I am female and 14. My entire insides hurt, stomach, kidneys, lungs and things. All of it. Along with pain in my back.
What is wrong if my back hurts and my insides hurt?
Question posted by cassy__star on 16 Nov 2014
Last updated on 16 November 2014 by balbanese
3 Answers
That's a great question for a Dr who will examine you and determine what's going on.
One thing can be wrong in there and make the whole area hurt. And give you referred pain to the back. Masso is right, tell your parents, pain is a sign something is wrong, and you should see a dr.
I suggest a visit to the Dr. for a full check up.
I suppose you told your parents. Now, if the pain is unbearable I would tell my parents to take me to the ER.
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pain, kidney, female, stomach, lungs
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