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Sucralfate for Stomach Ulcer User Reviews (Page 3)

Brand names: Carafate

Sucralfate has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 72 reviews for the treatment of Stomach Ulcer. 39% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 32% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Sucralfate

  • stomach...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 6, 2022

"Given to me for a what they guessed was an ulcer at ER Horrid headaches, makes my stomach hurt, leaves me nauseous for days after 1 dose (couldn't ever take it 4x a day as written), constipation, increased hunger and urgency urination increasing. I never had a test to confirm an ulcer. This med is awful for me."

1 / 10
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5 Report
  • Canner
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 5, 2020

"I’ve been on the sucralfate liquid 4 x daily and within a few days the stomach pain has cleared. Figuring out a schedule is the hardest so I do two of my doses at night when I wake up... which I do a lot- definitely some insomnia with this stuff and brutal hot flashes."

7 / 10
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7 Report
  • ouch...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 31, 2022

Carafate (sucralfate) "Doctor prescribed carafate. 4 x a day. Works well if I take it at night and in the morning but if I take the two day doses I spend the day in bed. Nauseous and it destroys my appetite. Seems to make the burning stomach worse. Suffering with gastritis for 6 months now. Can’t find relief. Also on protonix and Tagamet. Bland diet when I can eat. Just seeking relief. It has made me really constipated as well. Will continue with the two doses but can’t handle all 4."

6 / 10
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4 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Chen
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 16, 2023

"I have been experiencing a dull, burning pain in my left abdomen. My doctor suspects that I may have an ulcer and prescribed medication until I can have an endoscopy. I have only taken the medication for two days so far, four times a day, three times before meals, and once before bed. The first two pills of the day gave me a slight headache and made me feel a little off-balance. The third pill caused a pounding headache, dizziness, heart racing, and more balance issues. The fourth pill, taken before bed, made me extremely anxious, my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest, and I was unable to sleep. I even thought I was having a heart attack and considered going to the ER. Today, I am experiencing the same side effects. After taking the third pill, it feels as though I drank a bottle of Nyquil and four Red Bulls. Since it's a Saturday, I will have to wait until Monday to contact my doctor. I am hoping there is something better that I can take. On the upside, I was too preoccupied with my symptoms to think about the stomach pain."

2 / 10
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  • Kathy
  • April 11, 2017

"I have persistent ulcers. They heal then a few months later I develop more and it is not h pylori so was taking liquid Carafate. But then insurance changed and what used to cost $10 a bottle is now $70 for 2 weeks so my Dr said dissolve pill in 1 tablespoon of water. Pretty disgusting but also hate not eating or drinking 2 hours before or after. I see some people say 1 hour but my Dr said 2. So darn inconvenient and I'm thirsty all the time. I take many other meds for other issues so I have to keep the meds separated from the Carafate for absorption so I wake up every 2 hours through the night also to take meds. It's making me crazy. 8 weeks til endoscopy to see if healed from THIS ulcer then probably on carafete for life at least 2x a day. I hate it."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Help_...
  • December 28, 2016

"I was given the liquid form of Carafate w/Lidocaine, in the ER yesterday since I have had horrible diarrhea (prior I had normal BM's). I went to the ER with severe upper abdomen pain that came in waves radiating to my back x5 days, not able to eat/drink anything with nausea. I could feel the weight dropping drastically. I was advised (just by speaking to me) by a Doc, that I had an Ulcer. No testing of any kind, e.g, labs, physical exam, urinalysis (as I also complained of severe low back pain that has been debilitating & getting progressively worse, which the 2 may not be related), CT's, etc. I was then given a disgusting liquid (Sucralfate, which I could barely keep down). I was then discharged, diagnosis Gastritis! !"

1 / 10
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  • Sassy
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 29, 2020

"The Dr. put me on sucralfate and at first, it seemed to be helping. I take 20 other pills a day plus this one 4 x a day. I find it hard to eat as I feel like vomiting. I just feel so wiped out since I am on it. I am working on diet changes which I find hard but has to be done. I am 57 years old and this started when I was in my 30's due to the Dr. giving me wrong pills so now I have had to deal with this off and on for 20 + years I get a lot of pain in my chest this is my second time on this medication"

5 / 10
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5 Report
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 28, 2022

"I was put on sucralfate immediately after I was diagnosed with my large stomach ulcer and my awful GERD that I had been dealing with both of these medical problems that were very much so both agonising and extremely debilitating to me. I've been on sucralfate for between 3-5 years now and at first it seemed to be a wonder drug for me and seemed to continue to do so for the most part but, over this past year I've been seeming to have a lot of stomach problems. I'm constantly belching and they absolutely have the most terrible odor to them, they smell just like sulfur, my stomach is in horrible pain all of the time, I'm ALWAYS, ALWAYS nauseous or vomiting. I've lost 50 lbs because either I can't eat because I'm right on the verge of vomiting or I get it down and it just comes right back up again and this includes fluids too. So I'm battling these issues right now and never even thought that sucralfate might be part of my the issues that I've got going on right now with me until NOW"

6 / 10
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3 Report
  • Sbhan
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 28, 2020

"So far Sucralfate has worked better than anything I had been prescribed so far. I was given this when I was in the hospital for a thyroid removal and couldn't keep anything on my stomach after the surgery. I still take it ."

8 / 10
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5 Report
  • Wunde...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 15, 2022

"I had the most excruciating pain I've ever felt in my life with my ulcer. It was absolutely horrible. I couldn't sleep or eat. All I did was curl up in a ball and cry. I lost 40 lbs. It was truly a nightmare. The dr gave me sucralfate and yes the pill is huge and dissolves quickly but honestly I was at the point I would have done absolutely or taken absolutely anything to make the pain stop. This drug is an absolute miracle. It made me a little sleepy but then again, the weeks I went without sleep probably caught up once I was hurting. It absolutely saved me."

10 / 10
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2 Report
  • Cactus
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 29, 2021

"Went to the ER for abdominal pain, turns out it was epiploic appendigitus. I've had ulcers for a looong time, and nothing has helped. The ER dr prescribed carafate to help while I was down with the EA, and it has helped so much. It made me feel weird at first, full, guts felt swollen, not hungry, like I was on an elevator, tired...but that all went away after a week. It makes me a bit tired, but it fades after a half hour or so, and it is nice when its bedtime cause I have insomnia and it helps me sleep. I highly, HIGHLY suggest dissolving it in water before taking it, it gets to about 3 x its normal size as soon as it gets wet. I tried to swallow it whole choked on it and it was hard to get out of my throat. It has made me lose my sense of taste now that it coats my mouth after being made into a slurry, but oh well. It is worth it for a month to heal long standing, painful ulcers. I take 1gm 4x a day."

10 / 10
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2 Report
  • razor...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 31, 2022

"Was so sick with stomach aches for 7 months had a edg and found minor ulcer was put on sucralfate . this was all done by gastro dr. when my family dr found out he said I need to stop after script runs out . Have any of you heard that ? This is working for me."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 4, 2023

"Sucralfate helped me quite a bit once I started taking it as directed. It was not easy to swallow, and the pharmacist recommended I break the pill in half. After that, I was able to swallow the pills and my GERD soon improved in the morning, and my chronic stomach pain was gone and I was able to sleep more comfortably. Omeprazole as well helped me too"

10 / 10
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  • Lyne
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 28, 2022

"I took liquid form sucralfate for 2 days but it really irritated my tongue. I switched to the large pills and at first it would only help the lower part of my stomach so I would crunch a DGL with it to coat the upper. I have been doing this along with omeprazole for 2-3 weeks now and the pain has gone down a lot, and I can finally feel relief. My problem right now is a constant dizziness and I am trying to determine what is causing it. Maybe if I stop it for 24h I might see. Dosage is 1 pill twice a day"

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  • Tim...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 29, 2023

"I was prescribed 4 tablets a day for a stomach ulcer. The three pills in the day are fine without side effects. The one at bedtime during the night caused sweats, bloating, really reduced urine flow and an upset stomach. The symptoms have not receded even after 3 weeks of taking them. Urine retention is the worst of all the side effects."

3 / 10
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  • jjack...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 25, 2024

Carafate (sucralfate) "I’ve been on this for 2.5 weeks now. It is completely hit & miss. Some days it helps, other days it’s as if I didn’t take it. I take it one hour before meals. It has made me a bit constipated. This can be easily fixed by taking 750 mg of magnesium before going to sleep. Overall, it’s not worked fantastic for me, unfortunately."

5 / 10
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  • Sucra...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 11, 2024

"About 2 weeks after taking sucralfate with minimal side effects (nausea), I developed a DVT in my right lower leg. Symptoms were a bit of swelling and nagging calf pain. I don't know if it's related. I don't have any other medical issues except the stomach ulcer, but I'm not taking it because some websites talk about leg swelling after being on sucralfate. As I said, not sure if it's the cause, not taking any chances. Sadly, it was helping my ulcer."

5 / 10
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  • CMc
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 18, 2019

Carafate (sucralfate) "Got relief from the burning in my stomach. But, horrible headache and insomnia. Couldn’t sleep more than 1 hour . Had to stop by the second day!"

3 / 10
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52 Report
  • Cute
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 7, 2019

Carafate (sucralfate) "In five days - from severe evening upper belly pain to none. 10 out of 10!"

10 / 10
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47 Report
  • Jeanie...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 29, 2016

Carafate (sucralfate) "I was put on carafate for stomach ulsers.I am also taking two 30 mg. Of prevacid a day. Since starting the carafate my indigestion has come back pretty bad."

5 / 10
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37 Report
  • jenny
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 28, 2018

Carafate (sucralfate) "I took this for gastritis. 10 out of 10"

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 5, 2012

"Worked well for stomach ulcer but did not heal on its own. Needed the additional Nexium to reduce the acid. The combination works better than sucralfate by itself."

9 / 10
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42 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 27, 2021

Carafate (sucralfate) "I've have multiple ulcers and each time I was prescribed Carafate, it made the pain 10x worse. Really bad nausea and headaches. I still have never found relief from an ulcer."

1 / 10
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12 Report
  • Greta
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 13, 2020

Carafate (sucralfate) "I am taking it for intense stomach pain on left side, pain is horrible, nauseated all the time and Burping continuously, no appetite. It is my first day with carafate, I hope it works"

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  • Matty
  • April 3, 2021

"Absolutely hate it I’ve gone almost everyday not being able to eat because of how full it makes me feel and it gives me stomach pains as well as making me feel light headed time to time"

1 / 10
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12 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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