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Energy Questions (Page 4)

Displaying 94 questions associated with Energy.

Anyone experiencing rapid heart rate after working out while taking Wellbutrin XL 300mg?

I've been on the 300mg dosage for about a week now and I feel better than I did on the 150mg (extremely nauseous and anxious) I do feel more awake and have more energy. I haven't experienced insomnia if I work out during he day. My question is after working out (I run and do HIIT) I feel... read more

If taking hydroxyzine 50mg for anxiety is it better to take it at night or in the morning.?

Just starting taking this medication and the fort day it gave me a lot of energy and then it felt like my body crashed in the afternoon. It did keep me calm so now I am not aura when to take it. Any information would be appreciated.

Wellbutrin and side effects?

I am on day 2 of starting Wellbutrin XL, I also take Lexapro, Depakote and Buspirone. The Wellbutrin was added for depression, energy and the weight gain that Depakote is causing. I feel really weird on it. I'm feeling fatigue and confusion and an overall sick and flu like feeling. Is this... read more

Hi, anything I can do to help with Concerta headaches and energy crashes?

Hi, I am 48 yrs. old and have just recently been diagnosed with ADHD and depression by a Psychologist recommended by my family Physician. I am happy in my life for once and do not understand the depression & was reluctant to take anti-depressants. However I have been put on Concerta 54mg. (... read more

What are some safe medications to give you energy?

A safe alternative to caffeine pills to give you more energy. Prescription or over the counter

My blood pressure is 99/44, isn't it too low!?

I'm dizzy, headache, bp gets as low as 34, disoriented, abdominal pain, and feel lethargic (Zero appetite and Zero Energy

Phentermine - constipation?

The pill works great I can deal with the energy boost dryness of mouth mood swings and all but I've taken it for seven days 3 days straight with no bowl movement I took a laxative it worked but I'm back to same scenerio I don't want to take laxative at all cause I heard they are bad... read more

Gabapentin and caffeine=bad mood?

I just started gabapentin for anxiety, I'm supposed to take 300MG a day. Tonight I drank an energy drink and noticed I soon became very irritable and aggravated for several hours. Is this a side effect of the medicine with caffeine? Or a bad side effect of just the medicine?

How does Wellbutrin work with synthroid? I have no thyroid due to cancer. Since starting Wellbutrin?

... SR on 12/7 I am losing my voice, I'm extremely tired, I have no energy and I have a slight migraine that will not go away. Plus I feel hungry even though I've just eaten. I'm wondering if these two drugs just don't meld together? I also have no sex drive at all and no... read more

Prazosin and pstd flashbacks/anger?

I just started taking prazosin for pstd. I don't really have a problem with nightmares, I do have a problem with flashbacks and anger. My flashbacks take so much of my energy and I'm hoping this med helps. How long did it take for prazosin to start working? I've only been on it for... read more

Combinations with Wellbutrin XL?

I've been trying out different meds and so far 300 mg Wellbutrin XL has been the best- but isn't doing too much either. It gives me the energy to function, but it raises my anxiety and hasn't helped with any other depression symptoms besides sedation/amotivation. I'm hoping to... read more

Adipex-P - roof of mouth is sore when I eat?

hello I started taking this about a week ago and feel great on it energy it through the roof. don't take naps anymore but the only thing that is bothersome is that when I eat the roof of my mouth cramps almost intolerable to eat does this happen to anyone else?

Tons of energy first week of Wellbutrin, now tired and drowsy?

I'm taking generic Wellbutrin. 150mg SR 2x per day for depression and ADHD. The first week was amazing I had TONS of energy which I appreciated because I deal with pretty bad fatigue. This second week I seem to be a lot more tired. It still helps A LOT with my ADHD (giving it a few weeks to... read more

How long does the next day groggy feeling last after taking hydroxyzine before bed?

I feel lazy, no energy

About a year ago I was put on 10mg of Lexapro.It was horrendous.

For 7 days I was jittery, shaky, unable to eat, and taking 2 Xanax just to get through the day with very low energy. It started within hours of taking the 1st tablet, so I kept taking them thinking they would start working soon and I'd be back to normal. Went to my doctor on day 7 she told me... read more

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