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Nicotine for Smoking Cessation User Reviews (Page 4)

Brand names: Nicoderm CQ, Nicorette, Nicotrol Inhaler, Habitrol, Leader Nicotine Polacrilex, Nicotrol NS, Nicorette DS Commit

Nicotine has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 from a total of 174 reviews for the treatment of Smoking Cessation. 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nicotine

  • Jacqui
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 26, 2019

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "Hi I'm using Nicotrol patches and the inhaler. I've not had a cigarette in over 4 weeks now. Actually 4weeks, yesterday! I feel great, I'm concerned that I'll find it hard to come off these, but, for now it's been great for me. I'd actually been a marijuana smoker too, which was worse, I've quit everything due to, well with the help from, these patches and inhalers. I have an issue with my cartridges though, there seems to be one out of each 4 cartridges that don't seem to have any flavour like the others, where can I make a complaint? ."

8 / 10
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  • pkano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 5, 2018

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "so I am 52 years old playing field hockey and felt something was a bit off, had an achey arm and short of breath I left the game and sat on the bench to see if things got better, had another run on the field and I had a feeling something was up, my son was with me and the last thing I wanted was to collapze or faint or something in front of him. So we left and I drove to a/e you know just incase ! turned out I had a nstemi heart attacked (the type when your vitals and ECG are normal but blood test eventually show troponin levels mine was low 92 but a heart attack is a heart attack so they told me, anyway 3 days later I leave hospital with 2 stents in my arteries and a nicorette inhaler in my pocket, they work well but I had also been given a major reason to quit which also works very well, its been 3 weeks since no smokes and average 2-3 caps of nicorettes, they work good but it's time to free myself of nicotine."

10 / 10
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  • Devale
  • December 15, 2015

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "Love the product. The only problem is it does not stick if I put it on a area that flexes a lot, like my side or upper arm. Sticks fine to shoulder blades no falling off and the itching subsides after about 20-30 mins."

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Frequently asked questions

  • Mr O
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 17, 2013

Commit (nicotine) "After 38 years of smoking, the time to quit came at the age of 50 for me. When I saw my youngest son taking up smoking and my brand too I knew it was time. For that is the way I started and history does repeat itself. When I asked my son not to smoke he just said "if you stop I'll stop". I told him how niether the patch nor the gum worked for me. He told me of how Commit worked for a friend of his. Well, I made the first attempt and gave up after three days. I promised him I would try again in one week, I did and now I have not smoked for 4 years and 8 months. And with commit it WAS easier than I could hope for. I followed the suggestions given and as I began to, as Dr.Oz put it, breathe free, I just had to go on. It took two months."

10 / 10
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  • Rano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 4, 2019

Nicorette (nicotine) "Today is day 14 of not smoking. I had started when I was 13 years old. I am now 31. 18 years at a pack a day. I I was so sick of smoking. I started with the patch and gum. I was allergic to the patch but the gum has worked wonders. I chew probably six pieces a day depending on the day at 4mg a piece. It does upset your stomach and parking it (in your cheek - you will know what I am talking about it you chew the gum) is hard for me but I am at least not smoking. I do want to release this habit as well, as I know the nicotine is still bad for our body and keeps us in a state of withdrawal. For the mean time I am thankful for the gum. Stay strong! It's always good to remember why we quit"

6 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • WARNI...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 21, 2017

Nicotrol NS (nicotine) "I would like to offer my personal experience of the nicotine nasal spray as I think potential users should be aware of the harsh reality of this product and the dangers of using this product. I do not think that anywhere in the internet provides a full and comprehensive review of this particular product. This product while satisfying the urges of nicotine withdrawal, has major potential to make the user dependent on the nasal spray. While the desire to smoke generally disappears, the addiction and dependence is on the spray. It is replacing one evil with another in my opinion. The spray has terrible side effects, which again are not fully disclosed anywhere on the internet in my opinion. I will go through the side effects: 1. Severe congestion unlike anything experienced with other NRT products. The spray causes chest and lung congestion as well as nasal congestion. Catarrh becomes immediate as soon as the spray is used. Even by using just one small spray in one nostril. Combatting the congestion becomes a daily chore and nightmare. Relying on cough medicines such as Guaifenesin, Actifed tablets - because the congestion and catarrh is so severe that it inhibits breathing. And sudafed nasal spray to unblock the nose. Again, a blocked nose is experienced immediately after just one spray in the nostril. 2. Immediately after using the spray, the catarrh is so bad that one must either spit it out in a sink or continuously carry tissues with them. Runny nose is a constant - immediately after using the spray but also some time after using the spray. Constantly having to wipe the nose results in skin chafing around the nasal passage area and outside the nostrils and in the worst case, bleeding around the nose. Resulting in again - having to constantly apply cream around the affected area. 3. Perhaps the most severe and the most concerning - nose bleeds. Although some have reported that this only happens when they start using the spray, it is possible that nose bleeds continue on and off throughout the time of using the spray. Nose bleeds causes by irritation from the spray. Imagine a chemical that is so harsh and severe that it causes bleeding. This is shocking. However, the addiction and dependency on this spray becomes so uncontrollable and so strong that one persists with the spray despite nose bleeds. 4. The psychological effects of this spray is another area that has been under reported. Although the spray provides an immediate sense of satisfaction and indeed 'stimulation' as nicotine after all is a powerful stimulant, and in through the nasal passage it is absorbed at high speed of course, thus the effects of this are compelling and indeed enticing. However. The effects only last a few seconds. And then it goes. Leaving one wanting more and more of the spray. As a result the more one takes the less effective the spray becomes. It is a vicious and dangerous cycle. Psychologically one ends up in a state where they are very anxious and worry about where their next 'fix' will come from. And what will happen if they don't have a spray, or run out of the spray in the middle of the night or find themselves in a place where the spray isn't available. The spray one the one hand definitely does stop smokers from smoking cigarettes and is probably the most effective NRT product in that sense, but creates a whole new set of anxieties that did not exist to this extent before. This psychological area needs to be further explored and served as a warning. 5. The cost of the spray is extortionate, especially when compared to other NRT products. In the U.K. The price of the spray is around "

1 / 10
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  • Matha...
  • September 15, 2019

Nicorette (nicotine) "Dr told me I have to quit smoking (pneumonia related recurring illnesses), didn't get a choice. She recommended gum because the patch just wasn't enough for me, angry cravings and I knew I was going to smoke again. So used patches and gum for breakthru nicotine urge. For me, even with the "chew then park" method I still have a burning sensation in the back of my throat very similar to the burn you get off a pull from a cig, not pleasant but also familiar. Pluses: immediate relief with hit of nicotine, flavor is nice, relieves the angry withdrawals, I do feel better after I chew. Cons: Obviously not recommended for long term use, the peppery/burning is slightly uncomfortable - I call it zappygum because it reminds me of electricity, especially with the speedy nicotine - and frequent use upsets my stomach. As for the patches, adhesive wears off easily so it tends to fall off towards the last few hours, also I have really strange vivid dreams wearing the patch when I'm sleeping. Using both together and so far, 0 cigs since the dr."

7 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Yazoo...
  • February 7, 2013

Habitrol (nicotine) "I started Habitrol because when I quit drinking alcohol, I started smoking and eating everything in sight. The Habitrol not only curbed my craving for alcohol, it curbed ALL of my cravings for substances I've struggled with for years. I stopped using the patch for 2 days, and ate a whole batch of brownies to keep from drinking or smoking. Don't know how this story will end, but whatever is in this product is a blessing to those of us suffering with addictions."

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  • pband...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • September 6, 2012

Nicotrol NS (nicotine) "After trying 8 different smoking cessation meds, 5 of them prescription only, my doctor put me on Nicotrol Nasal Spray. It is the only medicine that has ever worked for more than a month. Best thing is, my insurance company has a policy of NO CO-PAY for prescription smoking cessation medications. So no cost to me whatsoever. How great is that? From a health insurance company, no less. They finally came to their senses and realized that it is much cheaper to pay a small amount up front to encourage people to quit smoking rather than pay millions on the end when long-term smokers contract cancer - prevention as opposed to treatment."

10 / 10
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  • jjjf
  • February 26, 2015

Habitrol (nicotine) "I received Habitrol 21mg free from NYQUITS. Started it on Feb. 1st. for 14 days. Worked GREAT for me. I then purchased Nicoderm after that and got such SEVERE rashes on my arms that I had to go to my doctor to get medications. He said it was probably the glue from the patch. Now back on Habitrol. This stuff is the BEST."

8 / 10
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  • Sujay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 5, 2015

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "Patches are really useful. I had tried quitting several times but it never worked. There wasn't a single day without smoke in my last 8 years. But it has been 4 days since I'm on the patches now and I haven't even had a single cigarette. I'm sure I'll not smoke again. But I experienced a side effect, it causes joint pains, my left elbow starts paining if I put it on my left arm and same goes with right. But it's a very less price to pay to quit."

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  • Mg765
  • September 16, 2019

Nicorette (nicotine) "First of all not smoking is the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life...I have stopped before for six months and one day I got stressed out and went right back to smoking. The first time I stopped smoking I went to vaping then I tried the gum. Honestly it is not good to chew nine pieces of gum like the packet recommends. Personally I will only chew maybe four the first day then go down every day there is no way around stopping smoking you just have to do it. You are gonna feel like garbage the first month or so but you learn to live with out it. I buy toothpicks they help me. The gum is only a crutch.."

7 / 10
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13 Report
  • B R
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 7, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I am 45 years old now and I was able to quit after 27 years with the help of the nicoderm cq patch. It was a struggle but the patches did enough to keep me from finding a cigarette. I am now smoke free for 2 years and enjoy not smelling like a dirty ashtray and can breathe much easier. Thanks for your product nicoderm cq."

9 / 10
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18 Report
  • Good...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 20, 2017

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "Smoked for years, including several when I was already taking Buproprion for depression. Tried patches, Nicorette brand made me witchy, generics worked better, but still itchy-twitchy & restless. Gum was good, but still had peaks & troughs. Inhaler seemed to deliver nicotine more effectively, but still had "mud brain" from the lack of nicotine. Hit it down the middle by using a very low dose patch to keep serum levels steady and suppressing urges with the inhaler. Probably wouldn't have tried the inhaler if my insurance had not covered it and if I had not received the cheapest, most ineffective patches the first time around from Walgreen's. Combo therapy works. Try it!"

7 / 10
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  • 5ftFine
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 1, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I used Nicoderm patch and it helped a lot, I smoked and use hookah pens for over 10 years and wanted to quit because of my health. I was smoke free for 1 year, then I had a major emotional break down and went back to smoking. Now I'm on the patch again and its been a week and I' have no cravings for cigarettes or hookahs, unless I'm driving or after eating but it quickly passes over. I most definitely will recommend the patches!!!"

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  • ashley
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 13, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I'm 22, and have been smoking for about 4 years. This year, my smoking increased to about half a pack a day for a few months. I knew I was smoking too much. I was having trouble catching my breath and couldn't work out. I knew it was time to quit. I've tried vaping and e cigarettes, nothing worked, but I needed my nicotine fix or else I would get anxious. One day I woke up and decided to go to the store and get the patch. I started with step 2. I have NO regrets. I've been cigarette free for 7 days and I can't see myself going back."

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  • ABC
  • August 20, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I am using these to quit vaping. I cannot believe how effective they are! I barely even think about vaping. I smoked heavily for 10 years, and vaped heavily for 5 years. I still have that muscle memory of wanting to pick up my mod and it not being there, or getting ready to leave the house and not having to grab it. Those things you can't help, but I have almost zero cravings. When I do it's because of triggers like after eating and when driving and it passes quickly. I tried the gum and for me it didn't work at all like not even a little bit. I would recommend Nicoderm to anyone that's ready to quit!"

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  • frust...
  • February 28, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I have been using step one of the patch for 4 weeks out of both boxes I have lost 3 patches that didn't stay in place after placement. I followed the instructions however they still came off. These are not cheap and being on a fixed income it frustrates me especially when you can not inform the very company that produces the product. Other then that they have been effective."

5 / 10
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  • dair
  • October 5, 2016

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "my experince is with the patches staying on,I put them on excatly as written, but they fall off by the middle of day, they dont stick very well,I make sure skin is dry,I have been told by friends to get the geniric band they stay on better,looks like I am going to have to try those,you would think as much as you have to pay for these they would stick to your skin better and stay on"

7 / 10
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  • Tost
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • August 20, 2016

Commit (nicotine) "Commit are the ONLY thing that ever enabled me not to smoke. Patches, gum, hypnosis - totally useless. First day I took Commit I was over cigs. The prob is that Commit are HIGHLY addictive - as bad as cigs. I found myself later sometimes buying a pack of cigs to take a break from Commit! I used Commit for 12 years. Never was without one in my mouth during waking hrs. I would eat meals with one in my mouth, it was that bad. Recent surgery required I get 100 % off nicotine or DIE, and that finally did it, now I'm out. Commit will get you to stop smoking cigs but then you need a plan to stop Commit too. Don't be fooled, Commit is an addictive drug"

9 / 10
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  • Relig...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 26, 2015

Habitrol (nicotine) "I quit cold turkey for 6 years and then had a slip, I went on Habitrol and it made quitting amazingly easy by comparison. I had another slip and went on Nicoderm, the itching sensation literally drove me mad and I ripped it off and through it in the garbage. Habitrol had some very mild itching as well but it was easily manageable and dissipated shortly. My mom was told she was having an "allergic reaction" to Nicoderm because the itching was very severe and I've known a handful of people personally who experienced the exact same thing, a maddening itch, sometimes even an actual rash from Nicoderm patches. Habitrol was way better for me and I would without a second thought-recommend it over Nicoderm."

10 / 10
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  • Long...
  • May 17, 2016

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I have smoked for about 11 years. Quit cold turkey with each of my 3 pregnancies and had no issue. For some reason about 3-4 weeks after giving birth I was back to a pack a day. I tried the gum but didn't have success. It doesn't last in my system long enough and when a craving struck I couldn't pick up the gum, I picked up the car keys to get to the nearest gas station for a pack of smokes! So I decided to try the patch since it is a continuous stream of nicotine I thought maybe this would work better. I have zero physical symptoms. I still get that "oh, I need a smoke now" feeling but am better able to say no to it. I honestly didn't think it would work but it does! And the itching is unbearable! But only lasted about an hour for me."

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  • Cigar...
  • January 12, 2015

"Used step 1 14 patches and today is 1st day on step 2 haven't had 1 cig. It does itch a bit for 20min after applying and messes with your sleeping but small price to pay. Also you get crazy dreams I've been enjoying those."

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  • Anonymous
  • February 10, 2009

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "Although my doctor thought this was far superior to anything else, it just didn't work for me. I was successful in stopping for 4 days. However, I couldn't sleep and I turned into a cranky old man. I had a real short fuse. I can see how this could be good for some but it just wasn't my cup of tea."

3 / 10
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  • FLAFR...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 5, 2018

Nicorette (nicotine) "Started smoking at 14, graduated to at least 2 packs a day, in 2007 had my first stent, since then several. What nobody told us was that you can lose your teeth, feet or limbs. Had 5 roto-router procedures on 1 leg, the pain is the most excruciating I have ever experienced. Begged for God to take my life 1st time it hit me. I swore I would never smoke again but quit 5 years ago next month and still crave nicotine, smoked 63 years. Wish there was something less expensive than Nicorette as it is very expensive. I do question the quality of each piece, some taste like no nicotine and others ok."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.