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Magnesium citrate User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Brand names: Citrate of Magnesia, Citroma, LiquiPrep

Magnesium citrate has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 483 reviews on 83% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Magnesium citrate

  • Sha...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 28, 2019

For Constipation "So I am typing this from the toilet LOL. I’ve been severely constipated for a full week. I’m talking about severe abdominal cramping, extreme bloating and couldn’t eat anything without getting nauseous! So I drank about 3/4 of the magnesium citrate bottle around 9 PM. I woke up at 7 AM and I can’t figure out if I’m peeing or pooping, it is all like water!! Haha, but I will say I feel 10 times better so I highly recommend this if you are having constipation! The cherry is the best flavor FYI."

10 / 10
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82 Report
  • Raw...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 28, 2020

For Constipation "I went to the ER for a kidney stone, and the X-ray showed I was really backed up as well. So the ER doc had me drink a bottle of mag citrate. About two hours in my stomach was making sounds that would summon demons, and then I exploded. I was pooping fiery hot lava for over 12 hours. It's been over 24 hours and my stomach is still angry, and I still have diarrhea. Bloody hemmys, poor butthole, probably doesn't have skin left. Do not use this unless you absolutely have to."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Pro...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 17, 2017

For Constipation "Holy guacamole Batman, it worked! But boy, it was a journey, lol! For 4 days, I hadn't pooped! I had already taken laxatives, stool softener, a bucket of prunes, fiber pills, other fiber pills, and still no poop over the last 4 days! So, I called a friend that has Gastroparesis and asked her what she takes? She said MC! So, here it is 7:30 at night, and I'm off to the drugstore. I chugged it at 8:43. I immediately wanted to puke after I was done. But I said no to myself, I have to keep this down! I managed to get down another bottle of water in addition to the two bottles of water I drank before the MC! So, I'm sitting here on the potty reading all the other stories and laughing so hard I should have crapped my pants but nope! No poop! An hour later, I managed to make it to my bed. It's 9:45 pm, insanely nauseated (I gave up on pushing, even though I had the urge to), hoping I can just nap, then I won't feel the sickness! Then I get this cold sweat come over me, my hands get all clammy, my head starts hurting, I feel like my heart is about to pop out of my chest, my pulse quickened even worse than it had been, my stomach turns and I feel everything come up, and I projectile puke like in the Exorcist movie, and it's going everywhere! It doesn't stop after one puke, oh no! We're talking 3 projectile pukes! I can't even move closer to the restroom. I just fall to the floor, completely weak & out of control, all cold and sweaty, now just puking and puking. It's everywhere! Then when I stop, I immediately feel better as far as the nausea and all those other side effects. Lol, but now I have this huge mess! And still no poop! Plus, I'm like great, after all that, now the MC ain't even gonna work because I puked it all up! Boy, was I wrong! I got cleaned up and went to bed! Then about 2:04 am, I awaken with the urge to fart. I run to the potty! And oh yeah! It was like I pooped out the Titanic or something! Once I was done pooping out the poop the size of a killer whale, I wiped, washed my hands, and was gonna turn off the lights and shut the door. Then I was like, ohhhh boy! I had to run back to the potty, lol, for an encore performance! I puked it all up, lol, I thought noway this isn't gonna work now! But it did! Dude, I feel like I pooped so much, my legs hurt from flexing them while trying to push. Lol, my calves and ankles feel like they are about to fall off, and my butt feels raw. Lol. It's now 6:56 am, and I haven't had to poop again, thank goodness. I don't know where it would come from. Lol. All stool was intact, no diarrhea so far!"

10 / 10
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103 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Rel...
  • January 9, 2015

For Constipation "After fruits and veggies, strong coffee, flax, big meals (those usually facilitate things quickly), glycerin suppositories, bisacodyl sodium suppositories, I was convinced that magnesium citrate would not have a major effect on me. I downed the whole bottle and patiently waited for about 5-6 hours. And then the fireworks began. Some people are lucky to be relieved from the first round. I've been running back and forth to the bathroom for about 12 hours now. This 98 cent bottle from Walmart has cleaned me out better than anything else I've tried. Read these following words slowly: you. Are. Not. Immune. To magnesium citrate. It doesn't matter who you are or how constipated you are. It WILL work."

10 / 10
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123 Report
  • Nev...
  • August 10, 2016

For Constipation "I haven't pooped in 2 weeks, tried laxatives, enemas, suppositories, nothing helped. Went to my doctor, had an x-ray, was told I was backed up from top to bottom (full of $#!the). Doctor said get some Mag Citrate, he didn't say I'd turn into a mud factory. I've been in the bathroom for 3 hours and still going strong, feeling like there's no end in sight. My rear literally feels like a ring of fire. So yes, it works. Like the Energizer bunny, I keep going and going!"

10 / 10
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96 Report

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  • Fin...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 23, 2014

Citrate of Magnesia (magnesium citrate) for Constipation "I highly recommend this product. I have been constipated for several weeks now, and my doctor recommended 2 days before colonoscopy (in addition to prescription prep). I chose grape-flavored CVS brand. I refrigerated it the night before and took it at 6:45 pm the next evening. It is very sour but carbonated, so it was doable. A family member suggested that I eat at the same time to cut down on nausea, which really helped. At first, I felt like my stomach was going to explode because I drank the 10 oz bottle followed by 16 oz of water. Then there was a lot of stomach bubbling. I finally was comfortable enough to lie down and eventually fell asleep, to be then awakened by this urge to pass gas at 12:40 am. Don't do it!!! Find a toilet fast! It works!"

10 / 10
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110 Report
  • Wat...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 26, 2019

For Constipation "I have IBS really bad. I get constipated every 3-4 days. I had ultrasounds, CT scans, laparoscopic surgery, and much, much more done to figure it out. They said I had the biggest blockage they’ve ever seen and gave me a bottle of MC. I’ve only ever tried the lemon, I’m a wimp and have to take a nausea med with it because my body rejects it without the med. (Not like this for everyone.) It is uncomfortable at first when having to chug it because it cramps and makes me super nauseated. But besides that, within 4-8 hours, I’m wishing for some butt ointment because, man, am I on fire. I highly recommend just doing the whole bottle if really backed up. Only taking a small portion doesn’t really work for me. Hope this helped."

10 / 10
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65 Report
  • WOW...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 18, 2020

For Constipation "Last night, I went to the hospital for severe stomach pains, bloating, nausea, and lack of appetite. The ER doctor gave me a 10 oz magnesium citrate (MC) bottle, and I waited until 2 p.m. today to take the whole thing. HOLY COW... I have been living on the toilet since 4 p.m., and it’s now 8 p.m. The pain is completely gone in my stomach! Make sure to have your phone charged so you can catch up on your favorite show - you might be in the bathroom for a while!"

10 / 10
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64 Report
  • Fee...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 26, 2019

For Constipation "Ok. I tried suppositories, enema, milk of magnesia, and nothing worked. I went to the ER, and the doctor said, “You're full of poop,” literally, lol. He recommended magnesium citrate. I chugged the whole bottle of grape-flavored magnesium citrate with a big cup of water at 9:00am. Around 9:30am, I had a small, soft BM, but I was still full of poop and now thinking this isn’t gonna work either. At 12pm, another small but soft BM, now I’m convinced this is not going to help. I have been constipated for far too long and had no relief. So, about 1:37pm, I get a funny feeling and say to myself it’s just gas. So I give it a little push and, uh oh, this isn’t gas at all! I yell at my husband to get the hell out of my way! He laughs, and I run to the toilet, practically flopping down, and behold, brown showers! It’s now 2:13pm, and I’m still going! ***sighs*** Relief!! Finally!!!"

10 / 10
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66 Report
  • Poo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 6, 2017

For Constipation "I've been constipated all week and nothing provided any relief. My mom told me about magnesium citrate. I have the day off so I drank the entire bottle. Why in the world did I do that *sigh*? An hour after taking it, my stomach started to rumble like a loud motorcycle and I felt a little moist back there. What happened next was nothing short of a darn exorcism. I felt a little nauseous while on the throne and my legs got numb, but I was fearful of leaving my porcelain safety net. 3 hours later, trumpet farts, numb legs, sore butt, and tired from an intestinal rollercoaster; I've found relief."

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80 Report
  • A F...
  • September 10, 2014

For Constipation "So on Friday, I had noticed that I was a bit stopped up, and I had the same kind of pain you have when you know you just gotta go (poop). I had never been constipated before, but I sort of gave myself a self-diagnosis and decided that constipation was indeed my problem. The following Tuesday, after nonstop aches and pains in my stomach, I decided to go to CVS and buy a stool softener. That didn't really work very well on me, as a stool softener only works on the stool that has yet to be produced (it doesn't help with the current blockage). Finally, I decided to go to the doctor, where I was prescribed Magnesium Citrate. This stuff works miracles! It tastes very sour, but kind of like Sprite, and I took it at 3 and evacuated my bowels at 7."

10 / 10
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101 Report
  • Des...
  • April 11, 2015

For Constipation "I had been struggling to poop for about a week. Straining on the toilet and only a pebble would come out. My stomach was so bloated, and big people asked me if I was pregnant. I was so embarrassed, so I asked my husband's sister, who is a nurse practitioner, what she recommended. She suggested magnesium citrate lemon flavor CVS brand. It tasted really good. I gulped the entire 10 oz. bottle and waited for the party to begin. I took it around 3:30 pm and laid down because I was feeling gassy. Around 6:30 pm, I woke up to a bubbly stomach. I thought I had to pass gas, but I ran to the toilet because I didn't know what to expect. OMG, it was like a 4th of July finale! A huge splash of liquid-like poop came out. I am waiting for more to happen."

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93 Report
  • Moe...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 17, 2019

For Constipation "Ok, so I took magnesium citrate because I read all the great reviews of it cleaning people out. Well, I drank mine around 11 AM, and it is now 10 PM, almost 12 hours later, and still nothing. Am I the only person this has happened to? I feel some stuff working in my stomach and have had some smelly gas, but that’s the extent of it. Some people say it took till the next day. Well, I hope it ends up working, I had really high hopes for it. I poop like every other day, sometimes every day, but just don’t feel like I’m getting it all out, and yes, I’ve been drinking tons of water today."

3 / 10
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59 Report
  • Jus...
  • August 31, 2016

For Constipation "Everywhere I read said magnesium citrate would work in as little as 30 min to max 6 hours. I want to share with people that everyone is different, so do not get frustrated if that timing is not true. It took 8 hours to kick in for me. I spent 7.5 hrs stressed that it wouldn't work. I even tried to go to sleep. Then, boom! Success."

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82 Report
  • Rai...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 24, 2015

For Constipation "Ok, first of all, I'm the biggest skeptic on the planet. And a lot of the times, I scour the internet looking for help, to no avail. But I must say, this medicine is great and it really worked for me. I'm currently taking an opioid, and I've always had really bad constipation. I get severe pain in my upper right-hand side quadrant. I usually pass it and just move on. But this past week has been terrible! I've never had so much pain and gas build-up in my life! I felt so sick I couldn't work, or even move out of my bed. Luckily, I was told to pick this up. It initially worked, but didn't clean me out completely. So 11 hours later, it started to work and work and work! Remember it can take different times for everybody! But it's a great relief!"

10 / 10
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90 Report
  • Poo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 16, 2019

For Constipation "Took at 1:13 PM on Sunday. All day I kept trying to go, and nothing would come out. With the fear of surgery if I can't clean myself out, I started to panic at 10 PM Sunday night. 5:30 this morning (Monday) and I finally start to pee out of my butt. It took 16 hours to begin to work for me. From reading through everyone's reviews, it seems the more constipated you are, the longer it takes to work. Also, depending on your digestion and how fast or slow it is. Keep very hydrated, as it will help things flow better. It's 7:02 and I have one of my daughter's pads on so I can run and fix myself a cup of coffee. Definitely works, but be patient. Everyone's body is different."

9 / 10
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58 Report
  • I a...
  • January 2, 2014

For Constipation "My stool (poop) felt so hard. It was very painful. Every time I get a bowel movement, I rushed to the toilet but it hurt so much that I just decide not to let it out, because I'm scared of getting hemorrhoids. Sometimes I feel the stool, and it was just painful. I tried bulk-forming laxatives, but they don't seem to have much effect. Finally just took half of a bottle of magnesium citrate. Doesn't even taste that bad, and it was cherry-flavored. After taking it, I also ate a banana. Worked after 3 hours. The urge was really great, and I was a bit afraid of the poop being painful to push out. But it didn't even hurt. I was really relieved. I'm glad magnesium citrate exists."

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99 Report
  • n...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 22, 2014

For Constipation "Throughout half of my whole life, I have been plagued with chronic constipation, and recently it was very bad. My entire large intestine was full of waste and was in so much pain that I lost over a week of work! I took the medicine last night and ended up falling asleep with no results, and I was scared it wasn't going to work on me. Next thing I know, I went to the bathroom to go do #1, and ended up very surprised by doing #2, #3, #4, and #5! Lol, it may be disgusting to some, but this medicine is definitely awesome. It relieved my pain and possibly saved me from being fired."

10 / 10
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95 Report
  • Col...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 18, 2015

For Constipation "As I was reading reviews wondering when this kicks in, it happened. Took 10 oz in the afternoon and again in the evening for colonoscopy prep, didn't drink enough water, and only made 1 movement. Thought '30 min to 6 hours til it works? Did I do it wrong? It's been almost 12.' Yes, I did. I didn't drink enough water afterwards. Drink lots of water! I woke up at 2 am and didn't trust a fart. Tummy gurgling, sitting down, browsing the net, and boom. You'll pee out your butt with this, no joke. Give it time and it'll take anywhere from 30 mins to 6 hours to kick in, possibly 12 if you're me and didn't drink water after. Got it for 97 cents in cherry, grape, and lemon flavor. They all taste like super sour candy and it helps to take with Gatorade."

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82 Report
  • Mom...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 20, 2016

For Constipation "I hadn't had a bowel movement in 10 days. I was plugged up with a large, dry, and hard stool that wouldn't budge no matter how hard I pushed. 8 days in, I tried a glycerine suppository to try to soften it up so I could go. That didn't work, so for the rest of the day, I took 3 doses of Miralax and another dose the next day plus another suppository. Didn't do a thing. I found an unopened bottle of magnesium citrate in the cabinet. I had never tried it before for constipation, but I was out of options. I drank half a bottle at 10 pm. At 7:30 am the next morning, everything was literally flowing out of me. This cleaned me out without causing any cramping or discomfort. Magnesium citrate is the only thing I'll ever use for constipation from now on."

10 / 10
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73 Report
  • Meg...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 9, 2014

For Constipation "This past week has been horrible. Monday through to Wednesday I was recovering from food poisoning, and Tuesday to Saturday I was extremely constipated. I spent early Saturday morning from 2:30 am to 5:00 am tossing and turning in pain. I realized it had almost been a week since I had a bowel movement. I got up, googled some home remedies (olive oil, baking soda, prunes, etc.), so I tried olive oil. Nasty. Baking soda? Heck no. Prunes? It's 3 am. No. So finally I came across magnesium citrate. I got dressed, drove to my local CVS, and chose the grape flavor. Got home, forced down the bottle, drank some water, and 2 hours later, nothing. Waited another 1.5 hours and BAMMM. Like a water hose. So relieved. Cramps and feeling sick, so worth it. At last, feel 100 times better."

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85 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 30, 2019

For Constipation "Okay. So I felt discouraged about this because I've been reading reviews where everyone had a successful bowel movement so quickly. I have been backed up for 3 weeks. I feel like it's from stress and life changes. My routine was different. I have tried 2 enemas and I was only able to get small rabbit-sized poop. I actually couldn't take it anymore and went to the ER. Wish I didn't because they didn't do anything but tell me to drink the magnesium citrate and do another enema. The enema wasn't too successful. I tried magnesium citrate at 8 a.m. Chugged the whole thing. Drank water. I waited and nothing. I felt so disappointed and felt miserable that I was going to have this stuck feeling with no result! 16 hours later came. Gurgling and pain. I went to the bathroom and released two massive pieces I've ever pushed out ever. Sorry, TMI, but I guess that's what's been backed up!!! So if you think it's not working, I guess I'd wait 24 hours. I feel so relieved now!"

10 / 10
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52 Report
  • eas...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 8, 2013

For Constipation "I bought 2 bottles of the cherry flavor (which wasn't bad tasting) and having never used this product before and considering I was constipated for a week, took both bottles. About an hour later, I felt a long but gentle gurgling feeling with watery noises. Don't do 2 bottles, I've been back and forth to the bathroom more times than I can count and have gone through 2 rolls of toilet paper so far. At least I feel a lot better, now if I could only stop going."

10 / 10
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87 Report
  • Tha...
  • January 25, 2015

For Constipation "Magnesium Citrate really works. It tastes terrible, but it's worth it. Just drink it fast. Once, it worked for me within an hour or two. Last night, I took it at around eight and went before seven this morning. It takes a while sometimes, but it cleans you out completely. Your stool will be liquid for the most part after drinking this, but some light pushing may be required."

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78 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 8, 2015

For Constipation "I was diagnosed with IBS-C a few years ago, so it's been a struggle trying to become and stay regular. I take Miralax a few times a week, but it doesn't seem to do much unless I take a full capful, and then it does too much. So anyway, my boyfriend had been complaining of constipation, so I took him to Walgreens to grab some Mag Citrate. I decided to grab a bottle as well. We returned home, drank the 10 oz bottles (I got Cherry, he got Lemon -- both taste horrible -- very very sour, so just down it!) and before we knew it, after about two hours or so, we were both fighting for the bathroom. Literally fighting! Luckily, we have two restrooms, but one is on the other side of the house, and when you gotta go, YOU GOTTA GO! This stuff is wonderful!"

10 / 10
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73 Report
Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.