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Nicotine for Smoking Cessation User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Nicoderm CQ, Nicorette, Nicotrol Inhaler, Habitrol, Leader Nicotine Polacrilex, Nicotrol NS, Nicorette DS Commit

Nicotine has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 from a total of 174 reviews for the treatment of Smoking Cessation. 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nicotine

  • StephJ
  • February 7, 2015

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I smoked for over 12 years and about 12-15 cigarettes a day and have attempted to stop many times. The only time I had truly stopped in the past was 7 years ago when I found out I was pregnant. After having the baby I picked up right where I left off and began smoking again. I finally decided that I wanted to quit and I have tried many avenues to include; cold turkey and Chantax and all didn't work. I finally picked up the box and read the instructions and so far today it has been three weeks and I have not once craved a cigarette. Many of my friends and coworkers smoke and I am around this daily. I thought that me seeing them smoke or being around them while they smoke would get me to crave one but no. Very satisfied, thank you!!"

10 / 10
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44 Report
  • Bummed
  • April 26, 2012

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "I've been a smoker for 28 years and have been trying everything ( patches, gum, etc.) to quit for 10 years. I started using the Nicotrol Inhaler a week ago, and have not smoked one cigarette since. Unfortunately I'm going to have to stop using the inhaler because of the side effects. Extreme dizziness, fatigue, a spacey feeling, insomnia, and low blood pressure, and I've only been using two of the recommended six nicotine cartridges. Real shame, because I felt like it was starting to help me, and now I'll have to go cold turkey which has never worked for me in the past. "

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  • catsa...
  • November 18, 2009

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "I was a smoker for almost 40 years, with occasional attempts at quitting with the nicotine patch/gum, cinnamon sticks, & cold turkey. None of those worked since I constantly craved a real cigarette. I've now been using the Nicotrol Inhaler for over 2 weeks. I am amazed; as soon as I start to crave a cigarette, I just grab the inhaler and take a few puffs; that ends that craving. Even when a canister is "dead" I still puff on it; it helps keep me on an even keel, having something in my mouth that I can puff on helps. I use 6 to 14 canisters a day, depending on both my stress and boredom levels, especially since some of my smoking was when I was bored. Only negative for me has been interrupted sleep, a small price to pay."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • Skeeter
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 26, 2019

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "Smoked cigs for 20 yrs and cigars for past 10 yrs. Until 2 months ago. Had tried to quit many times. My issue was breaking the habit. Last 2 month's several things have changed: I don't smell like smoke, I don't need to go outside to smoke, my smell and taste have returned. Saving money too. My ins covers the nicotrol inhaler ($408 per box). Sometimes the cartridge is empty or something is blocking air flow. The inhalor gave me headache first 4 weeks. Still dries my throat. Overall this inhaler has helped me quit. Getting to point cigar and cig smoke smell really bad and I no longer have a desire to smoke tobacco. Give it a try, once you are truly ready to quit."

9 / 10
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26 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 7, 2008

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "I smoked on average 1-2 packs a day for 15 years. When I was finally ready to quit, I used this. It took some getting used to, but ended up working. I only used this for 2 weeks and I was done. I quit in November of 1999 and am still not smoking. I am an RN and trust me, I tell many co-workers and patients about this product and my success with it."

10 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • beanc...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 21, 2019

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I smoked for 40 years, finally decided it was time to quit. I followed the instructions, exactly, stepping down to a lighter patch as time went on. I had a really bad headache the first few days, but I powered through anyway. It's now been six months since I quit. This product works !"

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24 Report
  • In Him
  • August 20, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I started smoking when I was 10 and started drinking when I was 15. I continued to smoke and drink and dope until I was 27 at which time I became a Christian and quit all three vices cold turkey. I believe I was able to do that because of my faith in the Lord. Due to a lot of pressures in my life, at age 34, I returned to all three vices once again. At age 44, I returned to my faith and wanted to quit again, I was coughing and easily became short of breath. I was able to quit for short periods of time, smoking more than not. At 49 I relapsed again and was doing all three. Then on 11-11-11, I quit drinking and doping, and shortly thereafter I quit smoking with the help of nicotine patches and I've been sober and smoke free ever since. 8-17"

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More FAQ

  • Jay...
  • June 3, 2009

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "I could not believe how drawing on the Nicotrol Inhaler felt like a real cigarette. I was able to finally quit by having this in my pocket and pulling it out just when absolutely needed. I used it for 2 days and that was all I needed. I had smoked for 24 years about a pack a day. I haven't smoked in 11 years."

10 / 10
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57 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 25, 2016

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "Day 6 today using Nicoderm CQ and I have to say I am very pleased. Since the first , day I don't feel the urge to smoke... now don't get me wrong.. the "want" is still there but the "need" is gone. I don't feel irritated, or anxious and I can make it through the day without a headache. I have been smoking for a little over 12 yrs and have tried and failed at quitting before. This patch has been (so far) the best quitting tool I've used. I highly recommend this product if your serious about quitting. I feel amazing and I am very happy with how this has been working for me so far. You Got This!!!"

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34 Report
  • Leo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 3, 2018

Nicorette (nicotine) "I have been an "on and off" smoker for 10 years. I quit for a long time, but due to a speedbump in life I started back. I'm a closet smoker, but it was affecting my social life and all. Smokers breath, house and car smelling like smoke. I had to have one. I started chewing the Nicorette Gum(4mg). It is working wonders already! I also changed my lifestyle. Eating healthy, drinking more water, exercising, and trying to avoid triggers. I will win this fight. I never in my life thought I would be smoking cigarettes, but I'm going to take my life back from these things before they really kill me."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Antwan
  • January 1, 2016

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "The only thing I've tried that works. These patches are GREAT! I have no sensations at all. If you're a heavy smoker and really want to stop smoking, I recommend you use these. I will NEVER smoke again because of these patches. I also use the Nicotine Gum."

10 / 10
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36 Report
  • Liza
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 3, 2019

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "I smoked for 47 years a pack to a pack and a half a day. On December 17, 2016 I quit smoking and started using Nicotrol Inhalers. I have not smoked a cigarette since. I have no desire to smoke but 2 years and 8 months later, I am still using the inhalers. Some time I feel guilty about it but my doctor says it's better than smoking cigarettes. I feel better than when I smoked cigarettes but I enjoy using these inhalers. They are expensive. I pay close to $200 a month but I think it's less than I paid for cigarettes. I do highly recommend the Nicotrol Inhalers because I feel like if I wanted to I could quit them. My friend totally quit with less than one box. I'm sure I will to if I ever decide too."

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24 Report
  • huck
  • January 24, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I am 65 years old and have smoked since I was 16, I've been on the patch for two weeks. I have cravings daily but jeeez I smoked 49 years. I am committed to quit smoking and have no intentions failing. The cravings I have are easy to work through, I find something to occupy my mind for a few minutes. My plan is to use the patch for one month and after that my Dr. and I have worked it out for me to go on Chantix for however long necessary. I have also cut back on my consumption of beer and coffee and at has helped a lot. Good luck to all and stay strong."

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32 Report
  • Dontb...
  • May 15, 2015

Nicorette (nicotine) "After two years of going off and on the nicotine patch I attempted cold turkey. 6 hours into my cold turney attempt my husband informed me he was going to mow the lawn, my completely uncalled for hyper emotional response was to burst into tears...needless to say, I didn't respond well to the cold turkey attempt. After complexity giving up the idea of quitting, my sister informed me that she was succeeding using nicotine gum, so I gave it a try-two weeks after starting I am smoke free and have zero doubt that I will succeed! The gum takes a few days to get used to. Make sure and read the directions and follow them to a T. You're not supposed to " chew" this gum like regular gum. If you do, it will make you nauseous and burn your throat."

10 / 10
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37 Report
  • Dano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 6, 2020

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "This was the best investment I ever spent $45.00 step 1 14 patches .32years of smoking now 10 days non smoking and I feel great food. Oh my goodness food taste amazing. If you want to quit this is the best product on the market Thanks Nicoderm CQ....."

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21 Report
  • Nico...
  • July 11, 2015

Nicorette (nicotine) "helped me quit smooking...severely addicted to the gum...lost sex drive and massive erection problems...since i stopped the nicoret things are getting better !!! Took 110 gums per week for 10 years....big mistake....Hope to get back to normal soon !!!!"

3 / 10
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35 Report
  • jaype...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 23, 2016

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "Quit smoking for almost 6 years and one day out of no where, and for no reason, i was CRAVING a cigarette and wasn't long until I was back up to a pack a day :( every pack I bought, every cigarette I smoked made me feel so gross, yet my mind kept telling me I needed it. Opted to try the patch, free with my health insurance. Just finished my first day and it was pretty smooth, stressful at work and hung out with a co worker on lunch while she smoked and I was almost gagging! Icky icky icky! But not once did I want to smoke! I'm confident it is working, its the CVS brand and it sticks pretty well. Took it off to shower and popped it right back on, after reading reviews and going through the information insert, I'm worried about sleeping and having weird dreams lol hopefully it wont be too bad, small price to pay as opposed to continuing to smoke. I do have moments where I go into auto pilot and I reach for a pack that isn't there and I think "oh yea I don't smoke" and I just go back to what I was doing. Last time I quit, I went through a few weeks of really bad anxiety and I haven't had any episodes or any feelings of anxiety. Just waiting for time to pass. :) will be on step 1 for 6 weeks and down to step 2 for 4 weeks, and step 3 for 1 week I think. Tomorrow I need to spray my car down cuz the smell makes me sick to my stomach! Excited to smell good again!"

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33 Report
  • Cathe...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 9, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "4 years ago I decided to quit smoking. I bought the patch step 1. The 1st week on the patch I smoked maybe 2 cigarettes. After that I was done. My only issue now (4 years later) is that I'm still on the patch. I'm addicted to the patch. I cut it in half and put it on every morning. It's an expense I can live without, but if I don't use it, I'm a mess. I feel unfocused, tired, hungry. I guess it's a healthier addiction than smoking, but not sure what I'm doing to my body."

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30 Report
  • warp
  • June 18, 2009

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "Just finished my 10 weeks on the Nicoderm CQ program and am proud to say I have not slipped up once. I have to admit that it was one of the hardest things I have done but it was all worth it. Everything tastes and smells so much better that in itself is worth quitting for. I smoked and used smokeless tobacco for about 13 years. If I can do it anyone can."

9 / 10
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  • SueBear
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 24, 2018

Nicorette (nicotine) "I just want to say thanks for the nicoderm patch. I smoked for 44 years and it's been six months since my last cigarette, if it wasn't for the patch I don't believe I could have quit. I know I will never have another cigarette because I sure don't want to quit twice. The patch wasn't magic but along with willpower and determination the patch made a huge difference and it was my time to quit. I did find that I couldn't sleep with it on as the dreams were too much for me so I didn't wear it at night. 5 weeks was all I needed and I can honestly say that I am a non-smoker! Thanks so very much Nicoderm."

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25 Report
  • Joi...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 12, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I smoked for 20 years and decided to quit. As these are relatively pricey I did not purchase the entire program up front (I think it is 8 or 10 weeks?) Rather, I bought one box of Step 1 and one box of Step 2. Well I'm so glad because I ended up only using the step one box and half of Step 2. (Used total of 11 days) It was just that easy to quit. I just had to find something to do with my hands the first few days. I got busy at work and realized after several days that I hadn't been remembering to put a patch on in the morning....and IT DIDN'T MATTER! I was FREE after 20 years and never got a craving again (5 years smoke free) I delayed quitting due to all the horror stories people tell about quitting. DON'T LISTEN! YOU CAN DO IT!"

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27 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 8, 2009

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "I smoked for 38 years and knew I would need some type of hand to mouth jesture for a nicotine replacement in order to quit. I have been smoke free now for five months. No withdrawel symptoms at all. I am surprised! Great product!"

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • Bro...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 11, 2016

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) "I tried it and I found that you could cheat with the product but I finally decided to give it all up. I have been smoke-free for 16 years now and enjoy smelling and tasting the real things in life. I don't miss smoking at all and I was a pack a day or more."

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32 Report
  • Bless...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 4, 2016

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) "I'm 26 years old I been smoking since I was 18, idk why or how just picked it up to look kool, now at 26 after many chest pains anxiety attacks and stomach aches and I know 100000% it was me smoking which was causing me all those things! It's been now 1 full week and after many nicotine gums hookah pens all of that I can honestly say this Patch is a blessing ! I have not had anxiety from not smoking not one chest pain this patch is amazing !! Works wonders I started on step 2! I highly recommend this to anybody who wants to stop smoking! It's also will power everybody ! Good luck save your body while you can!"

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31 Report
  • Unicorn
  • January 6, 2020

Nicorette (nicotine) "Have smoked since 15 years of age, with a few stints of not smoking; quit for 1 year when I was 22, 6 months @ 26, 6 weeks @ 34. For the last 2 years I have not smoked through the week days, just at nights and then no restrictions on the weekends. The year of quitting was with nicorette gum, eventually I found my need to chew the gum went without me even realizing it. The other two times I tried to quit I did it cold turkey but not as successfully as with the gum. I have just quit at 40, this time I am most determined and chewing one piece of gum at night per day and grateful to be smoke free. I think it is just down to what suits an individual. People have different views on the topic but the gum is a great way to curb the urges when you stop smoking. Good luck to you and kudos to you for quitting! Also watch YouTube and tips from former smokers, listen to podcasts on quitting smoking and meditation via Spotify, all very helpful."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.