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Doctor Questions (Page 83)

Displaying 1270 questions associated with Doctor.

Why would my doctor prescribe these all at once?

Im prescribed bupropion, lexapro, and clonazepam to take all together? Aren’t dangerous interactions?

Sertraline - Will I experience more side effects?

I’m only on my first week of sertraline 25mg. My doctor wants me to start on 50mg tomorrow. Today was the first day where it seemed like my side effects (derealization/spaced out, anxiety) were starting to go down. Will increasing my dose bring those side effects back? I’m terrified... read more

Can the capsule form of lithium be less effective?

I have been taking 300mg lithium carbonate tablets (one capsule twice a day) for a year now and it's worked like magic on my bipolar. However, my doctor recently switched me to capsules instead of tablets (don't know why- i just received the prescription change with no explanation) and... read more

Can I get pregnant with the implant?

So two weeks ago I got the implant and mt doctor said I should wait a week before having sex otherwise use condoms, which I have been doing, well me and my partner had sex without one. Is there any chance I’m pregnant?

Escitalopram - I am a 50 year old male I started on 5 mg and now gone to 20 mg my fear and anxiety?

I am 50 year old man and self employed my fear and anxiety of loosing my business has overwhelmed me can’t stop thinking all time my doctor started me on 5 mg first weak and now on 10 mg 2 weak I take it in morning and feel very fearful and nervous for most day how long dose it last and they... read more

Terminal pneumonia diagnosed due to antibiotic resistance.

The doctors don't expect her to live much longer. There must be some kind of new antibiotic that can help her as she seems energetic and positive and not willing to let go at 90 yrs young! She is also very bright and has full use of all of her faculties. Can someone please suggest a newer... read more

I stopped taking my megestrol after a day and a half of taking it, should I be worried?

Hi! So I recently was prescribed megestrol, for my weight gain. I had an eating disorder and my doctor just told me to take it. I would take two 20mg pills a day, once in the morning, the other at night. I was having extreme side effects, didn’t sleep for two nights, stomach pains, etc.. it... read more

Has anyone switched from buspirone to Effexor with good results for pain and anxiety?

I’ve been on buspirone since July of last year. It just isn’t helping my anxiety. I need to take a small dose of clonazepam daily to feel slightly human. The doctor suggested we switch to Effexor. My sister takes it with good results, so I’m hoping it will also work for me. But... read more

Lexapro - Is 5mg enough forlife for a 63 year old man like me?

Is 5mg lexapro enough for whole life for a 63 year old man like me. I think if it help i would like to take it for life as i read good review here. I ask my doctor but he told me to take 10mg. But 10 mg causes me extreme day time drowsiness, so i thought of taking 5 mg without his knowledge. But... read more

Diazapan tapering. I really hope someone will help me?

Tapering off diazapam. Intense anxiety bloated stomach. My stomach feels very tight is this normal. My doctor says it won't cause higher anxiety or tight stomach. Very confusing.

Okay I've been on Norco 10 for 28 years, made byMallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals to full my new monthly?

... prescription, The pharmacist said he could not fill any prescription from the doctor I'm seeing, I went to Walmart and got camber Norco, I checked all the ingredients in both they are exactly the same and both are white I'm just afraid that it won't be the same any thoughts Thanks

Sertraline - Zoloft increase and anxiety?

I’ve been on Zoloft 100 mg for about 14 years. I’ve recently went through a very hard time in my life and was not coping well. My doctor increased my Zoloft to 150. I’ve been on 150 for 10 days and the anxiety is so through the roof I’m so afraid it’s not going to... read more

How long did it take before you felt any positive results from taking Deplin?

I have both mutations of the MTHFR gene, take a low dose of Buspar without great results. My doctor recently added Deplin. I’m wondering when I can start to feel if it is going to work for me. 2 weeks—6 weeks? I’m currently at day 6. I’m trying to hold out to see if... read more

I have been off lorazepam for five years and still having withdrawals. Does it ever get better?

Does anything help? I still get brain zaps and and can't sleep and have no help from doctors.

Imipramine with methylphenidate?

Looking for research to discuss with doctor. Does methylphenidate have a negative effect when taken with imipramine? Anyone has every taken these together? If so, was it synergistic or was it awful? I'm diagnosed with Adhd and doing some research.

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