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Tonsils Questions

Displaying 6 questions associated with Tonsils.

What's the difference between tonsillitis and strep throat?

Oxycodone and tramadol together ?

Nothing seems to be cutting the pain for my daughter who had tonsils, adenoids and deviated septum work done. She takes meds and vomits. Pharmacist said not to mix the two drugs. Dr says she can take her full dose of tramadol and 1/2 dose of the oxy together... any experience with the two ?

Can tylenol be taken alternating with Tramadol ?

My daughter had tonsils, adenoids and deviated septum surgery this am. Most of the day today she took 5 mg oxycodone every 4 hrs. and liquid tylenol (30 ml of 500 mg) every 4 hrs - alternating each every 2 hrs. The oxycodone made her throat very sore and breathing labored and heart race, and after... read more

Holes in tonsils with yellowish green stinky substance building up in them?

Why do I have holes in my tonsils? I have a few small holes in my tonsils where a greenish yellowish stinky substance builds up in. The substance ends up falling out or I push on my tonsils and it comes out. It makes my breath smell because of how strong and disgusting the smell is. I told my... read more

How long does a Penicillin injection take to work?

My Tonsillitis started out with little white spots on my tonsils. After I went to the Emergency Room, they gave me a penicillin injection. Its been three days now, and the white spots have gotten bigger and has spread a little. It hurts more than ever, I cant eat or drink without it hurting. Let... read more

Can you put Orajel on your tonsils after tonsillectomy?

My cousin had a tonsillectomy and is in a lot of pain and doesn't want to take pain medicines we were wondering if she can use Orajel to numb the pain a little?

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