I have been taking Seroquel for a long time, lately when I take my usual dose at night of 200mg at night i feel weird things like I can't be still, my legs feel all kind of adrenaline sensation, and I cannot lay still. It's a horrible sensation and the only relief I can get from it is to keep jumping about until the sensation goes away this can take up to 2 hours ...
Has anyone else ever had this happen ? What may be causing this ? Is it the Seroquel ??
Oh and BTW I have experienced weightless over a time, yes my anxiety was very bad initially but over a period of about 5 years I have lost approximately 10 to 15kgs, I know if it was the Seroquel that actually did this, but I think it was more that the drug made me feel alot better hence the weight loss. I know of people whom have gained weight- yes - but this should not be a deciding factor as to whether or not it could work for you. How you feel will affect how you look ... not the other way around !!