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Urine Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 140 questions associated with Urine.

My urologist has prescribed ciprofloxacin for UTI's three times in the last six months. Each time my

... side effects seem to get worse and last longer. I've balked at taking Cipro but a urine culture shows that it is the only antibiotic that will work on pseudomonas bacteria. How long will the effects of a third hit last and is there anything else I can suggest the next time this happens?

Has anyone reported itchy skin and rash problems on Victoza?

I have been on Victoza for 5 months and have developed both a yeast and bacterial infection in my urine (Strep B). I took antibiotics for the urine infection but still suffer from itchy and sore skin especially in my groin area. I am a 59 year old woman. Could this be caused by Victoza?

Why would Oxycodone show on a urine test when all I take is Hydrocodone?

My doctor did a drug screen on me in his office and said that I had Oxycodone in my system but I know for a fact the only medicine I took was the Hydrocodone perscriped to me. He gave me a seven day supply while we are waiting from the results from the lab..Does the lab perform a different kind of... read more

How long does Klonopin stay detectable in your blood and urine. Can a test say how much you have...

... taken? I take Valium so would a test just test positive for benzos or can they work out it's not just Valium in my system but Klonopin too?

Is it OK to take more than 800 mg. of Naproxen twice daily ?

My back pain is quite severe. I am now starting to loose control of urine and bowels. Taking 800 mg. of Naproxen twice daily seems to help me. At least it allows me to walk and sit for a period of 20 to 30 minutes with out so much pain.

Can Zyprexa give you a false positive on a drug test for methamphetimine?

Can Zyprexa give a positive result on an urine test for methamphetimine/amphetimine.

How long will urine stay good in bottle and baggie, till tomorrow I hope??

I go to dr tomorrow ,could get off couch fell on ice at work took a morphine but, pissed in bottle before i took it ,will it last or should i put it in frigrator

Is clonidine a narcotic? Will it come up i. A urine test?

I have anxiety & bipolar. I don't take them often but am curious

OTC Water Pills

How Long Does Lorazepam Stay In Your Urine If I Ingested It One Time?

I took one 0.5mg lorazepam and will be taking a urine test. How long until this is out of my system? Please help,

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