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Is amoxapine prescribed for treatment resistant depression and anxiety?


WildcatVet 18 Oct 2021

Hi, Mardee!
Yes. Although it's an older tricyclic class of antidepressant it's one of several of these older medications that are prescribed especially when there hasn't been a significant response to the newer SSRI's and SNRI's such as Lexapro, Zoloft, and Effexor, for example.
Best regards and I hope you're feeling better soon.

Votes: +1
Mardee123 19 Oct 2021

Does this medication also help with chronic pain? My depression is based upon dealing with chronic pain from an accident I had. Thank you for replying to my question. I hope all is well with you.

WildcatVet 19 Oct 2021

You're welcome!
Amoxapine treats various types of depression and is also prescribed off label for anxiety, insomnia, neuropathic and chronic pain syndromes.
Source: MayoClinicProceedings
Recently, new antidepressants were introduced into clinical use, with a significant reduction in side effects and equivalent efficacy on mood disorders. These new drugs that are effective for chronic pain belong to the tetracyclic antidepressants (TeCAs) group (amoxapine, maprotiline).
Treatment of various types of depression. Unlabeled Use: Anxiety, insomnia, neuropathic and chronic pain syndromes.
F.A. Davis Physiotherapy
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