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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 64)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Why did my mental health provider want me to stop taking Klonopin before joining her...

... practice? Klonopin was working well for me for 10 years, no signs of addiction and dependance. She knows this but she is in a different office now and they frown on Benzos. Should i believe her? Do i let her take away something that has done me a world of good?

Sertraline upping dosage please help?

I’m on 100mg sertraline and have been since January! Feeling a bit anxious again and I feel I should maybe up to 150mg but everyone I try to do this for one day I get so spaced out and feel my heart beat goes a bit weird? Is this normal ? Is it normal to get side effects when upping the... read more

Xanax - Antidepressants for panic disorder?

In your opinion what antidepressants do you feel are the best with the least amount of side effects for panic attacks?

Can Ativan be taken 4 hours after Norco?

Meds anxiety medication that does not interact with hydrocodone

Is consuming 200mg of sertraline associated with any risk?

I am currently taking 100mg of sertraline in the morning, it did me a lot of good, but I would like to feel better! Because I'm going through a serious family problem. I have to work and it scares me, Will increasing to 150 and then 200 help me?

Reaction to medication Zoloft and clonazepam?

Can I stay taking .5 mg clonazepam and 125 Zoloft. clonazepam is the only thing that works for me on my rapid heart rate

How do you feel on Prozac?

I’m very afraid to start Prozac. My primary gave it to me because I’m battling PTSD, and severe panic attacks and depression. I lost my mom and I’m just looking for something to help. I just want to see how others feel on Prozac.

Can I half my Zoloft dosage at first?

Sertraline - Does Zoloft increase adrenaline?

Drugs to treat dual diagnosis that have some success rate?

What drugs are given for someone with MDD, Panic Disorder, Anxiety , alcoholic and have had a heart attack at 49 . I am now 52, female.

Has alprazolam caused anyone to itch?

I have been on alprazolam for 20 years. I did not build a tolerance to it. I went from 1 or 2, 0.5 mg a day for 15 years, to 1/2 a tablet every three days, for 5 years. Anyway, I have been itching all over with no rash for about a week. It may be allergies but I was just wondering if anyone ever... read more

Sertraline - Does the anxiety and panic ever go away after stopping Zoloft?

I was on Zoloft (25-50mg) for about 3 years then year two I added Wellbutrin (150mg). worked well for me but decided this past summer to stop to see how I would manage and I was fine. went through some struggles in school (nothing major just some lack of motivation) and decided to get back on... read more

How can I have my doctor up my Klonopin to 2mg?

I don't want my doctor to think I'm seeking cause she just up it to 1mg for my panic disorder but it's still not enough it barely take the edge off so what do I do? Any help would be very much needed and appreciated.

Triazolam - Can you take Halcion and Xanax together?

I’m trying to sleep

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