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Stomach Questions (Page 8)

Displaying 282 questions associated with Stomach.

What could be causing my severe upset stomach?

I woke up early Saturday morning with severe stomach pains. I felt like i was going to throw up the pain was so severe. I ended up going to the bathroom a couple times but with no relief. My stomach feels like it's burning and it's super uncomfotable. It's constantly gurgling and... read more

Gemfibrozil and meal timing?

So, just so I'm clear ... The instruction to take Gemfibrozil 30 minutes before eating is not because it is blocking anything during digestion (preventing fat absorption, or something) -- but just so that you'll have an empty stomach when you take it; right? I could conceivably take my... read more

Started day 2 on contrave & have persistent vomiting. Is this a side effect or some virus?

I took 1 pill on empty stomach yesterday & super nauseous all day. Ate crackers & nothing else. Couldn't tolerate it. Felt ok waking up day 2 so tried 1 pill again with apples. After 3 hours I started severe nauseous & vomiting with some diarrhea. Tried tiny bits of toast,... read more

Can you take sumatriptan on an empty stomach?

I am taking Nexium 40mg Can it bring about Bloating of Stomach?

Also slight Vertigo But Bloating of Stomach very prominent Taking Nexium 40mg daily by Prescription

Why do I wake up with sore breasts?

I recently started sleeping without a bra and lately I been waking up with sore breasts. They feel bruised all day! I can barely touch them... My breast are not big at all... I sleep on my stomach so I'm not sure if that's why, or is it cus I'm not used to sleeping without a bra?

Does hydroxyzine make you go crazy?

Hello all I recently came down with acid reflux and have since been given pepcid for my stomach and vistaril to help me relax. first night in the hospital( I went because I was very anxious felt like something really bad was going to happen freaking out) and they gave me vistaril. I was already... read more

How long does it take for Cellcept to work?

I was put on cellcept about 4 weeks ago for Lupus nephritis in the kidneys. The medicine had raised my blood sugar so now i also take insulin while on it. Did anyone experience bloating, stomach pains or any other chronic pains in the body? How long after taking cellcept did your body get used to... read more

Bydureon - In average,how long before the lumps go away?

I have been injecting into my thighs.I feel nervous about them not going away. Any suggestions? I did read about trying my stomach area or putting ice on the site after injections. Is there a reason the bumps don't go into my system? I was expecting them to go away eventually. Any help?

Buspirone - Two Months Later and Upset Stomach?

I was prescribed Buspar almost two full months ago. My dose has been 10 mg twice a day since that point. Nothing has changed in my dose amount. Recently though I have been struggling with nausea, upset stomach and some diarrhea. I wouldn't think this drug would cause this at this point, but I... read more

Do I take ranitidine with food or on empty stomach or after meals?

I have been taking omeprazole for a number of years for heart burn. Recently my Dr. changed to ranitidine. (one tablet twice daily, every twelve hours. directions for taking omeprazole on a empty stomach. This prompted me to look for information as per above question.

Constipation with Victoza?

Does anyone else suffer from severe constipation and stomach cramps. I cant get past the 0.6. After about a week I am so constipated that I'm in bed in pain for days. I really want this to work for me but not sure how to get past this?

I just started my 1.2 dose and am having major gas, upset stomach and rotten egg burps. Does any...

... one know if this will go away. I am to embarrassed to go anywhere thank god i work alone. My husband says my breath and gas smells like a garbage dump. And I am always sick to my stomach Especially after eating anything. Oh please tell me this will go away.

3 weeks on Lexapro, nausea is back?

Hi. I have been on 0.5 Lexapro for about 3-4 weeks. I did have nausea and upset stomach for the past weeks. At some point it starting getting better, but i see for the past 2 days the nausea started to be more present. Tomorrow i will also have to up the dose to 10mg and i am very scared it will... read more

My endocrinologist said I can take my levothyroxine with food because I get so sick when I take it?

However I’m worried about the effectiveness. I was always told to take it on empty stomach and wait an hour to eat. What do I do ? Since taking it with food, I haven’t gotten sick.

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