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Withdrawal Questions (Page 14)

Related terms: Withdraw, Early Withdrawal

Displaying 387 questions associated with Withdrawal.

Is is ok to take Citalopram and Amitriptyline?

I have been taking Amitriptyline (20mg) on and off for several months to help me sleep but not recently. I started on Citalopram (20mg) a week ago and my sleep has been worse. Is it ok to take the Citalopram a.m. and Amitriptyline p.m. does anyone know?

What happens when you go off gabapentin? My friend says she went thru withdrawals... Is that usual?

She said that it lasted about one day and that mostly she felt like "gritting her teeth" and was very nervous. I am presently on 3 - 300mg capsules twice a day and 4 at night for back pain, rls and sciatica. Seems to be helping to some extent, mostly for the back pain and sciatica. But I... read more

What is ceboxin, or something that sounds like this, used to treat opiate withdrawal?

What is ceboxin, or something that sounds like this, used to treat opiate withdrawal?I have a friend who is taking a med, that she said is for opiate withdrawal, I'm not sure how its spelled, she saying ceboxin, i cant find anything close to this, does anyone know what she is talking about?

Wellbutrin XL - What are the common side effects of an abrupt 300-mg Wellbutrin withdrawal?

My supply of 300-mg Wellbutrin XL has run out and for some reason the pharmacy has said it's too soon to refill. Since Wellbutrin is a serum level medication, would a week and a half be long enough to start feeling withdrawal? If so, what would I need to be looking out for? And on a side note,... read more

Librax - will my dad suffer withdrawal symptoms if Librax is stopped. He has taken it for years?

My dad is 86 years old and has been on Librax for years. He has Alzhimers in the final stage. He has recently been referred to Hospice and that doctor says to take him off the Librax. Will he suffer any withdrawals... should I ween him off?

Suboxone and surgery. Will suboxone cover the pain of a knee replacement surgery?

Help. I used heavy narcotics for chronic pain for 12 years. I won't EVER touch it again. I only have to think of the hellish month of withdrawal I went through and what life was like before to even keep my mind from going that direction. I currently use 1-2mgs. Of suboxone tape, as needed, but... read more

Lost sense of taste-tramadol withdrawal?

Hi everyone..I had a question I hope someone can help me with. I was put on Tramadol after an emergency hernia operation ( I had recently lost 300 lbs on my own, and the weight loss spurred on the surgery). Anyway, I used the med for pain relief which lasted about 3 months... my dosage increased... read more

Abilify withdrawal ?

Are there side effects to coming off Abilify ? I am on 20 Mg of abilify, and want to cut it down to 5 Mgs. The only reason my Psyc-doc raised it was because I was getting off Zyprexa I am currently on : 20Mg of Abilify,-Morning 10Mgs of Lexapro-Morning Remeron 15 Mgs-night (And .05 Ativan,- in the... read more

I've been on 2 mg lorazepam per day for 8 years, does anyone have a tapering schedule?

I would like to wean off but I tried it once and went through (no other word to describe it) Hell. I want to take my time getting off because I am terrified of the withdrawals again. Does anyone have a tapering dosage suggestion for me? My family doctor really is of no help. His answer was to just... read more

Is terrible burning and pain under the skin a symptom of Lexapro withdrawal?

I had to come off Lexapro in April due to the generic med not doing it's job. I never had problems but have had such terrible burning under my skin in extremities, especially my right arm, that I just want to die. What can I do to help this - any natural thing I can take? and is this part of... read more

Side Effect - From zoloft abruptly to wellbutrin. Will the side/withdrawal effects stop?

Hi there, I'm 35 and this is my first experience with antidepressants. I took zoloft 50mg for 3 weeks against depression. Because of the sexual dysfunction it caused me, my doctor put me on wellbutrin xr 150mg only after 36 hours stoping zoloft. I'm more agitated and nervous, short... read more

Zetia - negative symptoms and possible withdrawal effects?

Hi, I'm a paraplegia in my 40s and was on zetia for about 2 months to help with some cholesterol issues. Over time, I developed neuropathy type pain in my legs, and horrible insomnia. After contacting and relaying this message to my doctor, he told me to take the Zetia every other day, a few... read more

Will stopping Buspar after 10 days cause withdrawal symptoms?

I stopped after taking 10 mg a day for about 10 days and am having symptoms of upset stomach stomach pains vomiting. I also have bad constipation and hot and cold chills and my depression is really bad This is day 2 I stopped becasue it made me feel more anxious and I felt like I had the flu I also... read more

When will Amitriptyline withdrawal symptoms go?

Hi, my doctor has told me to reinstate my amitriptyline as i am having really bad withdrawal symptoms. Does anyone know how long after reinstating i should get relief. I was on the drug for 3 years and tapered and stopped 3 months ago and started reinstating 3 days ago. Thanks

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