For 7 days I was jittery, shaky, unable to eat, and taking 2 Xanax just to get through the day with very low energy. It started within hours of taking the 1st tablet, so I kept taking them thinking they would start working soon and I'd be back to normal. Went to my doctor on day 7 she told me stop taking them they shouldn't be making me feel just that bad. Anyways a year later I plucked up the courage to try a different one Venlafex 37.5mg low and behold within 3hrs of taking it I'm the same all jittery like something niggling inside me all over jittery and shaky. Now I don't know if am I doing it to myself as I've been so anxious about taking them or is it I am reacting to them again. I had to take Xanax twice yesterday and this morning to stop me from going into full panic mode. I keep telling myself to stick with them till they start to do their job but I'm weary of putting myself through another week of feeling like this and not being able to eat a thing just to be told to stop taking them again.