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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 62)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Lexapro - medicine for panic attacks, for coronary heart patient?

I have panic attacks due to war in my country. Please suggest some medicine, that is safe to take if you have coronary heart disease? The war killed me in a different way. I can't leave my house, even for groceries.

Bupropion 300 mg for a month?

So when I started taking this, it felt like it was working but then stopped. So they increased it to 300, same thing. Now increasing to 450. I'm concerned that it's gonna make it worse. Do I just need more time to get in my system? Still depressed, anxiety, and no energy.

Citalopram - is it working and do I just need to up it?

I’ve been on 10mg Citalopram for 7 weeks now. The first couple weeks were rocky and I’d say it took until 6 weeks to ‘settle’. I had some good days in that time and a lot of my bad days probably do come from a fear of taking medication. Last week I had the most active week... read more

Sertraline Side Effects or just my Anxiety?

I’m constantly being told my symptoms are just anxiety but part of me feels that it’s side effects from the medication. I’ve been getting random fast heart rate and then sometimes really slow heart rate. I’ve been feeling lightheaded and extra tired all the time. My dreams... read more

Mirtazapine 30mg - just been increased to 30mg from 15mg 4 days ago. Does anyone get leg pain?

I was prescribed mirtazapine 3 weeks ago due to severe depression anxiety and panick attacks haven't been out the house for 12 weeks that's how bad I got anyway on the 4th day of the 30th helps me drift off nice to sleep. Depression has subsided a little but still having my anxiety. I... read more

Amitriptyline - Anxiety/panic attacks /migraines?

Hi all Im wondering if someone could give me advice please I have been given amitriptyline for migraines off doctor . I have suffering with anxiety/ panic disorders .I have try so meny different meds for it like fluoxetine citalopram sertraline . But all of these make me really ill . They also make... read more

Is it normal for bupropion to worsen depressive symptoms within the first 1-2 weeks?

I have recently been prescribed bupropion for treatment resistant major depressive disorder. As I have tried most other SSRI's, SNRI's, MAOI, tricyclics, etc. I've been taking bupropion for 8 days. And my depressive/anxiety symptoms have become much worse. Just wondering if this is... read more

Panic disorder and anxiety disorder Prozac and Buspar?

I have very severe panic attacks that will cause me to shake uncontrollably and faint. My attacks are pretty painful but a pain that’s hard to describe. Anyway my doctor gave me 10mg of Prozac for anxiety with 5mg of Buspar due to my panic attacks. Does this work? I have tried Xanax before... read more

Is it safe to take Zoloft while taking Bystolic?

Has anyone taking Prozac have hair loss issues?

I was taking Wellbutrin XL and coming off of it, and at that time had a lot of hair loss my doc then added Prozac and it has helped me tremendously, some articles say that its one of the side effects of Prozac and I am just wondering what the percentage is of people with that problem?

What's best for me please help me figure this out?

What's best for me I go for anger to happy to cry to feel lost so quick I have adhd bipolar PTSD panic attack depression

Fluoxetine increased anxiety?

Hi, My mum has been taking Fluoxetine for 8 months and Olanzapine for around 20 months now. She started at 20mg of Fluo, then went to 40mg and now 50mg. Since the last increase, her anxiety has gotten progressively worse and now, at week 11 since the increase, it is so bad that she is having to... read more

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