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Seizures Questions (Page 6)

Related terms: Complex Partial Seizure, Fits, Convulsion, Absence Seizure

Displaying 149 questions associated with Seizures.

How long will I have to take Keppra after craniotomy for benign meningioma ?

I had a seizure and collapsed. They found a brain tumour in the hospital. I had surgery to remove a benign meningioma from the frontal lobe. The operation was ten weeks ago. I am taking 500mg Keppra twice daily. How long will I have to continue taking this for ? I do not have epilepsy.

I have beeen gaining weight very fast on meloxicam. Has anyone else?

My dr put me on this for my left knee pain and swelling so I started taking it every day for a month straight ALL OF a sudden I felt so bloated even my bra was tight none of my clothes fit I don't understand I am hardly eating at all my face blew up so I started doing some research and I found... read more

Overdosed on Wellbutrin what do I do?

When I first took Wellbutrin 300XL, my Dr had accidentally written SL. The pharmacist didn't want to phone the doctor, so filled 300mg SR... 5 days in a row I awoke in seizures. My mom thought I was purposely having insulin reactions causing seizures, (I'm type 1 diabetic) so called my... read more

Taking lamotrigine and smoking cannabis?

I have been taking lamotrigine 100mg per day since suffering a seizure around 2 years ago, I have smoked cannabis for nearly 15 years and continued to do so without any real problems (silly I know). After a recent colIapse I decided it was time to give up the cannabis around 2 months ago. Since... read more

How do I safely stop taking Keppra?

How do I stop taking Keppra twice daily safely?

Crestor - does rosuvastatin cause heart palpitations or feeling lightheaded?

I have been on rosuvastatin 10mg per day for a month now. I am 60, very fit and active. I have had no aching muscle side effects like other users but many times i seem to have panic attacks and heart palpitations. Note these dont come when i am jogging or training. Any help please?

What do I need to know about Drug Interactions?

Can suboxone cause seizures if you've had drug related seizures in the past?

My daughter would have a seizure sometimes two a day or two after drinking or taking ultram in large quanities, also illegal drugs. She wanted to get off the drugs so Dr. gave her suboxone 8mg 3 times a day. She wanted off that so he gave her adavan about a week ago, now she has all the withdrawl... read more

Does Keppra have sexual side effects?

My boyfriend has been on Dilantin for seizures for years, and was given a Rx for Keppra recently. Since then, he has not been able to hold an erection and believes this is related to the Keppra. Please respond with your research if there is any other alternative medication that will not affect his... read more

Can Keppra (Levetiracetam) give you a false positive?

Can Keppra show up on premployment screening?

What time of night is best to take Keppra so your not so exhausted the nest day?

I was just given Keppra for my mild case of epilepsy I tried taking it at 9pm (I take it once a day at night) my dosage is 250-500 mg so if I need to be fully awake/aware around 8:30am what time at night should I take Keppra so I'm not completely tired the following day?

Is it fine to take Ativan and clonidine together?!?

I had a seizure the other night and the doctor prescribed me with Ativan and I take it 3 times a day one when I get up mid of day then when I go to bed but I also take clonidine to sleep at night, so would it be fine to mix those two? Please hurry back to my question so I can sleep!

How long until keppra side effects subside?

I have mild epilepsy. About 5-6 tonic-colonic seizures a year caused by sleep deprivation. I'm a mum of a 2 year old. I gave up full time work to get healthy, relaxed and rested. 3 weeks on Keppra has severely reduced my quality of life. Suicidal depression being the worst. I have an appt to... read more

Wellbutrin accidental overdose (600mg) seizure symptoms?

Hello, I would really appreciate it if someone could answer me asap. So today I took an 300mg wellbutrin pill sometime at 11 in the morning. Then i took 40 mg vyvanse. At around 6, instead of taking klonopin, I accidentally took another wellbutrin. Upon discovering my mistake I took 0.5 mg of... read more

Bupropion and drinking? (college kid)?

I have been on bupropion for about 9 months. 2 times I drank a little and had terrible seizures, paranoia, hallucinations, etc. I didn't realize until the second time when someone looked it up that drinking with this med causes all those things. I am in college and occasionally at parties want... read more

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Related condition support groups

Seizure Prevention, Seizure Prophylaxis, Epilepsy

Related drug support groups

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