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Xanax XR - What makes a doctor specifically prescribe Xanax to a patient?

4 Answers

casds84 7 July 2023

Xanax is a highly addictive medication, and the withdrawal effects can be just as bad, if not worse, than the side effects of taking it. Xanax XR is extended-release, meaning it slowly releases the drug into your system until your next dose, which is typically 24 hours. It depends on the person and how their system tolerates it and how long it stays in their system. If the person takes the pill as directed, without chewing or crushing the XR form of Xanax pill, it slowly releases throughout the day and prevents them from needing more Xanax throughout the day. The regular form of Xanax pills is fast-released and only lasts for a rather short period of time. For example, I take the 0.5 mg Xanax XR pill once daily. The 0.5 mg is slowly released during the day, and I only need one pill. However, if I were on the 0.5 mg of Xanax that was not XR, I would need to take the pill several times a day as directed to obtain the desired effects necessary to treat my anxiety.


I know people who take 0.5-2 mg doses of plain Xanax 4 times a day, sometimes 6 if the dose is on the lower of 0.25-0.5 mg. The XR takes longer to get into your system, but it lasts longer when it regulates into your system after you take it as directed, so fewer pills are needed. Also, it is done to prevent the chances of someone needing to constantly carry their bottle of medication with them at all times to reduce the chances of it being stolen if found. It also helps prevent issues for anyone who is arrested and takes Xanax because if they take several doses per day and have several in the bottle, they will be counted by law enforcement officers and the date on the bottle will be used to determine how many should be in the bottle. Legally, you can carry the medication if it is prescribed to you, HOWEVER, if you have just 1 pill over the amount you should have, you can be arrested for possible intent to sell, and if you have just 1 pill under, it is the same scenario. I've had that happen before when I was with someone who was being arrested for a parole violation because they had a small personal can of pepper spray. Even if it was for protection, it's still illegal. When my purse was searched and they discovered my bottle of Xanax, the officer counted it and I was 2 over what I should have had. He was kind enough to overlook it when I explained that I was carrying the bottle because I was away from home for a few days, and at the time, I was trying to slowly reduce my dose safely to avoid withdrawal but still get the effect I needed if necessary after discussing the process with my doctor. So, there are several reasons a doctor might choose to prescribe XR instead of just the regular form of Xanax. Another reason could be if the patient has a past history of taking more medication than directed. If they are only prescribed 30 of their particular dose, they will be less motivated to take more than prescribed in order to prevent running out and facing withdrawals because most doctors will not prescribe Xanax or similar benzos to patients who abuse them. Personally, I prefer the XR because it lessens the number of pills I take per day if I only need one pill that continuously releases slowly during the day until my next dose the following day. If a doctor knows you are a responsible patient, they will often work with you on the short-term plan of use and discuss how they will taper it off and such. If you are honest to say you need it longer and why, they may choose to leave you on it a bit longer, but reduce the dose right then to begin tapering you off to prevent an addiction. All in all, there are pros and cons to the XR and regular forms of Xanax, but it is typically meant to be used as a short-term remedy for anxiety if a person is dealing with high levels of anxiety due to stress and other factors in their daily lives and situations. But, when taken responsibly, it is relatively safe to take as directed, and safe to be tapered off of when it is time to reduce and begin the process of being taken off of the medication. I've used Xanax a few times during some very very stressful and dark times, and it helped me tremendously. The only people who make the drug dangerous are those who abuse it and become addicted to it. Pay attention to your own body and how it responds to Xanax. Those who abuse it really not only harm themselves but also those of us who are responsible and use it as directed when needed. Those who abuse it make it difficult for doctors to decide to prescribe it anymore, and several nowadays strictly refuse unless they know for a fact that they can trust a particular patient.

Votes: +0
WildcatVet 29 Sep 2018

I wholeheartedly agree with Proper's comments. The benzodiazepines should only be used a an ultra short term measure until an appropriate anxiolytic takes effect.
As Proper has said, the benzos are not only highly addictive, but long term can cause increased anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, memory loss, and a myriad of other mental and physical conditions.

Votes: +2
ppehs 2 Oct 2018

If you use this drug responsibly and DON’T ABUSE IT YOU WILL BE JUST FINE!!

WildcatVet 2 Oct 2018

Recent clinical studies are revealing the potentially severe side effects of long term benzodiazepine usage. That is why so many doctors are no longer prescribing them except for short term use until a more appropriate anxiolytic takes effect and attempting to wean long term users off these medications.
Do some research. There is so much concern over side effects of relatively innocuous psychotropic drugs... why no concerns over the effects of the benzodiazepine crisis?

WildcatVet 7 July 2023

Even responsible people can be addicted and suffer from short- and long term adverse reactions and side effects.

Proper med user 29 Sep 2018

Be very careful with the Xanax that is highly addictive. It is only meant for very short term or intermittent use as an absolute necessary for a bad panic attack. You could get addicted in as little as 2 weeks. If you take them everyday. In the big scheme of things they make your anxiety worse as they will damage your Gaba receptors in your brain and make it harder for your mind to deal with anxiety in a natural form. My advice is to please seek alternative treatment and do not take Xanax or any other benzodiazepine. I have been on and off them for 4 years and they have created nothing but problems for me making my anxiety worse and causing horrible withdrawals 2 * for me still trying to taper from clonazepam basically long-acting Xanax

Votes: +0
ppehs 2 Oct 2018

Well it’s NOT MAKING MINE WORSE!!! It’s people like you that make this miracle drug for anxiety so hard to get!!

ppehs 2 Oct 2018


endlessPred 24 May 2013

Hello. Xanax is a short term medication (few hours depending upon dose) used for general anxiety or situational anxiety. it is also known as one of the benzos, a "tranquilizer" like Valium. It is habit forming when on high doses or used consistently for long periods of time.

It helps with panic attacks. Takes about 20 minutes to work and if taking situational related, like a big meeting or the in-laws, just kidding, it can calm the nervous response and help reduce panic attacks or shaking with fear.


It's use depends upon the symptoms of the individual and whether it will be long term or short term. A therapist, psychiatrist or specialist will be best to diagnose. I take it temporarily when my medication makes me hyper and life is too stressed. I started with panic attacks and this was a way to stop them. It has done so because I sought treatment right away. Also when experiencing something called free floating anxiety, suddenly tense but don't know why, it is very helpful.

It is addictive. one cannot use alcohol with it. when misused it can cause serious problems and harsh withdrawals. Any more questions?

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