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Panic Disorder Questions (Page 61)

Related terms: Panic Attack, Panic, Panic Attacks

Displaying 962 questions associated with Panic Disorder.

Alprazolam - new refill less effective?

I have been using the same dosage for years. My recent refill is not working the same. I have some left from the last refill and tested it. Yes, there is a significant difference. Another thing I noticed is the taste is different. If you don't get the water quickly enough, the pill has a... read more

Escitalopram: Please tell the anxiety gets better?

Today is Day 23 since starting escitalopram 10mg. Day 9 since increasing to 20mg. I took it cus of a panic attack at work. I generally have social and generalized anxiety disorder which I took CBD oil for in the past, but this panic attack was an eye opener that it wasn't enough. My job has... read more

Is my new dosage too high for me? Experiencing worse side effects after increasing?

I just recently increased my dosage of Zoloft from 50mg to 100mg daily. I was doing good on 50 but still experiencing some anxiety which I think may have been residual since it has not quite been 4 weeks since starting the new med. Two days into taking my new dose I start experiencing severe... read more

BuSpar - I am having bad leg cramps as a side effect?

This medicine has help me get my life back. Now I can think work and not get panic attacks or even depression. However, I get horrible leg cramps. I need help. I need suggestions because is the only medication that has help me.

Is desvenlafaxine safe to cut?

I've started taking this medication this week, but I have dysphagia so I asked my psychiatrist if I can cut it or split it to swallow it since I struggle, he said it was safe. But when I Googled details about the medication people say it's not recommended to do so, and that it's a... read more

Lexapro - My son is 12 1/2 and about two months ago he started having random panic attacks.

My son is 12 1/2 and about two months ago he started having random panic attacks. Scared me at first not knowing what they were but now are more understandable. His pediatrician started him on 10 MG Lexapro and the first few days were great but after about day five he started having more panic... read more

How long does Effexor XR take to work?

I’ve been on Effexor XR 150mg for a little over 4 weeks. I’ve lost a lot of weight and everyday I wake up anxious. Doc prescribed it for anxiety/depression/ocd/panic attacks. I also take Ativan a couple of times a day. After 4 weeks I still have anxiety most of the day and some crying... read more

Sertraline side effects please help!?

does this drug make you gain weight? My doctor prescribed this but I been reading up on it and it says weight gain.

Does Zoloft help with anxiety and depression?

I have just started Zoloft 25mg as per doctor said for 4 days then he's going to up the dosage to 50mg. Hope it helps.

Health anxiety and sertraline?

I have recently been diagnosed with health anxiety which came out of nowhere I get so many physical symptoms like flu like pain and headaches and chest pain but have been checked out and I am completely normal. I started sertraline 16 days ago and mentally I am feeling better but still having to... read more

Panic Disorder - how well does Celexa (citalopram) work for panic attacks.

I am on diazepam but want to wean myself off. i am grieving because my ex walked away from my life about 7 months ago and we have a daughter together. i know I must feel to heal but need something to keep the panic attacks reduced..a crutch as you will.

Should I give it some more time or go back to my doctor?

About 5 weeks ago I started feeling anxiety and panic attacks. My doctor prescribed Lexapro 10mg. I feel like I am slight doing better but now I am waking up crying and and detached from the world and everyone I love and this is causing me to cry. I don’t know if this medication is working or... read more

Fluoxetine - little support, having a few hard days. I need to know I'm doing right?

Pumpkin pies I read your post about 12 weeks. I've been on 40mg for 7 weeks now and the last few days have been hard feeling sick and down and ocd thoughts that then make me anxious that my meds aren't working. My doctor has said he's seen big improvement and to just keep going it... read more

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