Hip replacement early Feb this year due to fall. Have had about 3 seizures requiring hospitalization since that time. Was on gabapentin, not working too well for the terrible pain and recently started the Lyrica. Took lyrica very successfully about 10 years ago for anklosing spondylitis. Make myself walk about 15-20 minutes x 2 daily. Was fulltime farmer and equestrian prior to this lovely turn of events. Was VERY physically fit. Any answers or help out there?? I am sick to death of being sleepy or sleeping 75% or more of the time. Makes me want a big old amphetamine pill - take ginseng, B-12, a lot of other B vits etc. etc. (daughter is well versed in herbals,it is her job to know about them literally, she works @ a reputable store. Any suggestions, thanks! I eat well. Coffee does nothing for the sleep craving.