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Doctor Questions (Page 84)

Displaying 1270 questions associated with Doctor.

Infections - I've had an infection in my foot/ankle for about a week and a half or so.

I've been to the doctor and have been taking the antibiotics and they have been working. The redness, swelling, and temperature have pretty much been resolved. The only thing that is concerning me is that I still have a slight amount of pain but my antibiotics are done yesterday. Should I go... read more

80 year old mom taking 225 mg Lyrica 2 times a day?

I am reaching out to get some suggestions/opinions regarding my 80 year old mom. Her doctor prescribed her to take 225mg of Lyrica 2 times a day for fibromyalgia-1 in the afternoon around 4ish and the 2nd one at bedtime. I am noticing she is super drowsy and takes numerous naps throughout the day... read more

Lamictal dosage too large ?

What is the normal dose to start Lamictal, I've had peti mal seizures for over 10 years and in the last few months I've had 5 full on seizures. I ended up in hospital and the doctor put me on 200mg am and 200mg pm . Reading up on it they say start low and gradually increase. Is it normal... read more

I have been prescribed a new antibiotic whilst still taking one, when do I start it?

I was prescribed nitrofurantoin 100 mg to take every 12 hours for five days. I am on the fifth day and have one dose left but it is clear this antibiotic is not working and my doctor has prescribed a new course of antibiotics for me( sulfamethoxazole- also 1 pill 12 hours apart for 5 days) I am... read more

Diazepam - Can you stop taking Valium and start Ativan?

I've been on Valium for 20+ years and today my doctor tells me to switch to Ativan at the same dose. Is that ok? Will I withdraw from Valium or will Ativan affect me with Valium still in my system?

When will my period end on Depo Shot?

I am a trans guy (FTM obviously) (age 16), and my doctor gave me the Depo shot back in early June as a way to stop my period before I got on testosterone. I didn't get my period at all in June, which was lovely, I had intercourse twice and my partner preformed oral on me a few times. Things... read more

Inderal - My suffering from migraine?

I suffer from migraine for 5 months My doctor prescribed inderal 10mg twice a day I took it for 2 months and felt better and I stopped it for 2 weeks unfortunately after that the headache come again so My question is how long can I took the medicine to get a best result or what is the duration of... read more

Switching from 2mg alprazolam ER to 1mg clonazepam?

Does anyone have any experience with this? My doctor told me that the clonazepam should last longer but my concern is with switching from 2mg to 1mg... I've gone a day before where I forgot to take the alprazolam and the withdrawals were the worst, I don't want to feel like that again.... read more

What is the common name for sertraline?

Been having horrible hot flashes. I'm 78. My doctor said that sertraline can cause hot flashes. I've been on it for year's and have forgotten what it's called.

How to take diltiazem 30mg if ordered as required for SVT?

Doctor order is take one tablet up to every 6 hours as required for SVT How does this prevent a STV event? What benefit is it to take after an event of SVT?

Intense vomiting after venlafaxine?

My doctor prescribed venlafaxine 37.5mg bid today for anxiety. I took the first pill today after dinner and within about an hour and a half my stomach started to hurt. I had intense nausea and knew I was going to throw up. Within a few minutes I was vomiting non stop and then had diarrhea. I do... read more

What is a Formulary?

Honesty really is the Best Policy…

Hospital Pharmacists can help you Stay Safe

How do language barriers affect safe medication use?

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