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Quetiapine and Anxiety: What Users Say

Brand names: Seroquel, Seroquel XR

Anxiety: mentioned by 123 users (5.5%)

Based on user experiences from 2,246 Quetiapine reviews, the following table shows the most commonly mentioned side effects.

All user comments are moderated by Each review is verified for relevance and screened for inappropriate content. Side effects are user-reported and not clinically verified.

weight gain 18.9%
drowsiness 17.4%
tiredness 6.3%
anxiety 5.5%
insomnia 5.3%
increased appetite 4.4%
depression 3.7%
restless leg syndrome 2.8%
dizziness 2.7%
brain fog 2.4%

Reviews for Quetiapine

Commonly mentioned side effects
  • Eda...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 25, 2020

For Insomnia "I have been taking quetiapine for more than 15 years for bipolar, but especially for insomnia. Lately, my brain feels sick and tired, and sometimes anxious all too often. I tried stopping taking the quetiapine, but it is absolutely impossible to sleep without it. I am taking 200mg, which is necessary. I understand that I can go insane without adequate sleep. My doctor up till now has not given me a solution. Do you have any suggestions I could try as I am caught between a rock and a hard place."

10 / 10
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359 Report
  • mys...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 28, 2014

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "LIFESAVER. I tried antidepressant after antidepressant, all exacerbating my original anxiety symptoms - nausea, vomiting, insomnia, brain zaps, anxiety, agitation, headaches/migraines. You name it, I had it, and the antidepressants made it worse. Been on Quetiapine XR 50mg, and I'm still trying to get used to how GOOD I feel. For the first time in YEARS, I'm not waking up nauseous and dry-heaving, appetite is normal, sleeping a blissful 8 hours a night and waking up easily in the morning, alert and awake during the day. My anxiety is just GONE. I still have emotions, I still care about things, but this feels like what I imagine a normal person feels like. I can cope without panicking!! 10/10!!"

10 / 10
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479 Report
  • Sun...
  • November 19, 2019

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I first started this medication (quetiapine) about a week ago. The first two days on it I felt like a complete zombie - I didn't leave my bed for two days and did not eat a single thing. I started this medication on the weekend, so I didn't feel weird while I was at work. Fast forward to Monday - I got into work and I could not concentrate as my brain felt foggy, and reading my emails felt like the biggest struggle. After the day had passed, I had noticed that I wasn't as anxious as I normally am. During the first full week on this, I felt great. I wasn't anxious (if I was, it was very minimal) and I wasn't angry for no apparent reason anymore. Now, two weeks later - all of my symptoms are back and feel way worse. I wake up with terrible anxiety - so bad that I contemplate calling into work because I'm not able to control my breathing. My mood swings are terrible, the smallest things trigger me, and I just overall am feeling bad again. Has this happened to anyone else?"

5 / 10
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282 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Dev...
  • January 24, 2021

For Insomnia "I've been on it for a week and a half for insomnia. Taking 75 mg per night and helps with sleep but can often wake and not get back to sleep after only an hour. Have felt increased anxiety the next day which is worse than when I don't sleep at all. I haven't been diagnosed with any particular mental illness but would consider myself to have some form of PTSD. My thoughts are not normal and have increasingly intrusive thoughts and ruminations. Will be getting off this from today and hopefully on something that levels me out and helps me sleep. Strange how we all react so differently"

2 / 10
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218 Report
  • Hol...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 27, 2020

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I was just prescribed this medication after not really responding to Risperdal well, and having some bad side effects from an SNRI. Don’t know what I have, extremely anxious and paranoid. I’ve seen many good reviews with Seroquel and I do have my hopes up, hoping it does something positive than negative. I don’t need any more negativity happening to me. So I’m really hoping that it gives me sleep, I’ve been awake for two days. Wish me luck, I hope this med is the one out of many that I will need to know happiness again. Will share experience tomorrow and in a few days. Wish me luck!"

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140 Report

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  • Hol...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 27, 2020

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I was just prescribed this medication after not really responding to Risperdal well, and having some bad side effects from an SNRI. Don’t know what I have, extremely anxious and paranoid. I’ve seen many good reviews with Seroquel and I do have my hopes up, hoping it does something positive than negative. I don’t need any more negativity happening to me. So I’m really hoping that it gives me sleep, I’ve been awake for two days. Wish me luck, I hope this med is the one out of many that I will need to know happiness again. Will share experience tomorrow and in a few days. Wish me luck!"

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140 Report
  • alv...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 21, 2020

For Insomnia "So I was prescribed Seroquel for insomnia, and I was so scared to try it. I had the best night's sleep I have had in probably 5 years. The downside is the side effects the next day were hard on me. My anxiety and depression are worse. So do I keep taking it, and will the side effects subside, or is this drug just not for me? Ugh, it's the only thing that has helped with sleep. Help."

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94 Report
  • Cat...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 3, 2020

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "Several years ago, but several times, Seroquel saved me from the extreme anxiety I had from taking high dose oral steroids for breathing problems/asthma. Anxiety meds were not working, so the doctor prescribed Seroquel 25mg. I'm very sensitive to medication side effects, so I had to cut the pill in half. The anxiety went away almost immediately before going to sleep. This is powerful medication and works very fast. When I read of others taking such very high doses, I don't know how their body can take it. I'm so grateful there is something I can take for the awful anxiety and panic related to oral steroids. I did wake up a few hours after taking it and had some insomnia but without anxiety."

8 / 10
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83 Report
  • Srz...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • July 12, 2015

Seroquel XR (quetiapine) for Bipolar Disorder "This medication completely changed my life. My diagnosis is mixed rapid-cycling bipolar disorder with psychotic features. Before my regimen, I would suffer a week of depression, followed by a day of dangerous mixed affective episode, followed by a few hours of euphoria before the process would begin all over again. I had ruminating and intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, anxiety, extreme guilt, dissociation, and suicidal ideation (and a few near-attempts). But, within weeks of the therapeutic dose, my mood stabilized, my anxiety dropped off, my obsessive and intrusive ruminations relinquished their hold, and unexpectedly, I gained a spectrum of emotions I didn't even know I lacked (and that was the best thing of all). Truly life-altering."

10 / 10
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86 Report
  • Veg...
  • December 3, 2016

For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder "I have had PTSD since age 9. I am a severe abuse and torture survivor of 14 years of daily abuse and torture. I tried many medications, but this one for me is a lifesaver. I've had so many anxiety attacks (like heart attacks but not fatal) that my heart is covered in scar tissue. Quetiapine (Seroquel) has stopped a lot of my issues and made me calmer. It's extending my life. I'm thankful for that."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • pif...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 9, 2024

For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "Oh boy. I love this drug so much. It's amazing how much it takes the edge off my anxiety. I was initially put on it for insomnia, but I noticed quickly that my mind overall became more stable. Pleasantly surprised! I feel much more organized in my thoughts. Even if ruminating may happen, there is little to no anxiety accompanied. Sometimes I ruminate out of fascination just because I'm awestruck by how little these things matter now! I suppose there is somewhat of a numbness going on, but in contrast to Zoloft, I feel joy. I can still be sad. I look forward to life. I feel normal. I'm numb to dumb anxiety and guilt. This is how I'm supposed to be."

10 / 10
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11 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 1, 2009

Seroquel (quetiapine) for Insomnia "I am 49-year-old female with a lifetime of insomnia. I had been taking Ambien for sleep for over a decade for my insomnia but had been waking up during the night, cooking, cleaning, drawing, etc., so my doctor suggested I try 50 mg of Seroquel instead. I've been taking it for two weeks now, and I am sleeping and waking alert (YES!) and not all know that feeling, right? An added benefit is I am less anxious throughout the day."

7 / 10
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108 Report
  • Jak...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 17, 2019

Seroquel (quetiapine) for Bipolar Disorder "Have been on many meds that were inappropriately used for my anxiety and instability, including high-dose Depakote and tricyclic antidepressants, making me more unstable with unbearable antipsychotic overloads. Eventually, a sedative dose of Seroquel around 125-150 mg worked very well for calming down anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and allowing me to sleep. It is ridiculous that some of the doctors who aggressively medicate aren't cautious because the right dose of helpful medication can be life-saving, while a bad approach can cause instability that caused serious problems in my life. Then, unfortunately, psychiatrists often blame your condition over their inappropriate treatment, so it's important to be aware of what's going on with you."

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50 Report
  • JDa...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 1, 2019

For Insomnia "This drug is great at making me sleep. However, I also have panic disorder. After taking at bedtime, I awake in a state of extreme anxiety or in a panic. Do not recommend this drug for anyone with anxiety or panic issues."

1 / 10
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44 Report
  • anx...
  • June 20, 2015

For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder "I was on Seroquel for a long time, and then I overdosed on it and was taken off. For the next 2 years, I suffered from horrible anxiety, paranoia, OCD, panic, etc. and ended up in the hospital twice for very long stays (2 months). I had ECT, and nothing seemed to help. Finally, my therapist suggested to the psychiatrist that he put me on Seroquel. It is like a miracle drug! I no longer have anxiety and OCD."

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • Jai...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 9, 2019

For Insomnia "I was thinking too much and could not get to sleep. I take 25 mg of Seroquel before bed, and within 30 minutes, I struggle to stay awake, and it relaxes me. The next day, I still have anxiety, but I've only been taking this for 1 week."

10 / 10
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40 Report
  • Van...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 30, 2022

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I have GAD since I was 16 years old and tried many SSRIs like Paroxetine. I've been on Lexapro 20 mg for over 12 years and feeling good in general, but since I am approaching my menopause (I am 48 yo now), I started to feel very high anxiety levels (I was about to take my life) and started Seroquel for a few days. I am slowly feeling like me again. This medicine saved my life, so far."

9 / 10
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22 Report
  • Lee...
  • January 16, 2017

For Borderline Personality Disorder "I have recently been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder. I have had symptoms of this for years, not knowing what was wrong with me. I would go a few years with no issues because I was drinking very heavily (1-2 cases of beer a night). I have tried SSRIs as they would not work with the depression and anxiety. I recently was switched from Zyprexa to quetiapine 100 mg (will be increased to 200 mg in 2 days). It has been 3 days and I have already noticed a complete difference. My thoughts seem a lot more stable, I'm not as paranoid, I found my anxiety has lessened (I was having 4-6 panic attacks at work a day), and I just feel more stable now. I am very grateful as I was so desperate for help."

9 / 10
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51 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 19, 2016

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I have been dealing with undiagnosed depression and anxiety for the last year or so, and a few weeks ago, I was finally diagnosed with both, and I was prescribed 50 mg of Zoloft initially, and then 100 mg eventually. While the Zoloft was helping with my depression, it made me unbearably anxious. My dosage was lowered to 75 mg, and I was prescribed Seroquel as well. The combination of both has been very successful. I feel no sadness or anxiety currently, and I take 12.5 mg each of Seroquel in the morning and the evening. I'm a little slow and lethargic, but otherwise have had no side effects, and the lethargy is usually solved by a 30-minute nap. In low doses, I highly recommend this drug."

8 / 10
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52 Report
  • Tan...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • November 12, 2020

For Depression "I struggle with insomnia, depression, and a multitude of other things, and I’m still sort of figuring out how to deal with and treat them. I started Seroquel at 25 mg about 8 months ago and just increased my dose to 50 mg. It mostly helps me sleep, but occasionally I won’t sleep at all. I stopped having nightmares. I haven’t had sleep paralysis since I started. My mood is also significantly better. I have strong laughter, and I cry in reaction to things (like a sad movie) in a way that feels healthy. I used to either not cry at all for months or cry by myself for hours. I also used to have what I describe as customer service laughter. I still get panic and anxiety attacks, and this isn’t a cure-all, but it feels really good to be able to laugh."

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • Cor...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 1, 2014

Seroquel (quetiapine) for Schizophrenia "Seroquel - Out of Risperdal, Zyprexa, Trilafon, Abilify, Haldol, and Geodon, Seroquel is by far the best one. At lower doses, it is good for anxiety. You don't feel like a zombie on it. Obviously, it helps you sleep, but at lower doses you won't be sleepy or if you just take it at bedtime. Abilify and Haldol turned me into a complete zombie, it was terrible. Risperdal had sexual side effects and, of course, the breast growth issue, but I would say Risperdal is the second best one behind Seroquel. Haldol and Abilify help paranoia big time, but they also exacerbate anxiety, definitely stay away from those. Geodon and Zyprexa are worse than those medicines. Geodon made me disoriented, helpless, and still very paranoid. Zyprexa is probably the second worst."

8 / 10
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58 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 29, 2009

Seroquel XR (quetiapine) for Bipolar Disorder "I have heard all kinds of bad things about Seroquel, but to me, this medicine has saved my life. I was diagnosed with cyclothymia with racing thoughts and extreme hypomanic phases followed by intense depression. Not to mention, I would get so paranoid sometimes that I couldn't leave the house. I had tried everything including lithium, but then I went to a new doctor. She said I could try Seroquel XR, but I probably wouldn't like feeling sedated. I said, 'Sedated? Fine!' The funny thing is that I have more energy, but it is calm positive energy. I made a huge turnaround, and life is back on track. I thought I had ADHD as well, but now I have great concentration, no anxiety, and can sit still for hours. I highly recommend it if your symptoms sound like mine."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Lam...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 12, 2023

For Generalized Anxiety Disorder "I was prescribed this medication in early sobriety from alcohol, and it helped tremendously with the insomnia, anxiety, and generally crazy busy thoughts that cannot be shut off once the brain has stopped receiving its alcohol, yet hasn't yet compensated naturally with the right chemistry. It slowed me down, calmed me down, and allowed me to sleep deeply and fully in a time where, for a week or two, there's just no such thing as sleep for many people who decide to get sober. I've been to detox. They load you full of Valium for a week, then cut you loose. They might as well just be serving cocktails. Quetiapine gave me the relief I needed from the difficult symptoms of early sobriety and the jump start into a much healthier life."

10 / 10
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16 Report
  • Reb...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 22, 2019

For Post Traumatic Stress Disorder "I was on this medication, quetiapine, a couple of years ago, and it ruined my life. I wasn't diagnosed with anything at the time, I now am diagnosed with PTSD and ASD, and I'm so glad I got off them. Quetiapine made me hallucinate and made me extremely paranoid that people wanted to hurt me. I don't have any of these thoughts anymore, thank goodness, but I still have a lot of anger about the drug. If you are being put on it, like any drug, ask lots of questions and just start with the lowest dose. Be careful with this drug."

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • Han...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 5, 2012

Seroquel (quetiapine) for Depression "I have been suffering from severe anxiety and depression after developing panic attacks. I have always suffered from generalized anxiety but have not had panic attacks for over 12 years. I haven't taken any medication during that time. I was driving home one evening, and out of nowhere, a severe panic attack hit me and left me immobilized on a bridge where I just froze. Fatigue, anxiousness, guilt, and dread. While I am receiving help from a counselor and my GP, I have been taking Zoloft 100mg in the morning and 50mg of Seroquel. Seroquel has helped me considerably. I take Seroquel at 6 PM, which usually helps me fall asleep by 9:30 PM and wake around 7 AM. This reduces the hangover effect. I am feeling better since taking Seroquel."

9 / 10
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64 Report

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