Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder User Reviews
Brand names: Belbuca, Butrans, Sublocade, Brixadi Buprenex
Buprenorphine has an average rating of 8.7 out of 10 from a total of 281 reviews for the treatment of Opioid Use Disorder. 84% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 6% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Buprenorphine
- Bre...
- January 24, 2021
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "This medication Sublocade saved my life!!! 14 years I lost to heroin addiction! I had tried Suboxone, methadone, rehabs, drug courts - I tried it all with short success! I used Sublocade for an entire year on a grant knowing there was no way I could ever afford it. But I am living proof there is a new and successful way to get your life back. I not only feel the best I've felt since I tried heroin, I also have my 4-year-old child back. I will forever thank the maker of this miracle medication, and I hope someone out there considering the chance to take this, to do it and not for one month but an entire year! My first 2 injections were 300 mg, the next 10 months my injection was 100 mg! The grant is now finished, and I have been without any opiate blocker for 6 days and feel the same as with the treatment! I have not had one craving, one thought, one withdrawal so far! I wish anyone out there good luck on their journey to recovery!"
- HDa...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 2, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "Sublocade saved my life! I was on Suboxone for 2 years and my doctor suggested I switch to Sublocade. I was sold when he told me I'd only have to come in once every 4 weeks. After getting 3 Sublocade injections, I stopped cold turkey because I just wanted my life back. To my surprise, it has now been 4 months since my last dose and I have had ZERO withdrawals, that’s right, none! I had tried to wean off of Suboxone, and even the 2mg shift made me ill, but stopping Sublocade cold turkey, I had no withdrawals. It’s seriously a miracle. If you have been wanting to quit but you can’t bear the withdrawals, or if you’re feeling hopeless that you’re going to be on opiate blockers for the rest of your life, I strongly encourage you to get 1 Sublocade injection and see how you feel. Out of 12 of my doctor's patients who have stopped Sublocade cold turkey, not one of them has been back to the clinic, they’re all living opiate-free lives now, including me! It has truly given me my life back."
Frequently asked questions
- How long does opioid withdrawal last?
- How long does buprenorphine stay in your system?
- What are the different brands of buprenorphine?
- What is the difference between Sublocade and Brixadi?
- Mar...
- September 19, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "Update: Stopped Sublocade injection in early March. It’s now been seven months since my last injection. My opiate issue was I was on heroin, then methadone, then Suboxone since the late 1990s. I was very stable on the methadone and Suboxone, and was on 8 mg when I started Sublocade in summer 2019. I had 7 or 8 injections up till early March 2020. Then, I decided to stop the injection to see if I could finally get off the merry-go-round. I have to say it was pretty much a piece of cake... mild symptoms here and there but NOTHING compared to Suboxone withdrawal. I essentially had some sweating here and there, some lack of energy sometimes but was pretty much normal. Libido returned after about 3 months (thank God) and now I think I'm pretty much back to normal. Slept every night during the entire time. So happy"
- Fre...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 20, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I have tried everything to stop using heroin. 2 grams a day for 15 years. I’ve done multiple rehabs, cold turkey, methadone, suboxone strips. You name it, and I have failed at it. I got 1 shot of the 300 mg and have never gotten another shot. It’s 4 months later, and I HAVE HAD ZERO WITHDRAWALS!!! This drug is amazing."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Mar...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- June 22, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I’ve been on heroin, then methadone and finally Suboxone for nearly 2 decades. My dose has been one 8mg strip a day for several years. I had nasty withdrawals trying to lower my dose. I became resigned to a lifelong dependence on Suboxone. About 9 months ago, switched to Sublocade injection. Two months at 300mg, then four months of 100mg. I decided to discontinue the injections in early March. It’s now late June and I'm finally off Bupe. I have to say I had very little withdrawals. It almost seems too good to be true. All the lumps from the injections have finally disappeared, and I think I’m about 95% through it. Very, very easy kick compared to trying to wean down off Suboxone strips. I’ve been 3 1/2 months without an injection and I’ve achieved what I thought was impossible. I thought I would be hooked on Suboxone strips for the rest of my life."
- Doo...
- March 29, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I have been a heroin/benzo/whatever you got type of drug user for over 25 years. Done methadone/suboxone maintenance for years at a time over the years. Started a buprenorphine program and my Dr. told me about Sublocade. Decided to give it a try. My first 2 months were 300 mg shots. I started to participate and get involved in 12-step meetings again, exercising daily and other spiritual type exercises, meditation, etc. Got a 100 mg shot my 3rd month and decided to try to just let myself detox after the 30-day shot wore off. I had extra suboxone/bupe just in case. That was 3 months ago. Never needed the aid of the Suboxone/buprenorphine... and NO noticeable detox, WHATSOEVER! Take it from someone with a 25-year habit, hope to die, heroin addict (Anybody who knows me can vouch...) if you want freedom from active drug addiction... Sublocade will take you there but it's up to you to stay there. It works if you work it. Amazing drug."
More FAQ
- What are the different types of buprenorphine/naloxone?
- How long do you take buprenorphine for?
- Is Buprenex the same as buprenorphine?
- Raz...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 25, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "So I came here looking for information before I received my first shot. I was taking two 8mg Suboxone pills a day for a couple of years prior when I received my shot. Before I took the shot, I was legitimately nervous because of all these reviews I read on here. The actual shot was painful and burned, but it subsided in a couple of mins. You get the shot in your stomach, and it becomes an aching pain instead of burning, and the location will be sore for about 4 days. Don't be scared of the shot, it is a fleeting and temporary pain...worrying about having enough meds to last the month will not be a problem anymore. I no longer have to worry about taking the right amount of meds. It's much easier for me this way. Now I don't feel like I have to take a pill to feel ok. I've had no w/d symptoms, no side effects besides the pain from the shot. I'm writing this to ease your minds about the shot...it's so much better than taking the meds."
- Red...
- August 19, 2013
Subutex (buprenorphine) "If this medicine is used correctly, it can save your life! I have been on the medicine for about 2 years. Night and day from what I once was to what I am now! I used medicines (all of them) for 15 years. Now I have been medicine-free for as long as I have been on this medicine. I know it only treats opiate use, but for whatever reason, it has helped me through it all. This medicine has, without a doubt, saved my life. I went from never having anything to now a new truck, a nice house, and most importantly, my kids have a life I always dreamed of. Just thought I should share."
- JGa...
- August 3, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I got 3 shots of Sublocade, the first 2 were 300mg and then the last one was 100mg. They told me I may feel withdrawals before the end of the month before the next shot, but I never did. The first week was hard because I couldn’t sleep and was irritable. After the first week, I was really good. I went for 2 more because I thought I had to, but as I went I didn’t like the lumps and felt I didn’t need it. The last shot was in March and now it’s August, and I never felt any withdrawal. I have tiny lumps still, but they are smaller. I do feel great. I wake up, and I’m normal. The injection stings at first, but the pain goes away. It is life-changing. I didn’t go back for more because I felt I didn’t need to. I finally have my life back for real. No fake BS. I am one that’s completely shocked because I didn’t believe in this. I don’t think you need to take it as long as they say, but everyone is different. If you really want to stop and get your life back, then now is the time, Sublocade is the answer. Good luck!"
- Cle...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- November 16, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "The shot was not nearly as painful as I expected, and that night I definitely felt glowing and content. The day after, I was alright, but the next day and following days I had zero energy, watery eyes, painful legs, couldn't sleep like normal. I knew by getting the injection I wasn't getting the right dose or even nearly enough as I was on strips. I was so beside myself and angry I'd let the doctor talk me into the shot. It's too new, and not enough information online about it. I feel like a guinea pig! I finally talked the office into letting me come back in for supplemental strips. When I went in, he said I wasn't the only patient having withdrawals after switching. I feel duped and will be going back to strips for a while. It seems to me that Sublocade is more of a stepping stone to help patients get off Suboxone, but certainly not for those newly sober and wanting to just feel normal. I've been through such a hard time with this medication."
- Edu...
- January 19, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "Please read my experience as I have been off of Sublocade for 70 days now with GREAT success. Just so everyone knows my history, I snorted pills and H for almost 10 years. Within 3 months of being on the strips, I lowered my dose to 4 mg. So, I started with the 100 mg Sublocade shot. The first 30 days weren't easy. After adjusting to this, not only did things get better, things got great. Within 3 months, the doctor started only injecting 75% of the vile, then 50%, then 25%, and the last 2 months she barely injected me with 10% of the vile. I ordered another shot for $1200 since I don't have insurance anymore, and it has been sitting in my doctor's fridge for 70 days. I haven't withdrawn one tiny bit. Coming off opiates and buprenorphine is like landing a plane. You want to slowly land a plane, you don't want to drop from 10000 feet to 1000 feet in one second. If you do it the slow way with the shot, then I assure you that you will get off this addicting drug."
- Cas...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 2, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I was part of the phase III trial of what is now called Sublocade. This shot literally saved my life. I was doing $300 of heroin IV every day for years. I went to rehab, tried Suboxone strips, weaning, etc., nothing worked. I took this shot at 300 mg for 14 months, and not only did I have no issues quitting, but I had no withdrawal symptoms after discontinuing the shot. I fully 100% recommend this medication to anyone suffering from opiate dependency. Please, don't hesitate. Try it if you're able."
- Ant...
- January 19, 2021
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I struggled with a severe heroin/fentanyl addiction for 10 plus years. I had been to at least 14 rehabs, not counting detoxes and incarcerations. I've overdosed so many times that I had lost count. I had hit my 'rock bottom' and made the decision to stop, only to later relapse and find out that my bottom could always be dug a little deeper. I had truly lost the will to live. I had destroyed everything that I had ever loved or cared about. I had contemplated and attempted suicide via overdosing. I've gone the Suboxone and methadone routes, to inevitably end up right back where I started. I was stuck in what seemed to be a Groundhog Day in the deepest crevices of mental, physical, and emotional never-ending nightmare. I came to truly understand through witnessing the outcomes of other addicts that my two options were death or prison. I've been on Sublocade for, I believe, 11 months now. I have a life that I am grateful for today. No NA rehab or incarceration involved. This medication saved my life."
- Wan...
- June 13, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "Rated this 9 out of 10, as I'm still taking the 100mg shot (5th one). Unsure what stopping will feel like. I was on subs for 7 yrs! I have a busy life & I can't afford to leave & deal with being sick. Most of what I read about Sublocade scared the poop outta me; luckily I have a fantastic doctor I trust & I chose to listen to him. Getting the shot sucks & definitely hurts worse than I thought. So what! It's 30 seconds of stinging/burning sensation for legit freedom! This has been SUCH a blessing! Literally day 3 I forgot I was ever taking anything on a daily basis. After required 300mg shots, I went right to the 100mg with 0 issues/transition. Actually, I forgot to schedule my next appointment before leaving & ended up going 7 weeks b4 thinking...hmm, seems like it's been a while since my last appt. Do you know how insane that is after being on subs for SO long?! You're crazy if you have the opportunity to switch & you don't take it. Honestly, you will think, what was I waiting for within the first week!!"
- Sea...
- September 26, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "Ok, I’ve been on Sublocade for 7 months now. What worries me is I don’t want to be on this shot forever. The doctor has been taking 10% off my injection each time I got it, so now I’m down to about 50% of a 100mg shot. I am nervous that I won’t be able to get off this shot and the drug company has no info on tapering, coming off, or long-term use. So I’m kinda experimenting here. Yes, this is an amazing drug, but I’m not trying to stay on this shot forever. We need more info on long-term use and risks of tapering or even if you can. I get my shot on Monday and we are taking another 10% off. I can also tell you that one time I went 64 days on a 100mg shot with no withdrawal or any kind of symptoms, so this shot is super long-acting. No joke, 64 days, because I was switching jobs and insurances. When I got my new insurance and went for the next dose after 64 days, I still felt fine. I have searched high and low, and there is zero info on coming off Sublocade. I guess I will keep you posted."
- Jer...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 13, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I have been on medication for opioid dependence since 2007. The majority of that time was spent on Suboxone 8mg, but at times up to 16mg daily and briefly down to 4mg daily. About 6 weeks ago, my doctor recommended Sublocade because I was having difficulty making my weekly appointments for a Suboxone prescription, and switching to Sublocade meant I only needed monthly visits. After some initial hesitation, I finally agreed, fearing being discharged from my program if I didn't. I was most concerned about not having the medication daily to satisfy the habit and the worry of potential withdrawal symptoms before the 30 days were up. However, I was pleasantly surprised by how well my body responded to this medication. I can't praise it enough. I would highly recommend Sublocade to anyone facing challenges with Suboxone alternatives."
- Nic...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- November 4, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "Sublocade is the best option and highly consider. I was using 24-32 mg Subutex a day and the shot worked immediately. The next morning, I did not wake up sick, just felt awkward reaching for pills in which I did not need. The habit of taking medication to not feel sick was the best feeling to break. Literally a month goes by, and my doctor has to remind me about my next appointment. I think Sublocade is more stable with no ups and downs. Most people still want to feel high and when they don’t, they think they are sick, but it’s in their head. If anything, the doses are strong for low dose Sub users. I actually feel normal like the Subs were supposed to work. They say traces can stay in the system for a year. I have heard of a few people wean off successfully. I am hesitant to get off. Medicaid even covers it, so you can go every day to a methadone clinic to still get high or get a shot once a month and gain clarity."
- Sav...
- November 29, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "My experience is that I had been taking large amounts of opiates for about 20 years. After rehab, I was on 28 mg of strips for about 5 months. I got one 300 mg shot of Sublocade about 5 months ago and haven't been back. I'm still testing positive for Subs in urine, and I'm still struggling with restlessness at night, but I'm taking advantage of the chance to beat the beast, and I'm also very involved with a 12-step program. My life is magical!"
- Jwa...
- April 18, 2020
Subutex (buprenorphine) "I have been on Subutex for 2 years now. Before, I was into pain pills, then moved up to heroin for about 8 years. A lot of people blame the drug for just not working, but you have to be ready to stop getting high. This last attempt to stop, I was desperate, went to a 120-day treatment facility, and started Subutex. I have now been clean a little over 2 years. A lot of people say I'm trading one addiction for another, and that's fine. At least now I'm not sticking a needle in my arm or hurting the people I love to get another fix. When I started Subutex, I was jobless, living in a homeless shelter, and now I have a house, job, car, and kids back in my life. I've seen people leaving comments bashing the drug or praising it. Look, it's different for everybody. No, I do not give the drug all the credit because you need to have the desire to stop getting high for it to work to begin with. Just like NA and AA, Subutex isn't the cure-all. It can help if you really want it to, though!"
- Lis...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 5, 2016
Subutex (buprenorphine) "I truly believe this drug is a miracle drug. I had been on high doses of oxycodone, methadone, oxycontin 80 mg, and opana 30 ER for about 14 years, and when I tried to stop on my own, the w/d's were so bad that it was impossible for me. I was put on Subutex for 2 months (my choice for discontinuing) 8 mg a day. I weaned myself off within two months, and I did experience very slight w/d's, but nothing I couldn't deal with for about 2 weeks. Mainly, I believe that I just didn't know how to live drug-free, so my emotions were like a roller coaster for a couple weeks. Pushing through though is the key because your mind will tell you this will never end, but it does and pretty quick if you stay committed and stay away from bad choices."
- Kev...
- June 17, 2019
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I am now on my 4th shot, it’s been so amazing! No withdrawals or cravings. I can get up every day and live my life as normal as one can, no pain too. The Sublocade shot has given me peace of mind, no more worry about if my meds are going to be in stock or no more worrying about insurance if it’s going to be covered or if I need a prior authorization. People, take it from me, the needle poke doesn’t hurt, it’s the medicine going in that then it starts to burn a little. Nothing I can’t handle though. I’ve been on subs since 2011 straight, being on 20mg daily. This shot has given me comfort when I switched. The more shots you get, the higher blood plasma that the medicine will be in your body. The 300mg shot is equivalent to about 24mg sublingual films. I hope this helps."
- Sub...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- October 5, 2020
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I got my life back with Sublocade. I am that guy that couldn’t take my tablets or strips correctly. I struggled for years, using my docs as my new dealers. I even had one teach me how to beat the system. After years of playing the system, everything was catching up to me. I was about to lose everything, and then I found a real doctor, one that wouldn’t play my game, that held me to a standard. He also got me on Sublocade, and it has been my saving grace. I live life now! It took a couple of weeks, but it was pretty fast. All of my relationships are top notch, and I actually have real friends again. My wife and I are back in tune with one another and enjoying every day together. I recommend this to anyone that needs help."
- Mag...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- December 30, 2018
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I did a study for the shot in 2016. After 7 years of injecting heroin, they accepted me and my fiancé in the study. It was like we hit the lottery. It took a few days for us to adjust to it, but when we did, it was amazing! It really helps with your dopamine levels and cravings. We took it for 13 months, and then we got off it. We didn’t have any withdrawal symptoms or pain at all following our last shot. I highly recommend it to any opiate users. It was the only way we quit using after seven years."
- Sav...
- June 19, 2015
Subutex (buprenorphine) "Saved my life. Over 5 yrs clean, followed Drs orders and it's been a Godsend, also: tdp12345, if you are not feeling supported and able to get off of it right now then stay on it, who says you have to wean off quickly? This medication has been very successful as a long-term treatment option for addiction just like people with diabetes take their insulin. My opinion is the positives of this miracle drug outweigh the risks of what could happen if you let your cravings take you to drugs again. Do what 'YOU' have to do for 'YOU'. Don't listen to what others think. Find a good doctor who cares and stay on a treatment that works for you. God Bless."
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- Drug class: Opioids (narcotic analgesics)
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Subutex, Belbuca, Butrans, Sublocade, ... +3 more
Professional resources
- Buprenorphine monograph
- Buprenorphine Injection (FDA)
- Buprenorphine Patch (FDA)
- Buprenorphine Sublingual (FDA)
Other brands
Belbuca, Butrans, Sublocade, Brixadi, ... +2 more
Sublocade (buprenorphine) "I was on Suboxone for roughly 5 years after being addicted to opiates. Suboxone was a lifesaver but was also such a pain in the **. I wanted to get off badly, but was so terrified of the withdrawals that everyone on the web said could last 1-6 months. So my Dr. suggested Sublocade, and I agreed to give it a try. The injection stung but I immediately felt great, and no issues going from Suboxone (8mg a day) to Sublocade. After being on Sublocade for about a year feeling so much better, I started reading all the great reviews about Sublocade stating the withdrawals are very minimal if any at all. I plan to take my last injection on the 13th of December, and I know I will do great! I will update in a couple of months. Wish me luck."