Okay friends, you guys are so smart on here and I mean that sincerely!! My whole body has been itching like crazy lately and it is making me freak out. Now here is what I am on, starting from what I have been on the longest: Klonipin, 14 years, Ambien, 10+ years, Topamax, 1year, Effexor, a month, and Adderall, a month. Here's the new info; Effexor started at 75 mg one time a day for the first week. By the third week, he wanted me to go up to 150. By day six, I was not going to stay on 150 or 2 of those heinous pills a day. I dropped back to 75 mg by the next day and have been doing that ever since. I have researched all of my medications. Effexor has made me dizzy and I almost fainted in my kitchen, I sweat like crazy, all I drink is ice water day and night, the nausea before and after I reduced the amount is crazy. That includes with or without food. The dry mouth is horrible. I take the Adderall 10 mg in the morning, mostly just one time a day. I have only taken it twice a day two times. I am prescribed to take it up to two times a day. Has anyone else had a problem with this extreme itching? I am constantly looking to see if I have a mosquito or spider or something crawling on me. I live in Florida, so we have a lot of critters