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Stomach Questions (Page 7)

Displaying 282 questions associated with Stomach.

I’ve been on Zoloft since December 2023 and I’ve been so sick since. I’ve been suffering with...

... GERD (not positive caused by that) nausea, burning mouth, insomnia, upset stomach, back pain, palpitations now as my doctor finally realized that my illnesses are probably caused by the side effects. I think I have every side effect listed online. I’ve had no life and suffering all this... read more

Pepto-Bismol - How long does this stay in your system?

My stomach hurts bad enough I don’t just want Tums, but I’m breastfeeding. I have breast milk stored and could give my baby a bottle and just pump-n-dump while it leaves my system, but I need to know when it’d be out of my system?

Terrible headaches. And stomach aches just started Prozac 30 mg.

I think the headaches are mostly from tension and stomach aches from nerves and constipation what to do

Can someone take bismutol for an upset stomach if they take coumadin?

My mother is visiting me and has a little diarrhea and is not feeling very well. Can I give her something for the upset stomach? She takes coumadin daily for a heart condition and says she can't have any medications.

Does seraquel cause stomach bloating and cramps?

Is Ibuprofen at a 400mg dosage every 4-6 hours a good solution for moderate-severe period pains or?

... is there something better I could be taking? I am fifteen years of age and in good health. These moderate - severe period pains are very common on the first day of bleeding, often my stomach goes very tense and sometimes the pain is intense enough to make me vomit.

Gastrointestinal Disorders - Does anyone burp a rotten egg smell or Sulfur..& what causes it?

I'm really confused :( Iv gotten differing diagnoses & prescriptions since I was 15 for my stomach problems. ie; Heartburn, IBS, gastric reflux? I have constipation, pretty sure it's from the meds I take. My bowels dont move unless I take a laxative. I put myself on a bland diet... read more

Zoloft and abdominal pains?

I been on zoloft for a few days and last night got a severe upper stomach ache which lasted about 5 minutes but today my stomach is still hurting and have heartburn. I only ate pasta and chicken. Does anyone else have these side effects and do they get better? Stomach pain is intense and also have... read more

How long does clindamycin stay in the body?

Finished clindamycin 6 days ago after taking 20/300mg for 5 days. Stomach problems and diahrea.

Why m I feeling like vomiting aftr taking ipill?

Hello, i had intercourse on 17 april n we used protection.. After an hour or 1 i took ipill wid juice. Now from past 2 days i m feeling lyk vomiting bt i hadn't done any vomiting. My stomach is also paining. Itz the same pain which i get before my menstrual cycle starts. What is dis actually.... read more

Bleeding Disorder - What is a safest blood thinner to take when you have stomach ulcers ??

I have two heart stents and have been taking plavix for 5 years to prevent stents from blocking. Have had three hospitalization due to bleeding from my stomach ulcers. What are the safest blood thinners or alternative treatments to use for people with stomach ulcers ??

Carafate - Does anyone take this for post gall bladder syndrome ... bile dump issues?

I currently take Prilosec OTC twice a day breakfast and supper and Zantac (over the counter) same as the Prilosec ... but still having alot of issues with stomach ache, bloat -- slightly nauseated ... doctor had me try Carafate some time back but I'm not sure why I stopped taking it unless it... read more

Is there any difference between generalac, lactulose? and miralax?

Sometimes when stools are hard I get very bad stomach aches - - motility problem which Dr said is due to scar tissue. I had been in hospital with viral bronchitis - hope life gets a little easier now.

Can 40 mg paxil be broken in half since regular dosage is only supposed to be 20mg? 40 is too much?

the dr gave me a script for 40 mgs which i didnt notice until my wife looked closer at the bottle. i was sick to my stomach for almost a week and could barely stay awake. since paxil isnt scored i didnt know if that would help or not.

Will stopping Buspar after 10 days cause withdrawal symptoms?

I stopped after taking 10 mg a day for about 10 days and am having symptoms of upset stomach stomach pains vomiting. I also have bad constipation and hot and cold chills and my depression is really bad This is day 2 I stopped becasue it made me feel more anxious and I felt like I had the flu I also... read more

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