I have been on xanax for about 10 years now, its the only thing that helps for my panic attacks, social anxiety, phobias, im just afraid of facing the outside world with out it..Just simply bringing my daughter to school is hard for me. The xanax helps to get through these routine things in life. My problem is i am prescibed 4 mg. a day , but im now pregnant. I tried 2 stop for my 2 year old but just could not, i took as little as i felt i needed but still took it the whole time. My daughter was born healthy, and is smart as a whip. i have a 7 year old that i took nothing for at all and she has epilepsy, adhd, learning diabilitys, etc. So im pretty much wondering if whats meant 2 be is meant 2 be, or am i playing with fire, because im pregnant again, im now 17 weeks, and still on about 1mg, to 2 mg a day as needed, i wanna know if anyone knows the real dangers, i feel horrible taking it, but i cant see making it a day without, being my need for the meds. any feedback will be helpful. thanks!