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Doctor Questions (Page 82)

Displaying 1269 questions associated with Doctor.

Paxil and tinnitus - any advice?

Currently on Celexa and can’t go above 1 mg without my tinnitus getting so much worse. My doctor though maybe Paxil will not be as bad. Has anyone had tinnitus or increase ringing with Paxil? Any advice since I’m starting new on this med for anxiety and stress stuff after losing my... read more

Should I give it some more time or go back to my doctor?

About 5 weeks ago I started feeling anxiety and panic attacks. My doctor prescribed Lexapro 10mg. I feel like I am slight doing better but now I am waking up crying and and detached from the world and everyone I love and this is causing me to cry. I don’t know if this medication is working or... read more

Sertraline - first day taking it?

I have suffered anxiety/depression for a long while and I never wanted to seek help. I thought it would just go away, but I finally went to the doctors and he has given me 50mg sertraline. Today is my first day taking it. I have had a headache since about mid-day and have felt really tired. I have... read more

Does escitalopram side effects go away?

I have been on escitalopram for 8 days now and have diarrhea, nervous jittery feelings, fatigue and want to sleep in the afternoon. People on this sight have better knowledge than doctors because they have experienced the side effects and lived through it. What doIi take for diarrhea that is safe?... read more

Nortriptyline 10mg up to 50 mg?

Has anyone tried taking Nortriptyline not for migraine but for swaying tense feeling in head? I have sway/balance issues with fullness in one ear pain half my head that no doctor can figure out. Has anyone dealt with this and tried this medication?

Does Viibryd help insomnia?

I have been prescribed Viibryd for anxiety and insomnia. My doctor said there were almost no side effects to this medication. I have researched it and noticed that insomnia comes up as a side effect. Can I get some feedback?

21 years old suffering from high blood pressure update?

Yesterday morning I got the okay from my doctor to stop high blood pressure medication as long as I eat healthier and take better care of’s been 2 days since I stopped atenolol and I took a lisinopril yesterday before the doctor told me I could stop with the bp meds UPDATE... read more

Nexplanon help... had sex too early after I pregnant?

Hi! I've had Nexplanon since 2015. I just got my third implant installed 4 days ago (I know they last for 5yrs but I like to change mine every 3). The doctor said I needed to wait 7 days to have sex. My boyfriend and I like idiots fooled around last night. He penetrated me but there was no... read more

Amitriptyline - Anxiety/panic attacks /migraines?

Hi all Im wondering if someone could give me advice please I have been given amitriptyline for migraines off doctor . I have suffering with anxiety/ panic disorders .I have try so meny different meds for it like fluoxetine citalopram sertraline . But all of these make me really ill . They also make... read more

Does Paxil effect your white blood count?

I have been on Paxil for 5 or 6 years. My doctor said it’s time to ween off Paxil. I used to take 40mg, now I’m down to 10mg, I was struggling with the withdrawals in the beginning now they are getting better. I also took a Genesight test and Paxil was in the red.

Panic disorder and anxiety disorder Prozac and Buspar?

I have very severe panic attacks that will cause me to shake uncontrollably and faint. My attacks are pretty painful but a pain that’s hard to describe. Anyway my doctor gave me 10mg of Prozac for anxiety with 5mg of Buspar due to my panic attacks. Does this work? I have tried Xanax before... read more

Does Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) interact with (i.e. lower effectiveness of) Lo Loestrin Fe?

I’ve been on Lo Loestrin Fe for 11 months now, and it exacerbated my anxiety and depressive symptoms. My doctor got me on Wellbutrin but I’m concerned it will lower the effectiveness of Lo Loestrin Fe?

Side effects of cephixime tablets?

My wife who is pregnant has vaginosis and doctor prescribed to her to use cephixime tablets. Are they harmful or not?

How dangerous is a small amount of sertraline (25mg) taken with 75 mg of venlafaxine?

I want to switch from venlafaxine to Sertraline. The doctor wants me to come off the venlafaxine and take neither for 2 weeks but I don't think I can do that. I currently take 75 mg venlafaxine slow release. My plan is to take half a sertraline 50 mg e.g. 25 mg (or even less) for a week or so... read more

First time prednisone usage for asthma, do I need to taper?

I'm taking prednisone for the first time with an asthma flare that triggered due to a cold. I was originally prescribed a short burst of 50mg for 5 days by an urgent care doctor. I went to get checked again by my PCP and she prescribed me another dose of 40mg for 3 days and then 20mg for 7... read more

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