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Withdrawal Questions (Page 12)

Related terms: Withdraw, Early Withdrawal

Displaying 387 questions associated with Withdrawal.

I’m going of Zoloft will I have withdrawal?

I have been taking 25m of Zoloft for 5 days. I’ve decided that I’m stopping it today. I had some anxiety before taking it so The doctor thought Zoloft would help.It has been the 5 worst days that I’ve had in years.The anxiety tripled. I feel like my insides are shaking so bad. I... read more

Weight loss after lexapro withdrawal?

Does anyone have any experience with this? Does it happen? How long did it take after withdrawal?

What's considered Long Term Use?

When Taking Percocet, the warnings indicate with "Long Term Use" possible habit forming and withdrawal symptoms. What do they mean by Long Term Use? 2 weeks, 2 months, etc? Thanks.

Weight gain when quitting tramadol!?

I know this sounds really superficial but since i've stopped taking tramadol i can't stop eating!! I've put on a stone in 2 weeks!! Just wondered if anyone has had a similar problem and suggestions barring the obvious! I think i'm using it as a psychological distraction/coping... read more

Cutting clonidine in half?

i was recently percribed 0.1 mg. of clonidine to help with withdrawals from suboxone. .i am currently 6 days no suboxone. am still freezing all the time and feels like my body is in vibration mode. having some muscle spasms at night and restless legs .feeling very tired from the clonidine and was... read more

Will you go into withdrawl if you take methadone and tramadol together?

I take methadone on a daily basis at treatment and now i got a prescription for tramadol since i am taking both at the same time will i go into withdrawl systems

Stopped taking Flomax after 5 years, 2 months later & my side effects are worse than ever ?

How long is the withdrawal time?

Is Valium from all those benzos the 'safest' ?

Most people 'adults'either know or have heard of Valium,but when asked about other benzodiazepines,they hesitate,may know one or two!So,is it in medical term the best of benzos?Or was it just a wide spread rumor that so many heard about ???

How long does it take for cymbalta to work?

I was taken straight off escitalapram and had really bad withdrawals. I have been on cymbalta for 7 weeks my depression is lifting but not the anxity does that take longer. How long did it take to feel the full effects please.

Aripiprazole - how long does this stay in your system and are there any withdrawal symptoms ?

My son safely tapered off of Abilify. Last dose of 2.5 mg was on Saturday August 4th... Here are my questions: 1. How long does Abilify stay in his system? 2 Is there any withdrawal symptoms I should look for as the medication is exiting his system? He is 17, non verbal and profoundly disabled. ... read more

Does valdoxan 25mg have withdrawal symptoms?

Hello there,I have been taking Valdoxane 25mg for 9months now,and I have had No side effects at all,I feel so so much better,was diagnosed with depression and I think I get anxiety attacks.I am thinking of stopping the tablets ,and my doc has told me there are no withdrawell effects,regards Felicity

Hydroxyzine - Has anyone had withdrawal symtoms when coming off/gone without Atarax?

Recently started this med and it works wonders for me. (25mg/qid)) I was on a strong pain med for 22yrs and withdrawal... I cant even describe. Never want that again! Just worried.

I was diagnosed with shingles and was given Tylenol 3 and ibuprofen to manage pain. I took about 100

manage pain - I have taken 100... Tylenol 3's in about 2 weeks - and have stopped taking this. I now have either withdrawal or stomach flu - how do I know the difference '

How long should I expect withdrawal symptoms from Lyrica?

Have been battling vertigo, then imbalance for year and a half now. Been through all the tests and physical therapy for balance, now meds. Lyrica and topamax. Both cause dizziness in which seems stupid to me. Trying to get off both. Tried to first ween off topamax 50mg twice a day and I became... read more

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