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Muscle Questions (Page 7)

Displaying 204 questions associated with Muscle.

Feeling numb on the face after taking mucinex dm?

My husband is feeling a bit limp around his mouth nose and eye on the right side of his face only. He's able to feel but the muscle reactions are slow. No swollen or any other side effects showing. I read that this has happened to many people. But how should we deal with this? Would he be ok a... read more

How do I reduce symptoms of restless leg syndrome?

For over five years I have had bouts of RLS. The other night I almost went to the ER it was so bad. I actually thought I had damaged a muscle in my leg that night. Lasted from midnight until 6 in the morning and needless to say I was miserable. My Dr. has told me to take a vitamin; which I loaded... read more

Stelara - Muscle weakness, fatigue vibrations in feet and hands?

Only on my 2nd inj. Still feeling wiped out, now muscle weakness, like a heavy feeling and extremities have random twitching and vibration feeling. Anyone else have this?

Has anyone experienced trouble with bowels on gabapentin?

Since I started taking this for sciatic nerve pain, it's like my muscles aren't working for bowel movements. I have always been regular with no problems and that's why I suspect gabapentin is doing it. I tried to get off this stuff but started experiencing a lot of anxiety and went... read more

Fosamax - Has anyone experienced severe fatigue with Fosamax?

I have osteoporosis, I have been on Fosamax for 6 weeks. I have muscle aches and joint pain which I can handle. I am having terrible fatigue with this. I sleep 7-8 hours at night and now have to take a 2-3 hour nap to make it through the day. Not sure if it is the medication or not but I know that... read more

Agitation in my leg muscles and body after taking my dose of Seroquel?

I have been taking Seroquel for a long time, lately when I take my usual dose at night of 200mg at night i feel weird things like I can't be still, my legs feel all kind of adrenaline sensation, and I cannot lay still. It's a horrible sensation and the only relief I can get from it is to... read more

Crestor - does rosuvastatin cause heart palpitations or feeling lightheaded?

I have been on rosuvastatin 10mg per day for a month now. I am 60, very fit and active. I have had no aching muscle side effects like other users but many times i seem to have panic attacks and heart palpitations. Note these dont come when i am jogging or training. Any help please?

What relief are you finding for 'restless leg syndrome'?

I wake up in the morning with such sore calf muscles. using ropinerole

How soon after starting Zetia will side effects start such as aches in joints and muscles last?

I would like to know if they go away after time also.

Muscle Pain - I had a very large hematoma in my right thigh two months ago. During this episode I?

... could not move my leg at all. I had emergency surgery to to remove the hematoma, and a 1.5 liter of blood clot was removed from my thigh. However, my leg remained extremely swollen for 3 weeks (normal circumference = 22"; swollen circumference = 36"). The first two weeks of this three... read more

Taking diclofenac EC 75 mg 2x day -- one month for strained groin muscle?

Having cramping in fingers and calves. Do I need a potassium supplement? No other adverse sx's. Should I be concerned?

How long does it take for cyclobenzaprine to take affect and stop the spasms?

My husband has taken two doses and the muscle spasms and pain in his neck is no better. Advil seems to help more that the muscle relaxer in relieving the pain.

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