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Nicotine User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Brand names: Nicoderm CQ, Nicorette, Nicotrol Inhaler, Habitrol, Leader Nicotine Polacrilex, Nicotrol NS, Commit, Nicorette DS

Nicotine has an average rating of 7.8 out of 10 from a total of 194 reviews on 70% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 14% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nicotine

  • Anonymous
  • June 10, 2009

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I am on day 3 of not smoking. I was a pack-a-day smoker for over 30 years. I have never tried to quit before. I think I have done very well. I have had some restlessness and some concentration issues, but for the most part, I can't say it has been hard. I have this inhaler, and I use 1 cartridge a day. I know they say to use at least 6, but I can't even imagine using 6. I know that I have it if I need it, and I have not had any side effects from it. Maybe a little high feeling, but nothing to write home about."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • December 13, 2009

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I have one week left on Step 3. I'm positive I wouldn't have been able to stop without the aid of Nicoderm CQ. I consider myself a non-smoker. Some of the withdrawals that I've experienced have been well worth the effort to be able to breathe easier and knowing that I'll be around longer to watch my children grow older."

10 / 10
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  • Unicorn
  • January 6, 2020

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "Have smoked since 15 years of age, with a few stints of not smoking; quit for 1 year when I was 22, 6 months @ 26, 6 weeks @ 34. For the last 2 years I have not smoked through the week days, just at nights and then no restrictions on the weekends. The year of quitting was with nicorette gum, eventually I found my need to chew the gum went without me even realizing it. The other two times I tried to quit I did it cold turkey but not as successfully as with the gum. I have just quit at 40, this time I am most determined and chewing one piece of gum at night per day and grateful to be smoke free. I think it is just down to what suits an individual. People have different views on the topic but the gum is a great way to curb the urges when you stop smoking. Good luck to you and kudos to you for quitting! Also watch YouTube and tips from former smokers, listen to podcasts on quitting smoking and meditation via Spotify, all very helpful."

10 / 10
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Frequently asked questions

  • neeroc
  • December 23, 2008

Habitrol (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I used the Habitrol patches over 16 years ago. Once I really decided to quit, I got rid of every trace of cigarettes in my home and car, then I put on the patch. I used the first round of patches for the prescribed time, the second round for two weeks, and the third round for one week. I never looked back and remain nicotine-free to this day. I did keep the 'leftover' patches for about a year in case I had a relapse, but I never needed them. I would recommend the Habitrol patch very highly. Now if they only had a good appetite suppressant for all the weight I gained afterwards."

10 / 10
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  • Chicken...
  • June 18, 2016

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I'm 7 months pregnant and was smoking 1 pack a day. I have smoked for 26 years and was not happy with what I was doing to our baby, so I went to my doctor and pleaded with her to help me quit. My doctor helped me by putting me on the Nicorette inhaler. Wow, I'm not even craving cigarettes and feel a lot better. On cloud nine at the moment, and it's been only 2 days without cigarettes. Love it. X no side effects."

5 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jessica...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 2, 2018

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked for 10 years pack a day, and didn’t think that I can quit. I used patches Step 1 for only 9 days, on 10th and 11th day I had side effects (such as dizziness), so I didn’t use them for 2 days. I was thinking to buy Step 2, but I realized that I don’t need it anymore. I don’t smoke more than 1 year. Recommend it for 100%!!!"

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Anonymous
  • February 18, 2009

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I am using the patch, and so far, it has really helped me with not smoking. There are days I really want to smoke, and I might smoke one, but smoking just one helps me get through another two weeks without a smoke. I think this product has really helped me."

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More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • November 20, 2011

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I have smoked for almost thirty years, and I was able to quit with the gum. I started out by using the 4mg gum and chewing two pieces at a time, but I finally got to the 2mg and I'm still chewing two pieces at a time. It's been 2 years now, and now I'm losing my wife over this gum. My sex drive is gone."

9 / 10
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  • Fuchsia
  • June 10, 2015

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "All I can say is wow. Like, I put the patch on, and it worked, and it worked immediately. The first patch, 21 mg, I promise you I didn't smoke not one cigarette. It's only been a day, but I know it's working because people have smoked cigarettes in front of me, and I didn't even care for it. Thank you, 'cause every time I light a cigarette, my son would say word for word what the commercials say about smoking. I really wanted to stop, and this patch really helped."

10 / 10
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30 Report
  • Vic
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 26, 2018

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "The product helped me quit so that was great. My problem was with the actual product quality control. This is a very expensive drug so you hope that quality control is great. It isn't. So far 2 boxes on 2 separate prescription had about 1/2 of the cartridges that didn't work. I put it in the cartridge and nothing. You can tell right away because the medication has a strong menthol flavor. When I inhaled the medication, there was nothing. Even after strong sucking, nothing. I contacted the company and they didn't respond! Horrible customer service. Since this is the only brand available in USA you are stuck. I'm very disappointed!"

2 / 10
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21 Report
  • Billmo
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 25, 2015

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "So far, after 11 days, I am doing well. Started with the patch and gum. Patch 21 mg and 4 mg patch after a week, both were just too strong. Stomach upset, did not feel well. Stopped the patch and use gum as needed to curtail the desire to smoke. I will win this time, I have to quit."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Sharo...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • March 7, 2018

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "What they fail to mention are the tragic bone and tooth loss. There is a blog out there with testimonials about getting hooked on these and those horrid side effects. One woman lost both feet. Personally I was on the lozenges for 5 years. FIVE YEARS! I had to quit smoking and they were all that worked for me to do so. They ate the sides of my teeth down to the pulp. I now have osteoporosis. Two that I know of that can't be reversed. I have to take Fosamax, vitamin D and lost my teeth. There are no government studies done that I was or am aware of. Do your research, please? Find that blog. I thought I had it saved, but can't find it right now. Thanks for your time."

1 / 10
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21 Report
  • Nicci
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 20, 2020

Nicotrol NS (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "Whomever developed this nasal spray has got to be a masochist. Burns like fire and causes instant excessive nose run. Burns through the sinuses for quite a long time post initial spray. However, does quench my want for a cigarette as I am too busy blowing my nose and screaming from the pain it causes if you forget and sniff at the same time your delivering a spray to the nares."

6 / 10
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  • LONDA...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 22, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "The Nicoderm CQ Patch in my opinion worked great. I've been smoking for over 19 years. I've tried before (cold turkey) & (Pregnancy), but always went back. I smoked up to 1.5 packs a day. I made the most life changing choice Dec 2016 to stop smoking. I researched the patches and was very leary, because of my withdrawal symptoms.I decided to try Nicoderm CQ patches. I completed the whole 3 step 10 week program without 1 slip!!! I'm very proud of myself. Now be aware that you will experience a slight burning Itching sensation when you first apply the patch(last about 1 min). Also sometime the patch will not stay on, just simply apply a bandaid over it. Thats about it. I would recommend this product. Works GREAT!!"

10 / 10
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  • Crabby...
  • March 26, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "Have been on the patches step 1 for a week today. I smoked almost 2 packs a day for 31 years. Tried to quit many times. This is by far the best and easier way. Sometimes they don't stick but I use a band-aid over it to make them stick. The bad cravings are gone it's just the habit left. So glad I tried the patches!!!"

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • October 27, 2016

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "Well, if you ever manage to quit smoking do not ever ever smoke a cigarette again.It does not matter ,how long ago you quit. You will start smoking again.You can not have just one cigarette ever.I quit for 23 years. At a bad time in my life, I smoked two cigarettes and I started smoking again. Then I quit once more. A night with company I smoked one. I started again.A weak ago, I quit. It seems easy with the patch, but they say that very few people succeed to quit with the patch. So far it looks easy. I try not to go near the smokers at work. I feel such a freedom, when during break time I go for a walk and not for a cigarette. I do not feel deprived. I will use the patch for 6 weeks and then will take the gum. Self hypnosis helps a lot"

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  • Lije
  • February 8, 2016

Nicotrol Inhaler (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "Haven't started using it yet. Read a lot of good reviews anxious to talk to others that have I'll need all the help I can get. Been a smoker for about 40 yrs. ---soon as I get up it's coffee and smokes. I have COPD it's not bad.I really need to start walking and I have a lot of back & leg pain. Well enough. "

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  • julvanv
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 4, 2015

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked 1-1/2 packs of cigarettes daily for 25+ years. I tried the patches, cold turkey, couldn't quit for long. I started using Nicorette gum 3 years ago and have been smoke-free. I am still chewing the gum, 4 mg multiple times daily. I told my doctor I was still chewing the gum and was worried about the health effects. She told me studies have been done finding that nicotine in and of itself does not seem to cause significant harm. (I know, that seems strange to me too.) Despite these findings, she told me not to worry about the gum because smoking cigarettes with all the extra poisons in it is far worse for one's health. Especially in my case because I know I'd go back to smoking without the gum."

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  • ThisT...
  • January 28, 2009

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I have smoked for 36 years and am a 49-year-old man. My first attempt with the patch worked well for the first 2 weeks, but then I went back to smoking. This time, I have also joined the YMCA and feel the exercise (sweating it out) is helping much more. I have also noticed some blurred vision and waking with a terribly dry mouth in the middle of the night. So far, I really don't have any craving for a cigarette. When I do, I chew some gum or change my habitual patterns. Great product, I feel."

9 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • July 12, 2011

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I had smoked for 35 years, an average of 1 to 2 packs a day. I have tried the medications, the patch, gums, etc., many times through the years. Finally, a couple of years ago, a friend offered me the Commit lozenges. I really wanted to quit this time, so I tried them. I was able to give up smoking. But, I continued to crave, so I bought the gum and have alternated between the gum and lozenges ever since. I don't want to go back to smoking and have yet to find anything that says how bad it is to continue the gum, so as long as I am not smoking and still want a cigarette every now and then, I will continue to chew the gum as needed."

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  • Anonymous
  • November 8, 2011

Nicorette (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "After 30 years of less than a pack a day, I tried this gum (the patch, cold turkey, worked for a period of time), and I have to say it works well in that it eliminates the desire quickly. I have limited my use to six pieces a day, and I generally have the urge when I would normally take a break at work - really seems to take the craving away, and I'm getting a lot more work done, for sure! Stick with it - I'm about to wean off (hopefully) using regular sugar-free gum as a substitute. Good luck!"

8 / 10
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  • Anne-...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 26, 2018

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked since I was 15, I’m 40 today. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with asthma and was told to stop smoking. 3 years of sickness and pain. So many sick days. I thought of my funeral, I thought of the ones I would leave to mourn. How could I break their hearts. How could I remain so selfish. I tried nicoderm step 1, but it gave me migraines and I almost gave up. I tried step 2 and it worked better for me. It’s not easy. You will need will power and let everyone know that is around you that it will affect your mood and to just not to pay it too much mind. After 4 weeks of step 2 I was ok and decided to begin step 3. Again will power! The cravings never go away, but they do get weaker. 11 days ago I forgot to put a new patch on and I had 5 days left of step 3. I decided to just let go. Its will power and keeping busy. I joined a gym, and am also down 15lbs"

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  • Traps...
  • February 24, 2017

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I will say this about the patch. It work for me. We're there side effects? yes. A small bit of bruising and a small rash.I was willing to put up with those side effects because I did not have one craving for a cigarette. I was very happy with the program and have remained smoke free for three years boxing day passed."

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22 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 8, 2008

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I tried to quit smoking several times, but it never worked. The withdrawal symptoms were just too much to deal with. I decided to try Nicoderm. It's already been a week since I smoked my last cigarette. Nicoderm has made it possible for me to live without smoking. The cravings were much less frequent, and the side effects of nicotine withdrawal were not as important. I signed up for a gym 2 months before I quit. I lift weights and do cardio 5 days a week, 1 hour per day. Exercise helped to quit by reducing my stress. It also prevents you from gaining unwanted pounds."

10 / 10
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  • Trini...
  • February 25, 2009

Nicoderm CQ (nicotine) for Smoking Cessation "I smoked for a long time and tried quitting so many times, but really did not have much luck on my own. I could tell some tales about trying to quit. My husband bought the patch for me to try, and I was really impressed by the fact that I really did not feel the need to smoke a cigarette. That went on for about 17 days. I then noticed that my eyes were very red all day, so much so that I could see the small vessels in my eyes distended. Then one evening, where I put the patch on my upper thigh (was running out of available spots), I began itching more than usual. When the patch was removed, the spot was swollen and very red, and it stung and was painful. My doctor has stopped me from any further use and diagnosed that I may be allergic to the adhesive."

8 / 10
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