gained over a 7-week period. I have more energy and symptoms are gone. Continued exercise with high protein/fiber shakes and never felt better. Hopefully it gives us sufferers what we are looking for and need!"

6 / 10
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149 Report
  • Lee
  • August 28, 2018

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 2013. I am a 49-year-old female. I had tried different meds prior to Armour Thyroid (AT). I have the best results with AT. Unbeknownst to me, Walgreen pharmacy switched my AT for Levothyroxine/Levothyronine (L/L). I was distracted with relocating my family and trusted Walgreen pharmacy would continue my medication. Symptoms began: headaches, very dry brittle hair, dry skin, gained 20 lbs, and heart pounding. On July 10, 2018, I realized the prescription was L/L instead of AT. I went back to Walgreen and inquired why. I was told L/L was generic for AT. I called my old pharmacist. He told me the drug is synthetic and not the same as AT. It is now August 26, 2018, and I've been back on AT since July 10, 2018. I lost 21 lbs and I feel great! I neglected to pay attention to my prescription medication."

10 / 10
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98 Report
  • Teppie
  • April 19, 2017

Nature-Throid (thyroid desiccated) "I have been on Levothyroxine for over 20 years. I had normal levels for years on my meds yet felt like crap! No energy, severe joint pain, almost debilitating at times, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, trouble sleeping. I begged my doctor to change my meds. She switched me to Nature-Throid and only after a week, I feel so much better. Joint pain is almost totally gone along with feeling way more energy. I cannot wait to see what I feel like a month from now. I feel like I've gotten my life back!"

9 / 10
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110 Report
  • Dinky...
  • October 24, 2016

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I've been on Armour Thyroid for over fifteen years, except for one year when I had a physician who would not prescribe Armour. Synthroid was a nightmare for me. However, in the last several years, I have noticed a definite difference in each refill of Armour. One refill leaves me fat and moody, and the next one may cause me to feel normal and lose five or six pounds effortlessly. This is NOT okay for anyone. A huge price increase and such an inferior and unpredictable product should make us all angry. Our hands are tied unless we can buy directly from the manufacturer."

5 / 10
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115 Report
  • Thepan
  • September 2, 2015

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I've been on Synthroid or Levothyroid for over 50 years. I asked my endo for Armour because I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. I've been on Armour for 3 months now and can't believe how much better I feel. Have not had any side effects."

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126 Report
  • Ann
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • November 27, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Something is very wrong with NP Thyroid. My stomach hurts very bad on it now. My TSH blood level went from 0.14 to 9.48, T4 is 0.8 from 1.0, T3 is 97 from 114 all in 5 weeks on it. The medication smells like a cleaning product and like poison. Something is not right with this new formulation, and FDA needs to look into this medication. What are the dark specks and what is in the medication? Why did they have to change something that was already good? Now I don't know what to take."

1 / 10
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76 Report
  • Mad...
  • September 22, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I was on NP Thyroid for 3 years and finally got my life back. There’s a change in my most recent refill that has made me sick to my stomach, headache for days along with unbelievable fatigue. The pills smell like cat urine and taste the same. How dare you endanger so many people that are trying to regain their health. Do NOT buy NP Thyroid!"

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78 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • November 12, 2020

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Almost everyone I know is taking some sort of thyroid med with varying results and side effects. You just keep trying until you find the one that suits you best. The pharmacists told me more people are happier with AT than any other thyroid med??? But it's different for everyone. Same as the TSH levels .....everyone feels better with different levels?? All you can do is try and monitor the results. My question will always be WHY are so many people having thyroid disease???"

5 / 10
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63 Report
  • Beppe
  • June 3, 2015

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "In February 2014, Forest Laboratories, the makers of Armour Thyroid, was bought by the drug company Actavis for $25 million. I recently finished a batch that I had on hand since May of 2014 and was doing quite well with no side effects. As soon as I started a new batch that I purchased in October of 2014, I noticed the difference within a few days: I started itching, being warm, and lacking sleep. Before, I was sleeping very well regularly, while now I'm having a lot of trouble. I think that I will be looking for some other alternative after I see my doctor, preferably Nathroid and Westhroid. Why would Actavis change the composition of a good product and make it worse? After being a 'happy' individual with Armour for several years, it's time to move on."

3 / 10
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123 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 31, 2016

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "Had taken Armour Thyroid for 20 years but starting 2 years ago I experienced brain fog, aches and pains which was thought to be fibromyalgia, no energy, severe headaches, insomnia and hard to get out of bed and always tired. I have taken many tests, scans and seen many doctors during that time and couldn't find an answer to my complaints. I felt like I was losing my mind and in desperation began searching the internet and came across information about Armour. I understand Forest Labs bought Armour in 2014 and Actavis bought them in 2015 - lo and behold! I saw complaints which were identical to mine and quit taking them on September 22, 2015. I felt better within 2 days and am angry that I lost 2 years of my life."

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113 Report
  • Jason
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 11, 2020

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I've been on Armour Thyroid for years and felt fairly good. My doctor switched me to NP Thyroid recently because Armour is no longer covered by insurance. NP Thyroid is awful. Not only did it cause some thyroid symptoms to return (trouble waking up in the mornings, extreme fatigue, depression, weight gain, and irritability to name a few), but it also caused new symptoms. My stomach hurt a lot with acid reflux symptoms, and I had constant mucus in my throat, which created a chronic cough, to the point where I had to clear my throat every 15 minutes. After being back on Armour for a couple of weeks now, all of the symptoms/side effects have disappeared, and I feel good again."

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67 Report
  • Lkdora
  • August 27, 2016

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I have had many of the same experiences with the chemical thyroid meds. I asked to be switched over to Armour and felt great. Then, after a few years, I noticed something was terribly wrong; had heart palpitations and just super tired all the time. I went to the pharmacy, and he told me that they changed the formula and that it had more fillers. He said that he could compound it for me, and that would take care of the problem. So, I asked my doctor and got a prescription for it to be compounded. All I can say is what a difference!!! Back to my old self."

8 / 10
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104 Report
  • Quick...
  • September 23, 2013

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I first took Armour Thyroid on August 9th, after my doctor said my thyroid was sluggish. I experienced a rash and itchy skin after four days. That is a normal side effect that was rectified by taking half a pill for 7 days then resuming whole pills. The rash and itchiness ended once my body was introduced to taking half a pill. It was an allergic reaction. I have already lost 6 pounds in one month. I expect to lose more and continue to experience good things from here on out with Armour Thyroid. I like that it's bioidentical and is absorbed into our system faster and better than synthetic. That is according to research."

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132 Report
  • Kashi...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 21, 2019

NP Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I was on Nature-Throid for quite a long time and was doing great until it wasn't available. Then, I switched to NP Thyroid for the past year or so. The NP Thyroid has given me horrible insomnia, heart palpitations, terrible anxiety, and many more symptoms. I was so grateful to find this site and read everyone's reviews because I didn't really put it together until I started digging. I don't know what I'm going to do now for meds, but I am not staying on this any longer. The last few batches have been really bad, and I've been feeling much worse. Thank you all for writing!"

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70 Report
  • LindaPB
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 29, 2016

Nature-Throid (thyroid desiccated) "I had been on Armour Thyroid for about 15 years and always felt good. Somehow the formula must have changed when Forest Labs was bought out, although the new company denies that. I started feeling really jumpy and couldn't get my numbers right. I've been on Nature-Throid for about seven weeks. It took some time to adjust, but now I feel much better. I've read that they don't use the fillers Armour does."

10 / 10
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104 Report
  • Hodnad
  • May 13, 2008

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I take 6 grains of Armour Thyroid. I do not swallow it whole; I let it melt under my tongue in order for it to become more readily absorbed. I take 2 grains 3 times a day in order for my body to have a continuous supply of the Thyroid hormone. I have more energy, am losing weight, and no more depression."

10 / 10
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174 Report
  • mrsD
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • May 4, 2015

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I was on Synthroid, levothyroxine, and then finally Armour Thyroid. Synthroid and levothyroxine I was on both for 6 months to 1 year. No change in my thyroid, and it also made me a bit crazy. I would have anger outbursts for no reason. Once I went on Armour Thyroid, within the first 3 months my levels were getting better. We bumped my dosage up to 120, and my levels are now perfect. I feel so much better on Armour Thyroid than I ever did on the other 2."

10 / 10
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114 Report
  • Miche...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 13, 2021

Armour Thyroid (thyroid desiccated) "I was prescribed this medication for mild Hypothyroidism. I think doctors need to be very careful when prescribing thyroid medications for people who have MILD hypothyroid. I wish I would have done my research before hand—- otherwise I would have really re considered taking this medication. Anyhow— I started at a very small dose 15mg for about two weeks. Then increased to 30mg for a few days until I woke up one night with heart palpitations. It was a very scary experience. I had a slew of other symptoms after that such as dry mouth, eyes, insomnia, anxiety, diarrhea, and the list goes on. My body definitely did not want/need this medicine. After about 2 1/2 months of discontinuing this medicine the side effects are mostly gone, however not completely. I share my story because I think people need to really do their research on medicines, I had a terrible reaction and sometimes doctors think they are prescribing a medicine to help, when at times it can be harmful."

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49 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.