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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questions (Page 93)

Related terms: Anxiety Disorder, GAD, General Anxiety Disorder

Displaying 1473 questions associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Health anxiety and sertraline?

I have recently been diagnosed with health anxiety which came out of nowhere I get so many physical symptoms like flu like pain and headaches and chest pain but have been checked out and I am completely normal. I started sertraline 16 days ago and mentally I am feeling better but still having to... read more

1-10 - I had a 10 when it came to anxiety. I’ve been on 30mg Paxil for 10 years and I got my life...

... back but really never got rid of my anxiety fully. Is there anything I can do to get rid of it fully?

I was on 2 mg of Abilify in conjunction with Cymbalta 60 mg. I stopped Abilify because of…

... weight gain and my doctor thought I was in a good space. Two things - I was fine until about 10 days ago and since I’ve had high anxiety, sleeplessness, and teary. Is this withdrawal? Would it start this late? My doctor raised my Cymbalta to 80 mg but so far no help. Please no opinions on... read more

Synthroid and anxiety - drug interaction question?

I take 0.112 Synthroid in the morning. It was first prescribed to synchronize the effect of lithium hypothyroidism. It now gives me extreme anxiety the first part of the day, and eases by the end of the day, possibly due to the palliating lithium dose which was once 900mg, but now 0 due to... read more

Can venlafaxine cause withdrawal symptoms?

I have been taking venlafaxine 225mg ER for years now, and ran out recently. My psychiatrist’s office won’t let me refill it because of an unpaid balance they think I owe (which I don’t, they just keep labeling me as self pay.) Insurance issues aside, I think I’m... read more

Anxiety and Stress - Cymbalta to Trintellix - Is it safe to do a rapid switch?

Hello. I have been taking Cymbalta 60mg for 3+ years. Unfortunately, it appears that it is no longer helping. My PCP wants to switch me to Trintellix 10mg (to start). He said to simply stop the Cymbalta and start with the Trintellix. Is this safe? Will I have horrible effects?

Sertraline is horrible so far, does it get better?

Can sertraline cause worse anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts before it gets better? I've been on it for 9 days (3 days 25mg and 6 days on 50mg) and I am getting worse or at the very least, feel no improvement. When i was on lexapro i felt better within the week. But eventually it... read more

Lexapro slowly increasing and major anxiety, nausea and sweating?

I have been on Lexapro 5 mg for 3 weeks, now on 7.5 mg why and is it normal for the anxiety (nervousness) makes me feel so shaky and almost worse than my normal anxiety, it’s so intense and the nausea and sweats are as well. How much longer before I have relief? I need answers of hope…... read more

Cymbalta and Zoloft? I had an appointment with my doc this morning and she put me back on 50mg...

... ofZoloft along with the 60 mg of cymbalta I am already taking. When I was tapering off of Zoloft I found that I felt better with the Zoloft. I’m a little nervous as they are two different kinds of antidepressants. And I asked her that and she said yes but they work in different areas of... read more

Sertraline - How can zoloft medicine change my life ?

Hello .. i think i had anxiety long time ago without knowing that feeling depending on the situation im passing by like an important basketball game,job interview,university presentation .. but everything was ok until i traveled to Dubai to work there i was excited in the beginning but after a... read more

Does Pristiq cause high BP, just like Effexor?

Hi there. I have a GAD and was on Lexapro 10 mg for many years. After my fiance and I started talking kids, I went down to 5 mg and was successfully on it for over 6 months. Then I started slooooowly descrease the dose, and finally my body said Heck No! All my physical symptoms came back full... read more

Is it possible for 5mg of Lexapro to start working sooner then two weeks?

I was prescribed 5mg of Lexapro for constant crying and depression triggered by one of my daughters moving from US to UK. The crying is absolute daily torture. I also take 1mg of clonazepam 2x daily since 2015 which does not do anything at this point, its more of a security from withdrawal i also... read more

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