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Medicine Questions (Page 15)

Displaying 531 questions associated with Medicine.

What medicines can I take for colds and allergies that don't affect a fatty liver?

I was told that due to my fatty liver, I should stay far away from any medicine that contains acetaminophen or any meds that have liver warnings. When I have a cold, it's so bad that I need to take something. This also the case with nasal allergies.

Anxiety - What are side effects of metoclopram its new medicine my doctor just order for me?

Iam scare to try it I read up on it and alot people didnt like it cause of all the sideeffects its for gerd

Half life of Gabapentin? Can someone tell me what exactly the half life of a medicine means? The?

... literature in Gabapentin says its half life is 5-7 does that mean that half the medication is out of your system in that amount of time? So it would be completely out by 14 hours? I'm taking a dose just at morning and night and trying to figure out if 12 hours is too far to space... read more

Has Citalopram caused anyone else to experience tingling sensations in their feet and legs?

I have tingling sensations from my buttocks down to my feet and in my arms and hands. Could this be some sort of neuropathy caused by this medicine?

Can I cut a thorazine 100mg pill in half?

some pills you are not supposed to cut in half, because the outside shell allows for the medicine to be released correctly at a certain rate

Contrave - if hit your goal of losing weight, do you stop taking the medicine or do still continue?

Also what happens to you after you stop the medicine, does the weight cone back.

I just was prescribed terbinafine and I know it say don't drink alcohol beverage while taking it so?

... what if I don't take the medicine on the weekend only will that be okay and just take the medicine on the days I don't drink or just stop drinking until I get my toes clear

Why is this medicine (Librax) so expensive?

My Mother is 88 and her dr. has prescribed Librax but it is so expensive she will not let me get the prescription filled. She is not on medicade but will be is she starts buying this medicine on going. We can't even try the drug because Wal-Mart wanted over $200 for a three months prescription... read more

How long does it take for Cellcept to work?

I was put on cellcept about 4 weeks ago for Lupus nephritis in the kidneys. The medicine had raised my blood sugar so now i also take insulin while on it. Did anyone experience bloating, stomach pains or any other chronic pains in the body? How long after taking cellcept did your body get used to... read more

When is the best time to take Lisinopril, morning or night?

I was taking the Lisinopril 10mg in the morning and cholesterol medicine at night. That's the only meds I take besides a low dose aspirin. The pharmacist recommended taking my bp medicine at night, but my doctor at the time said I could take it either time. Some of the articles I've read... read more

Orajel - Is oragel supposed to bubble up and turn white after you use it?

I have really bad teeth problems and am in pain. When I apply the medicine it turns white and bubbles up. Is this normal?

Can I drink alcohol while taking Atorvastatin ?

I am regular drinker and my doctor Recommend me today .i am afraid to take this medicine. My doctor knows my drinking habit but he recommended this drug

Metoprolol - Does this medicine make you cold in addition to being so tired?

Only taken two doses of 25MG with a bp of 184/91 and I read where it will make your hands and feet cold, but my whole body is cold including my face and neck. I am also so tired all I want to do is sleep. Anyone else experience this?

After soaking a metformin tablet in water for 12 hrs in a glass why is it still whole ? I cut it?

in half and the medicine is still in there. whoever said, "your still getting your medicine even if you are pooping the tablet is wrong

Trintellix - Does this medicine cause weight gain?

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