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Bupropion for Major Depressive Disorder User Reviews (Page 2)

Brand names: Wellbutrin XL, Wellbutrin SR, Aplenzin, Budeprion Forfivo XL Budeprion SR

Bupropion has an average rating of 6.9 out of 10 from a total of 401 reviews for the treatment of Major Depressive Disorder. 59% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 22% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Bupropion

  • Helped...
  • September 19, 2019

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "I used to have 0 motivation. I could not get out of bed for weeks at a time. I ate whatever food I had and peed in bottles because I couldn’t make the effort to go to the bathroom, even though the bathroom is across from my room! On the second day of taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg, I found myself washing my dishes! It surprised me! And it continued to get better from there. Now, after about 6 weeks, I’m back in school, working, eating, exercising, meditating, my room is spotless, my car is clean, I shower every day, and I’m more motivated than I have ever been. A few tips: 1. As helpful as this med is, you can’t just rely on this to help you. You must create a healthy lifestyle (eat, exercise, sleep, etc). After all, health comes from healthy living. 2. You might get insomnia and nightmares. To help with insomnia, I take 300mg magnesium glycinate and melatonin. It helps but it’s not 100% effective. 3. You won’t get hungry, but remember to eat at least 2,000 calories."

7 / 10
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99 Report
  • Honda...
  • July 7, 2021

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "I am on day 3 of taking 150 mg Wellbutrin XL, extended release. I was previously taking 10 mg Lexapro for 4 years. I found myself constantly fatigued, absolutely no libido, and gaining weight. I'm a 44-year-old, 145 lb female. Day one I noticed immediate effects such as calmness, and I wasn't as sad. Keep in mind, I took a month off from no meds at all. I wanted to give my body time to adjust without having the Lexapro in my system. Day 2 and 3, I noticed my appetite was suppressed. I wasn't as hungry as before. I have also been experiencing a slight headache. I am also dealing with insomnia. I think I got maybe 1 hour of sleep the first night, second night, slept better but did wake up and had a hard time falling back to sleep. I will keep you updated and good luck to anyone taking this medication! I have read horror stories of mixing this with alcohol. I haven't tried it and am almost scared to have a glass of wine...I'm not a big drinker but am scared to have at least 1 or 2 glasses of wine."

9 / 10
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69 Report
  • Flowe...
  • July 30, 2018

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "I have struggled with anxiety and depression for years. I've tried some other meds, and they've all made me crazy. I'm usually anti-pharma, but I have no regrets taking this again. I'm also taking St. John's wort, and I feel like the combo really works for me. My sex drive is back, my motivation is through the roof, I can focus and concentrate again, most of my brain fog has lifted. I wake up and feel a sense of calm. It has also helped with my anxiety. Things don't bother me much anymore. It doesn't numb my emotions though. I actually feel excited, joyous, happy, and confident. I'm so grateful for Wellbutrin because it's given me myself back. I'm less angry. I'm less likely to react and fight with my partner. I'm on 300 mg. I highly recommend it, but I do know everyone is different, and this is just my experience! I wanted to share because of how much it's benefited my life! I'm a better mom, friend, and partner because of it."

10 / 10
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109 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Stick...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 14, 2017

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I take this drug to help combat Major Depression (had for 1.5 years). I have also tried Paxil (made me crazier), Prozac (did nothing for me) and Effexor (worked well but the sexual side effects were worse than the depression). I started Wellbutrin at 150mg and slowly increased to 300mg after completely titrating off Effexor, had to increase to 450 because MD came back. So, here is the deal - at first this drug feels awful (realize that most antis are like this in the beginning). I had to stick with it for at least a month and the extreme anxiety has always normalized. But OMG - this is the first drug that motivates me to get out of bed and face each day. For me it helps to balance my down mood & 'urge to isolate' and sabotage my day."

10 / 10
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121 Report
  • Topsy
  • June 29, 2018

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I've been on multiple SSRIs and was convinced that antidepressants just didn't work. My doctor insisted that I try something else because my anxiety was dictating every aspect of my life. I'm so glad that she did. After about 2 weeks on Wellbutrin, I began to realize that I felt really happy for the first time in over 2 decades. The only side effect I've really had is occasional mild irritability. It lasts for about a half hour and happens once every week or two. Though as I've been on the medication longer, the side effects are less severe. I know this medication isn't for everyone, but whatever was wrong with me, Wellbutrin fixed it. If you're struggling with anxiety or depression, be honest with your doctor. If your medication isn't helping you, tell your doctor. If your doctor won't help you, find a new doctor. You can do this, and you deserve to be happy."

10 / 10
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106 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Mike...
  • January 22, 2020

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "Stopped taking Suboxone for opiate addiction and Wellbutrin saved my life. Only thing I use that I should’ve looked into years ago for my depression, anxiety, and slight ADHD! Highly recommend it to opiate users coming off blockers or meds. Side effects: insomnia for the first week, and dry mouth. Otherwise, I’m a big placebo guy but I noticed an instant change in mood (for the better)!"

10 / 10
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82 Report
  • Mac
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 20, 2019

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "If at all possible, you really need to use the name brand Wellbutrin if you're going with the XL version. I thought this med was terrible (Bupropion XL), causing heart palpitations, confusion, nightmares, the list goes on. I tried two different generics, both were terrible. I read a few posts regarding issues with the XL version, as well as some FDA articles on removing the generic XL from the market in 2012 (that's not too long ago). This got me wondering if it was the time release mechanism of the generics causing all of my side effects. I have been taking it for over a month now with miraculous results. Side effects are non-existent, happiness is back, motivation is back, sex drive is back. This med truly is a miracle for me. It's also helping so much with my ADHD, to the point I've all but stopped using any stimulants. Please, before you write off this medication, try to get the name brand."

10 / 10
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84 Report
  • Namaste
  • May 20, 2016

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I was at age 50 severely depressed about my future because I had screwed my life up so bad. I was so full of fear and anxiety as well. I started addressing things in my life one at a time, and one of those things was finding a good psychologist. I chose to get on Wellbutrin, 300 day and like others felt it working by day two. Within three months it settled in and completely changed my life. I'm happy to wake up, I enjoy work, I take care of myself, people respond to me better. I'm not worried about the future. I like myself again. It's been a miracle drug for me - all positive, no negative."

10 / 10
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124 Report
  • AxInP...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 8, 2015

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "Getting started on this medicine can be tricky. It comes in doses from 75mg immediate release up to 300mg extended release. Due to the stimulant effect it has, you may need to ease into it! Everybody is different. I had to ease into it. For major depressive disorder, it has worked great. I lost weight, my sex drive is through the roof (I'm 54 and feel like a teenager in that respect). I have lots of energy, sometimes too much. It doesn't help with my anxiety; I still need Klonopin now and then. It also gives me insomnia; again, the Klonopin helps there. And as others have said, it doesn't 'build up' in your system so you don't get the withdrawal SSRIs/SNRIs."

8 / 10
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136 Report
  • Steph
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 18, 2019

Wellbutrin SR (bupropion) "To the person who posted problem with generic: I too had that problem, and I cannot get insurance to authorize brand name, either. I had to do a lot of trial and error with different brand names. The Chinese manufacturer that they give at Walgreens was the absolute worst. Now, The best brands of generic Wellbutrin for me are Sandoz bupropion generic, the other is Dr. Reddy's bupropion generic. I go to CVS, because they will special order one of those 2 brands for me. I am on SR 150 twice daily. This medication changed my life. I am much happier and I do not lash out anymore. I am a much calmer person now. It also helped me overcome PPD after I had my baby girl. Also, I will say that before taking this medication, I drank wine most nights. Since I started this medication 4 years ago, I have not wanted a drink at all. I have had maybe 3 glasses of wine in these years, and each time, I hated the way it made me feel. It is kind of empowering to always want to be sober. I have no plans of stopping this medication."

9 / 10
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85 Report
  • NoDep
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 1, 2019

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "I was suffering from depression and couldn't get myself out of bed for 1 year. I tried different things but nothing worked like Wellbutrin XL. I started with 150mg and then increased the dose to 300mg. The effects started to show in about the second week, making me get up and have my life back again."

10 / 10
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78 Report
  • Rachram
  • February 28, 2016

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "I have been taking this medication since August 2015, and it has been the best one for me yet. I started with Celexa then went to Zoloft, and Zoloft worked for a bit but once things began to get difficult again I had to switch to another one, which was Wellbutrin. It helped with some minor ADD problems, and overall my energy and positivity went up. I also began going to therapy again, and I 100% recommend that you do go to therapy in conjunction with antidepressants. Understand that if you don't like your therapist, go to another one. You have to trust them and be able to open up to them to allow them to help. Medication only lifts the fog from your mind, but therapy is what allows you to move on with your life and not feel like a zombie."

10 / 10
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118 Report
  • Weiner
  • September 11, 2014

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I feel great and it has been only 3 days. I have battled with Major Depressive Disorder and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, starting treatment in 2006. When I came back to the States, I was in 4 hospitals for months, treated by the best on 7-10 different medications at different times. I had ECT, etc. For me, all the medications did not do a thing for me but get suicidal thoughts and gained 60 pounds. One antidepressant medicine I was on for a few years was Lexapro. I was in Aruba and wanted to die. Through much thought and discussion, I weaned off of all the antidepressants. After 8 years, just last week a doctor said I never have been on Wellbutrin and put me on it. I have, for the last few months, been really down and out. Immediately, I feel better. It took only 8 years and wasted time in the hospital & ECT."

9 / 10
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131 Report
  • rfs
  • December 19, 2014

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "Well, I've been on this medication for three days now. I can tell today that my mood has gone up, like way up. I do notice it's hard to sleep or stay asleep. I maybe have gotten 5 hours each night since I've started. But I feel alive and ambitious."

6 / 10
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128 Report
  • sunny...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • January 19, 2020

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I have suffered from MDD for the majority of my life. I struggled for 5 years and through 16 different meds till we landed on Wellbutrin. One of the selling points for me is that this particular antidepressant is well known for not causing weight gain. And I can attest to that! On top of it not causing ANY side effects whatsoever, I started to feel better emotionally/physically within 2 weeks of being on Wellbutrin (Bupropion). I take two 150mg a day in the morning with my breakfast. I will say it did NOT help my anxiety even one single ounce, however with how much it has done for my depression, I will happily take a second medication for my anxiety. I have more energy, it gives me a huge boost in my mood, and that hasn’t changed! I haven’t had to switch or change meds and I have been on it for just over a year now. Thank goodness for this medication, seriously, a drastic difference, I finally get to be finally me!"

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Minti
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • April 23, 2024

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "When my doctor offered me Wellbutrin, I said sure like I always did. I've been on a variety of different medications over the past 10 years, and none of them seemed to give me hope with my MDD. I was put on Bupropion about a month ago. I've always said there's no magic pill to make you get out of bed in the morning or cure depressive symptoms. I WAS SO WRONG! On Bupropion, I feel like a child again! I have found interest in activities that all seemed too much of a hassle to do, or that I didn't do because I had no faith in my capabilities. Bupropion has given me a newfound confidence in myself; I feel like someone has given me my soul back, and I'm able to feel things I never thought I'd be able to experience again. There are some side effects to Bupropion, but they're worth it to me as the medication is making it able for me to function. For me, it's weight gain, tinnitus, and joint pain."

8 / 10
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8 Report
  • BeckyP
  • January 13, 2015

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "Wellbutrin has saved my life. It's a miracle. About 6 months ago, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder and localized anxiety disorder. I was put on Lexapro, which didn't help much, and the side effects were awful: total loss of sex drive, bad headaches, and nightmares every night. Then, about 3 months ago, they put me on 200mg of Wellbutrin daily, and I started feeling better within a week. It was incredible! I am now happier than I have ever been. I feel like a new, improved version of myself. My sex drive has drastically improved, but my appetite has not returned. In fact, I have lost weight despite not changing my eating or exercising habits. Other than those, I have no side effects."

10 / 10
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123 Report
  • Lov
  • April 20, 2019

Wellbutrin SR (bupropion) "Several years ago, I took Wellbutrin SR 150mg twice a day for depression and SAD. But the pharmacy substituted generic bupropion and my insurance denied the Wellbutrin brand. I immediately started having hand tremors, agitation, and crying. I spoke with my psychiatrist on an emergency appointment, and he recognized generic instead of brand name so called my pharmacist who insisted that the generic was exactly the same as the brand. It took the doctor to call my insurance company to get approval of the brand drug under my plan, and everything went back to normal. My psychiatrist passed away a few years later. Now, I find myself in the same situation and my new doctor has not been successful in getting my insurance to authorize the brand name. I tried generic again with the same reactions. I cannot afford the brand, so I continue to struggle. Has anyone else experienced adverse reactions to generic bupropion and discovered any discounts to make Wellbutrin SR affordable?"

9 / 10
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77 Report
  • Jonat...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 24, 2023

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I was afraid to take it at the beginning because of the side effects. I started with the 150 xl for 10 weeks, and now I'm on the 300 xl for about a week. I had and still have zero side effects. I can't say I "feel" the drug working (No insomnia, no energy boost etc.) it feels like a placebo to me, but after a week or two, all my dark thoughts are gone. No more hopeless thoughts and feelings down with no hope that things will get better. I haven't had a bad day feeling depressed for the last 7 weeks. It took me years to admit to myself I need help and medication. I decided to ask my doctor for Wellbutrin because I wouldn't take SSRI's because there is a high risk it can cause sexual dysfunction. If you are dealing with depression, I highly recommend Wellbutrin XL. Just try it it could change your life."

10 / 10
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23 Report
  • Tchrmom
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 13, 2014

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I have been taking it for a week and have tons of energy! I am excited and happy. I am getting a lot done and it is great. I do have trouble with winding down at night though. This is the reason for the rating of 9 otherwise it would have been 10."

9 / 10
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124 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 5, 2014

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "I was started on 100 mg of Wellbutrin in January. Initially, did not note much of a mood alteration other than feeling more energetic. I was upped to 200 mg, and I had never felt better in my entire life. I started performing great in school, had a high energy level and motivation. I was happy and felt good. I lost initially 5 pounds and now I lost a total of 20 in three months (note I also was attempting to lose weight). The only side effects I experienced were hot flashes the first week I took 200 mg, which was odd but manageable. Also, I had insanely vivid dreams. Recently upped to 300 mg, and I feel manic. It is bizarre; this amazing medicine now does not work. My doc said I may possibly have bipolar depression, so I still highly recommend."

9 / 10
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121 Report
  • JXano
  • June 22, 2017

Wellbutrin (bupropion) "I was diagnosed with depression and panic disorder in 2013. The first medication I was prescribed was Zoloft, which turned me into a zombie. My doctor then switched me to Effexor, which had way too many side effects from mood and all the way to affecting my vision. I was then switched to Lexapro, which was great at masking the depression but made me gain 30+ pounds in less than a year and literally have zero motivation. 3 months ago, my doctor switched me to Wellbutrin and it's made the biggest difference in my life. In the first couple of weeks, my anxiety was a lot worse, but that went away entirely and I haven't had any other side effects. My energy is back, and I genuinely look forward to the next day."

9 / 10
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92 Report
  • Fox
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 1, 2024

"I was a full-blown alcoholic and drank rum and whiskey every night, with thoughts of an abusive childhood for me and my brother. Then my brother passed at the age of 42 and left me alone with all the darkness we went through together. I felt I was alone in there now and no one was with me. I had a few mental breakdowns, and I was sober for over a year, but I was in a dark place, and I feared my wife would soon leave me. Then the doc put me on these at 150mg. I didn't want higher. I told him I was on them for about 3 weeks or a little more, then I had another bad episode. Then they started to work, it just took a while. I see things differently now. I see the way the leaves blow in the wind on the trees, I hear the beauty and see the beauty of everything. My eyes are open now, and I crawled out of that dark hole, and thinking about a better career change financially, which I was always too scared to do in the past. These pills saved my life and my family."

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12 Report
  • 14...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 22, 2015

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "The lowest dose made him stop saying he wanted to kill himself. The doctor upped his dosage, and I can see my son smile and laugh again. No side effects at all. He even dances now. He's so funny. Before, it was a nightmare with him. He's also on Latuda, but that takes 3 weeks to kick in. Wellbutrin XL is a lifesaver for major depression. No more ups and downs."

9 / 10
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114 Report
  • abcan...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 14, 2015

Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) "I have been on bupropion XL 300 for around 6 months and I'm really glad that I stuck through it. For me, it definitely got worse before it got better. Around the second and third month, my anxiety had me on edge, and I had a very short temper. The positive definitely outweighed the negative though. I'm no longer sleeping all day, I finally have the energy to work out and carry out basic activities, and no more emotional eating. As a result, I've lost 25 pounds, and it has really helped me with my confidence. Not every day is great, but that's just part of life. I'm no longer irritable, and my anxiety is not perfect, but manageable. I finally feel like I'm taking control of my life. If you can stick it out past the 3-month mark, I think it's worth a try."

10 / 10
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105 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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