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Energy Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 94 questions associated with Energy.

Contrave - When you eat greasy foods does it make you sick?

I've been on this medicine for a week, I have way more energy and I have to remind my self to eat, but I ate a piece of fried chicken yesterday and I thought I was gonna die, tonight I had a slice of pizza for dinner and I'm feeling the same way. If I eat grilled chicken on the George... read more

Trazodone - how do wean yourself off this drug?

I currently take 100mg at nightime to sleep. Recently had back surgery and noticed if I stop the Trazodone, I feel great ( more energy, joints do not ache, back feels great ) but the side effects are terrible. Nervousness, feelings of everything closing in around me, aching joints, instability,... read more

Has anyone gone through withdrawal on parnate?

I think I want to get off of it, it's helped me alot with depression and energy wise but these chest pains and good restrictions are bothering me too much after over a year on parnate. I've gone through Paxil withdrawal and it was awful, just wondering how bad it would be with parnate and... read more

How long does it take for synthroid to show its full effect?

I have been taking it for 2 weeks 125 mcg/day. I have felt no change in symptoms weakness in legs in the morning, no energy, unable to stand or walk for more than 15 mins. and muscle cramps. I tested positive for hypothroidism. Love to learn from others on this therapy.

Does Effexor really help with increasing your sex drive and energy??

I am taking Cymbalta now and decided it is time to get off of it because I have lost my sex drive and have absolutely no energy at all. I have heard a lot of positive feedback so far but I have also heard that it gives you your sex drive back and increases your energy, curious if this is true.

I just started taking synthroid how long before I start seeing my hair grow again?

I have lost so much hair and not only that it wont grow. Im always tired and have no energy to do anything. Just want to start feeling better and most of all my to start growing again.

Oxycodone drowsiness?

Hello, I have been on the same dose of percocet - 10/325 5x/day for about a year for multiple conditions. My medicine used to give me energy and help me function better throughout the day. For a few months however, I have been feeling extremely sedated. Is it possible for the medicine to start to... read more

Dose contrave help with energy?

I have no motivation. I think a lot of my problem is I can't lose weight because I can't get off the couch. I'm not a big eater I definitely eat all the wrong things but when it comes to eating I don't really over do it. I'm starting contrave tomorrow and in reading the... read more

Cymbalta not working for depression, should I switch to diff. or add another?

Been on 90mg Cymbalta for about 4 mos. but not helping and have absolutely no energy or desire to do anything or go anywhere, need a med that will help with that. Probably will just switch, don't have fibromyalsia. Not sure which antidepressant to try, was on Effexor for many years and quit... read more

What is a good Adderall starting dose?

I am 20 years old, and was just diagnosed with ADHD. My doctor prescribed me 20mg Adderall IR twice a day. The first few days were really good. I had a lot of energy, and was really focused. After the third day I started to feel really tired, drowsy, and irritated with everything. I'm not too... read more

Is there anything that can be done to reverse the side effects after taking Levaquin?

Have trouble walking, itching all over the body, gastric parisis, loss of balance, cornea edema, loss of energy and depression.

Contrave and fatigue- when does the energy kick in?

I’ve been on this for almost 3 weeks and have been very fatigued. I am usually very tired as it is due to my thyroid being removed and basically having zero metabolism and energy. My thyroid medication hasn’t been working for me and still trying to figure it out. I was told this should... read more

Which tramadol manufacturers work best?

I was prescribed Ultram (brand name) for years to treat stomach pain and it was a miracle drug for me (helping with mood, energy and lifted anxious feelings as well). I normally take 50 mg a day (25 mg twice daily). Now, sadly, Ultram is no longer available and I have been searching to find a... read more

What is making me so tired taking Cymbalta 60 mg?

I’ve been taking Cymbalta 60 mg for a little over 8 months now & some days I’m okay but most days I have no energy at all I’m constantly sleeping. If I fight it I feel so drowsy & just blah. It has got to the point I can’t even tell if I’m fighting the... read more

Armour Thyroid - Re: armour dosage messing up my sleep?

Hi... I've been on 3 grains (180 mg) of armour thyroid for about 2 yrs now (taking it all in the morning). Thought I was doing great. Hair was super thick, & lots of energy... sleep wasn't great & pulse rate a little high. Kept me up at night if I took it twice a day & I... read more

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