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Social Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 2)

Related terms: Phobia, social, Social Phobia, Social Anxiety

Displaying 218 questions associated with Social Anxiety Disorder.

Pregnant and still on my prescribed xanax, how safe is this if at all?

I have been on xanax for about 10 years now, its the only thing that helps for my panic attacks, social anxiety, phobias, im just afraid of facing the outside world with out it..Just simply bringing my daughter to school is hard for me. The xanax helps to get through these routine things in life.... read more

Did anybody take paxil during pregnancy? Is this OK?

I'm pregnant and I want to know if taking paxil is safe for me to take... thanks!

Zoloft isn't working PLZ HELP!! I have OCD, BPD, Situat/General Anxiety, Claustrophob, Depression?

I am new to this support group but not to the? sight, I usually come here to compare meds and do some of my research, however I NEED to reach out and get answers (I just hope there are answers for me). At any rate, this is very long but I would greatly appreciate it if someone or ones can please... read more

What's the difference between SSRI's and SNRI's?

I was talking to my therapist about mine and my mom's anxiety medicine. I'm taking Zoloft and she's taking Cymbalta. I was talking to my therapist about how my mom wants me to get out on what she's taking but my therapist was saying that it was a different class of drugs and... read more

Effexor XR - Does the yawning go away? Why am I so tired and have depressive episodes?

Sorry if this has already been answered..I'm not used to q&a forums really. (Providing a lengthy info) I am a 22 year old female. I was first prescribed venlafaxine a couple months ago for general anxiety and depression. My doctor started me on 37.5 for the first week, told me to double... read more

Been on prozac 20mg for 2weeks. I am falling asleep mid day. Anyone else experience this ?

I have since changed the TIME of day I take my SSRI from morning to night didn't work- i fell asleep at 11 am, woke because i HAD to at 2 pm. instead of falling asleep at 2pm. So not much of an improvement switching from day to night. Anyway, if not for your answers I would not still be trying... read more

I am so itchy!!! Which med is causing this? Feel like a chimpanzee...HELP?

Okay friends, you guys are so smart on here and I mean that sincerely!! My whole body has been itching like crazy lately and it is making me freak out. Now here is what I am on, starting from what I have been on the longest: Klonipin, 14 years, Ambien, 10+ years, Topamax, 1year, Effexor, a month,... read more

I'm on my first week of Zoloft 25mg. What else is good to help with anxiety beside benzodiazepines??

Suffering from anxiety I went from Prozac 80mg to Zoloft 25mg. I know it takes weeks to kick in so I'm going through anxiety. Can anyone can help with a medicine I can take besides benzos to keep my anxiety under control until the Zoloft starts working? I really need help. It's tough rite... read more

Psychiatrist won’t prescribe benzos. What now?

I’ve struggled with really bad anxiety my whole life. I’ve been diagnosed with GAD with panic attacks, social anxiety disorder, depression, ADD. I also have un-diagnosed PTSD from a rather recent event that’s happened to me which interferes badly with my sleeping (difficulty... read more

Upping Zoloft Dose 50mg to 100mg feeling side effects 10 days in?

Hello all another post about Zoloft, I have been on Zoloft for about 5 weeks and 5 days. The first month I was on 50mg and it was rough about 4 weeks in I started feeling myself again I could say definitely better. About 11 days ago I was upped to 100mg and was ok for the first few days. The last... read more

Has anyone switched from Effexor XR to Luvox/Lexapro/Zoloft, how did you find it?

Has anyone switched from Effexor to any of these three other meds? If yes, what did you experience? How are you doing now? I was diagnosed with GAD, but my new doctor believes OCD is really the cause most of my issues. Thanks!!

When is the best time of day to take paxil?

I'm a 36 single mother of 2 teenagers. I've suffered from anxiety most of my life. Went to my Dr today and gave me 20 mg paxil.honesty I'm afraid to start it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! !

Effexor for 7 years, Switching to Wellbutrin...KNOCKS ME OUT!!! ANYONE ELSE??

The doctor is weaning me off of Effexor XR slowly. 37.5 mg removed... Adding 75mg Buproprion 2x per day.. Have taken Effexor Xr 225mg for 7+ years, but have been suffering from MDD for most of my life. Have only been on meds a couple days, but I read time and time again that I'd have energy... read more

Zoloft and muscle aches and soreness?

Has anyone taking zoloft experienced muscle and body aches while on the medication? I am an avid exerciser and I have pulled and strained several muscles since starting the meds. I also am in a constant state of overall muscle achey-ness and stiffness. It seem very coincidental to me that it al... read more

Paxil~ is it worth it - weight gain and sexual side effects?

I’m 30 years old and have been dealing with social anxiety, worry, and fear and being so timid all my life. It’s gotten worse lately along w depression and suicidal thoughts. Just yesterday I went to see a very reputable psychologist and after hearing my story he recommended Paxil. I... read more

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