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Mesalamine for Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance User Reviews

Brand names: Lialda, Pentasa, Asacol, Apriso, Asacol HD, Delzicol, Canasa, Rowasa, Zaldyon Canasa Pac Rowasa Sulfite Free …show all brand names

Mesalamine has an average rating of 6.8 out of 10 from a total of 52 reviews for the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance. 60% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Mesalamine rating summary

6.8/10 average rating

52 ratings from 57 user reviews.

Compare all 21 medications used in the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis, Maintenance.


Reviews for Mesalamine

  • Made...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 19, 2019

Lialda (mesalamine) "I’ve tried taking Lialda 1.2g several times in a 3 months time frame. It really seems to help with my ulcerative colitis. It improved my diarrhea (7/10) and stomach pain (8/10). It pretty much does it’s job of keeping me in remission. But, Every time I take this, my mood changes, my jaws and cheek hurt, I can’t speak properly, I can’t focus, and I just don’t feel like doing anything. At first I thought it was all in my head (pigeon superstition). And so I experimented with it about 6 times and it happened every single time. Even as I’m writing this my jaws hurt, I can’t focus, don’t wanna talk and I’m avoiding doing my homework and I have a 3 hour class to go to! Maybe I’m an exception to the common side effects. I think it’s worth writing this review just in case someone else have the similar side effects."

3 / 10
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52 Report
  • GTano
  • March 12, 2021

Salofalk (mesalamine) "I've used both the Salofalk Foam & the liquid Salofalk enema & recommend trying this if you are struggling. It takes longer to administer, but is easier to keep in. If you're having issues with the foam, I recommend the following: - Make sure to release the foam slowly. It's less of a shock to the system & helps reduce that reflex muscle action that makes you want to evacuate it. - Wait at least 30 secs before the 2nd dose otherwise you just feel too full when the 2nd dose is released. - After the 2nd dose, don't withdraw the nozzle immediately. Wait at least 30 secs. When you withdraw it, do so as fast as possible. This stops any residual foam coming into contact with (for want of a better word) your anus & causing a burning sensation. - Finally it doesn't say this on the foam instructions, consider lying on your left side for 30 mins after your treatment. This helps the foam get to where it needs to go & makes it easier to keep in. Hope this helps someone & good luck!"

6 / 10
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33 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 13, 2013

Asacol (mesalamine) "I have had Ulcerative Colitis for 30 years, on Asacol for 17. Took it during 2 pregnancies with no ill effects. This medicine has helped me stay in remission for the past 17 years, at a low dose (would like 4 400mg/day, but too expensive, so making due with 2). A lifesaver."

10 / 10
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66 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Chuck
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • July 12, 2019

"I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2007. I was originally put on 4.8 gm/day of mesalamine. After a year on it my colitis was non-detectable and I was put on 2.4 gm/daily for maintenance. I've been taking this medication for over 10 years now with no complications or side effects. I've have had occasional flare-ups and simply increased the dosage back to the original 4.8 gm/daily until the symptoms cleared (usually within a week). My last colonoscopy in 2018 also showed no signs of the colitis. I've had very good results with this medication."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 3, 2010

Asacol (mesalamine) "I've had ulcerative colitis now for 28 years. I took Asacol during all my three pregnancies with no side effect. I did have a major flare-up after the first delivery though despite the Asacol. My ulcerative colitis is now completely under control, so much so that my doctor said that my colon looks completely healthy. I take 4 tablets per day, I do forget occasionally, but it has worked miracles for me. I can also eat everything."

10 / 10
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61 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Jerbons
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 16, 2012

Asacol (mesalamine) "I have been on Asacol, two 400mg pills three times a day. It has done wonders for me. I have no side effects at all and it has kept my ulcerative colitis in remission with to symptoms at all. While my doctor has told me to stay on the full dosage, the bottle says that after 6 weeks one should go on maintenance of only 4 pills per day. Due to the expense of these pills, I am already down to 5 pills per day and still doing great."

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • DownW...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 14, 2019

"Mesalamine did absolutely nothing for me but I’m sure it put some extra money into my doctor’s pocket. I told my sister (who is a teacher) about my colitis and the medication the doctor put me on. She told me to drink dandelion root tea because it’s a probiotic.... CLEARED IT UP COMPLETELY IN ABOUT A WEEK AND A HALF. I drank it everyday during that time. I had been bleeding for a whole year before the tea (even during the lialda)."

1 / 10
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25 Report
  • Johnny
  • August 5, 2011

Asacol (mesalamine) "I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis since I was 17 had a colonscopy done and that's when I was prescribed Asacol. It was terrible my diarrhea was just horrible, it also came with a a lot of blood. I started taking Asacol about 9 pills daily after about a couple of months the diarrhea was completely gone. That's when I thought it was okay to stop taking them so about 4 years later the flares started happening again. So I don't recommended delaying the pills. "

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • Jerry...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 1, 2017

Asacol (mesalamine) "I was diagnosed with UC when I was 20 years old. I am now 64 so 44 years with this annoying condition. Over the years I have been put on various medications but Asacol tablets along with occasional Asacol foam enemas have kept me well. I take 8 x 400mg tablets a day (4 first thing in the morning and 4 last thing at night), no side effects whatsoever. I only need the foam enemas if I get a bit of mucous or that 'colitis feeling' and the enemas work within two or three days. I use the enemas for a week though, to be on the safe side."

10 / 10
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29 Report
  • Lee
  • August 27, 2010

Asacol (mesalamine) "I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis in 1991. For the last few years I have been using Asacol, with no problems, only if I try to stop taking it, which I'd rather not do. It's really helping me. I'm 46 and happy. I'm going for colonoscopy every year just to make sure everything is fine."

10 / 10
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45 Report
  • Mama
  • December 29, 2011

Lialda (mesalamine) "I was prescribed Asacol, Apriso, had 3 sessions of Remicade all with disappointing results. I have been using Lialda for about 21 months. I was in total remission until about 2 weeks I did really good for nearly a year. Then one hugely stressful incident caused a flare up. I am working with my doctor to get back on track."

10 / 10
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41 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 19, 2010

Asacol (mesalamine) "I have been taking Asacol for my UC for 6 years now. I strongly recommend taking it 3 times a day (I take 3 pills, 3x per day), it is better to have a higher frequency of the drug in your system. I haven't had a flare in 3 years, it is has provided great results."

9 / 10
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43 Report
  • UP2020
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • August 14, 2014

Lialda (mesalamine) "I have diagnose with Ulcerative Colitis (Proctitis) for last 4 years. Lialda has worked for me best with no side effect. I am taking 2 tab twice daily. For people with Ulcerative colitis in distal part of colon Lialda will work best. I had tried 2 years ago to switch to Apriso only because of the cost of Lialda and had a worst flare up and took 6 month to get normal with oral steroid and steroid enemas. I am using Lialda Pharmacy Saving card which reduce my copay to $10/month."

10 / 10
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31 Report
  • imf
  • December 3, 2014

Lialda (mesalamine) "Have had colitis for 20 years and been on mesalamine for all of it. Asacol was inconvenient because 6 pills throughout the day was hard to do. Lialda is very expensive even with insurance and their card, but it works and it's only two pills a day. The dietary changes and medication are worth it if I can eliminate surgery."

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29 Report
  • CJN
  • July 30, 2009

Asacol (mesalamine) "Like the others mention, I was put on Asacol after a hospital stay which included high doses of prednisone and transfusions. I was prescribed Asacol and have been flare free for just over 1 year now. Occasionally I experience slight nausea after taking it, but I have found that taking it with a meal reduces or eliminates that problem. I intend to continue to take this medicine because I feel it has allowed me to live a normal life again."

9 / 10
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39 Report
  • Jeanie...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 31, 2017

Asacol (mesalamine) "Previously taking Sulphazalazine from the age of 20 which was awful for me. I was admitted to hospital on several occasions and the dose was combined with high steroid treatment. I become paranoid so the steroids were slowly reduced then stopped. I found out about Asacol from a medical journal (I was a nurse.) I asked if I could start taking it as I'd given up on the Sulphazalazine. Within weeks I had no symptoms. I stayed on it for 2 years. I was lucky as I had 18 years with no problems. In 2004 it came back - but it was mild. I saw my GP who prescribed Pentasa and my gut went wild. I went back onto Asacol and once again, within weeks I was symptom free. I'm on a low dose at 70 years of age. Not bad as I was told I'd not make 25!"

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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 20, 2008

Asacol (mesalamine) "Asacol has worked perfectly for me. I was diagnosed with moderate ulcerative colitis, started taking asacol (along with enemas, for about 2 months), now I'm completely off the enemas and still taking the asacol tablets twice a day at 4 pills per time ( 8 per day). It has been about four months since I've had any sign of my colitis, and I intend to keep taking asacol. I am reducing my dose to 6 pills per day for the next month or two, then I'll go down to 4 pills per day and see if that dosage will keep it away. I am very pleased with this drug. "

8 / 10
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36 Report
  • KBD
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 7, 2019

"Has anyone had issues with their sinuses and throat on mesalamine? I already had post nasal drip and allergies. However, I feel like the mesalamine has heightened it. My throat never feels 100% either! Just curious."

7 / 10
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15 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 11, 2010

Asacol (mesalamine) "Asacol caused high diarrhea within 1- 2 days, then was switched to Colezol, and within about 2 months had a bad flare-up, which stopped within 2 days of discontinuing Colezol. Have since learned that if you are intolerant of Asacol, Colezol should not be prescribed. Are going to end up with same issues."

1 / 10
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33 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 19, 2008

Asacol (mesalamine) "I have been using Asacol for about 6 years. At the onset of Ulcerative cholitis, I was on high doses of Prednisone with the Asacol. It took over a year to get stablized, but the past two years have been event free. The only complaint I have is that the Doctor did not explain how Asacol works. I thought it was not working because I was passing whole tablets. I actually was breaking some of the pills thinking I was helping when in fact I was hurting the situation. Now taking 9 x 400mg pills daily."

7 / 10
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34 Report
  • State...
  • September 15, 2011

Apriso (mesalamine) "I have been taking Apriso since December 2010 and have had no flareups. My doctor told me it is fine for long term use and as of right now, September 2011, he has no plans to take me off it. The only side effect I have experienced is some muscle stiffness."

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 20, 2008

Asacol (mesalamine) "I have had ulcerative colitis for 16 years and I am 31 years old. I can tell you that I've been on pretty much every drug out there to control it. Asacol has been the only drug that I can take without getting any horrible side effects and keep my illness under control. It was even safe throughout my pregnancy. I do take anywhere from 8 to 12 pills a day, but it's so worth it."

9 / 10
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32 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 20, 2008

Asacol (mesalamine) "At the onset of my ulcerative colitis (UC), I was hospitalized for an extended time. I lost a lot of blood and had a transfusion. I was put on a very high dose of prednisone and was then introduced to Asacol. While on Asacol, I've had just a few minor UC attacks that went away quickly when "upping" the Asacol during the flair-up. I think it's a great drug. I currently take 6 pills a day for maintenance."

10 / 10
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28 Report
  • martin
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 15, 2024

"I was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis 9 months ago. I was put on steroids, suppositories, and Salofalk granules. After 8 weeks, I was in remission. I am now only taking Salofalk granules for maintenance, 3g in the morning. Life saver! Also, can eat everything. I'm feeling fantastic. Salofalk granules are working for me. Definitely a 10 out of 10. Be safe, take care."

10 / 10
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1 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 28, 2010

Apriso (mesalamine) "I was taking Lialda for active inflammatory bowel disease, with very good results but the insurance changed and dropped it. I have been Colazol and others. By and large have not had any luck with generic versions. Do ok with Apriso but have discomfort in my lower intestines and very paste like movements. Also flare up more often I think. Might ask to try something else."

6 / 10
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22 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.