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Anxiety Questions (Page 55)

Related terms: Anxiety States, Anxious, Nervousness, Worry, Anti-anxiety

Displaying 2955 questions associated with Anxiety.

I take diazapan but also just been perscribed citalopram if I only take diazapan should this help my

... anxiety and depression as i am frightened of the side effects of the citalopram i have taken 1 this morning and feel dizzy and shaky and am very thirsty

Has anyone experienced cold turkey withdrawal of lexapro 20 mg taking for 20 years?

Did feel like brain damaged and partially functioning after headaches and mind zaps stopped? Did you experience deep depression afterward and high anxiety? I know now too late to taper, life destroyed is there hope?

L-Theanine - what is the best dosage for all day anxiety?

I have anxiety almost every day sometimes all day.

BuSpar - Buspirone and Xanax?

I suffer from very bad anxiety. I get nervous VERY easy, I panic and my mind goes blank in any situation. I work at a bank, started doing new accounts and I was just on Xanax (Was on Zoloft for a year but stopped because of weight gain) Anyways, because of how nervous I get with people, asking... read more

What do you do when SSRI's do not work for you?

I have PTDS, anxiety,nocturnal wake up anxiety and depression.They have tried Celexa, Lexapro, Zoloft, Effexor, Wellbutrin but no combo's. I had the worst side effects with all of them unable to function or eat. Do not want to take Paxil as I heard its very hard to come off of. Have not tried... read more

My dr. told me that Valerian root would help me with my benzos withdarwls & not having my meds?

I was told to go to a pharamacy and ask for valerian root which Dr. Mattewson said it would help me about my xanax situation. I've been on xaxax for 20 yrs and that's the only meds that help me with my bipolar & epilisey and he aint helped me out any all in the way i know whats best... read more

Could Mirtazapine be causing panic attacks?

This week I have had 2 panic/anxiety attacks - which is quite un common for me. I have had them on and off over the years but 2 in 1 week! I am wondering if it is the Mirtazapine? Sometimes you think great, got one this solved (my sleep) then something else pops up! Like I said, I have had them in... read more

Hi there after 2 yrs on Zoloft I switched to Lexapro .. Fine for two weeks then bang ... Panic ,?

... depression , panic, anxiety, crying heaps etc . Go advised me to switch back so I did , 5 days ago . I still feel awful . Anyone done this and how long does it last !! I'm Also on Epilim ( sodium valproate) for Bipolar 2

Are any problems possible with taking gabapentin and valium together?

I am taking 300mg gabapentin and 25mg of valium. Can this be harmful or cause tolerance sooner. Should I taper off the gabapentin first

How long will I feel tired taking Clonazepam?

I just started taking Clonazepam a few days ago, and I undertand that it takes time to get into your system. Yesterday I passed out at 6:45pm and didn't wake up until 7:45am today, and that was only because my alarm went off for work. I probably could have slept longer. I take .25mg twice a... read more

How long does it take for Lexapro to work ?

I have anxiety and depression and have been on Lexapro for a month and a half. I'm currently on 5mg at bedtime. I am still tired, no motivation, dizzy and feel hopeless and useless. Is 5mg too low and maybe I need a higher dose or is lexapro causing these issues.

Is it normal that I still have some anxiety when I am on my 6th week of cipralex/lexapro?

I started cipralex (Lexapro) 6 weeks ago (1st week at 5mg and then went to my regular dose of 10mg). I generally feel better especially at night but in the morning i still get some anxiety and sometimes i feel nauseated. I still have some trouble sleeping at night. I fall asleep no problem but i... read more

BuSpar - what time of day is best to take it?

Trazadone and daytime anxiety?

I take 100 of trazadone at bedtime, but around 8 am feel very anxious. How does trazadone help anxiety during the day if it only lasts 8-10 hours, and is out of my system by morning? I am experimenting with taking 50 in the pm and 50 in the am, but feel I tired and out of fuzzy during the day. My... read more

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Related condition support groups

Anxiety and Stress, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Performance Anxiety

Related drug support groups

Lexapro, Xanax, tramadol, gabapentin, Cymbalta, trazodone, clonazepam, escitalopram, bupropion, view more... buspirone, BuSpar, mirtazapine, Valium, venlafaxine, Ativan, Paxil, alprazolam, propranolol, lorazepam, Effexor XR, diazepam, hydroxyzine, duloxetine, lamotrigine, atenolol, clonidine, paroxetine, risperidone, cannabidiol, Vistaril, doxepin, Librium, valerian, Atarax, 5-HTP, oxcarbazepine, desvenlafaxine, Compazine

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