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Stomach Questions (Page 5)

Displaying 282 questions associated with Stomach.

What if I have none of the symptoms listed when taking Plan B and How does it affect your period?

I took the Plan B pill the morning after I had sex and the condom broke. However, I have not experienced any kind of stomach pains, nausea, vomiting or anything. It makes me paranoid that maybe it didn't work. And I've heard that it makes your period quite painful the first couple days...... read more

Tramadol hallucinations?

I was prescribed Tramadol 400mgm/day and Amytryptiline 20mgm at night for severe back pain. I took both for two weeks but had to stop because I had stomach pains, diarrheoa and hallucinations. I was very drowsy with no appetite and felt just awful. Now, ten days later I'm still hallucinating.... read more

Can chronic stomach pain be caused by anxiety?

I am prescribed Klonopin for anxiety problems. I do not take them very often so that I don't have to worry so much about potential addiction problems -- it's prescribed .5mg/day for 30 days -- I find myself taking it once a week. I have been having chronic stomach pains that feel like... read more

Peptic Ulcer - Stomach Ulcer questions?

I was diagnosed with a stomach ulcer following an endoscopy in hospital last Friday. I'm still in a lot of pain and have not received the results of the biopsy yet, to see whether it was caused by H. pylori. However I have a couple of questions regarding it! (I'm 19, and male and until... read more

I was diagnosed with shingles and was given Tylenol 3 and ibuprofen to manage pain. I took about 100

manage pain - I have taken 100... Tylenol 3's in about 2 weeks - and have stopped taking this. I now have either withdrawal or stomach flu - how do I know the difference '

Would a stomach ulcer cause bloody stools?

36 hours ago I was informed I had a stomach ulcer. I am to take Carafate 4 times a day. Today with both bowel movements there was bloody stools and obvious blood when wiped. Should I contact doctor or wait it out?

I have type II diabetes. I have been given metformin twice a day, 1000 mg each one. My blood sugar?

... levels have 100 to 115. My problem is I have extreme Gas and bloating. My stomach growls, especially at night. I watch what I eat And my A1C is 5.6

Peptic Ulcer - What does you ulcer feel like?

What does your ulcer feel like? I've never had stomach issues ever. But over the past 6 weeks or so I have had increasing problems. The ER doc says it is an ulcer. At first it was just heartburn and only two times weeks ago some acid did come up. I was stressed out greatly at the time. My... read more

I took 15 Advil liquid gel pills, what should I do?

So yesterday night i took 15 Advil liquid gel pills (trying to overdose) and nothing happened so i went to sleep. This morning i woke up and felt nauseous with bad stomach aches. Eventually i started getting really bad back pains. What does this mean? What should I do?

How can I prevent stomach upset and upper abdominal pain after taking 20 mg.of Cialis occassionally?

I take 20 mg Cialis once or twice a month to counteract the sexual effects of avodart taken once a month. However, the last 3 times after cialis ,I've experienced stomack upset and pain that was severe [one instance] and lasted 2 weeks after the last dose.

What is wrong if my back hurts and my insides hurt?

I am female and 14. My entire insides hurt, stomach, kidneys, lungs and things. All of it. Along with pain in my back.

What can I take for sinus infection?

This morning woke up with severe head ache. My nose had been dry and been in cold weather for 2 weeks working. I have had stomach problems and diarrhea 2 days ago

Stomach irritation and bad acid reflux from Neurontin?

I am taking 600mg/night of Neurontin for insomnia - been taking it for 1 month now. The next day after I took it, I noticed stomach irritation (my lips get weirdly chapped when my stomach is irritated). I started taking it with food and that seemed to help the irritation a little, but I still have... read more

Horrible upper "contraction" like pain in stomach..NOT PREGNANT!!?

For about 6 months now i have been having these horrible upper middle stomach pain that is hard to describe.. not burning, not crampy, not sharp, not dull... its like a very bad contraction or muscle tightning in my upper stomach that last for 30 minutes to an hour and HURTS EVEN WORSE when i touch... read more

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