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Anxiety and Stress Questions (Page 4)

Related terms: Stress, Acute Stress Reaction

Displaying 667 questions associated with Anxiety and Stress.

How do I know if my dose is too high? Sertraline 100mg?

How do I know if my dose is too high? I'll start from the beginning. I've had anxiety issues for the past couple years. I "managed" them, but december of last year I decided I wanted to do something about it. I started going to a therapist which has helped a lot with the mental... read more

How long did it take for Seroquel to kick in? Aside for the sleeping effect, which I appreciate?

I've been on Quetiapine Fumarate for almost 2 weeks. I started at 25mg at bedtime and then went up to 50mg at bedtime. This Friday night will mark 2 weeks. I've been diagnosed with Cyclothymia, a slight case of Borderline, and ADHD. I'm also going through a breakup, so I'm in a... read more

Has anyone experienced concentration, focusing, memory problems due to depression or anxiety?

I was recently diagnosed with anxiety and depression. I am 37 yr old female with no history of mental health issues. I have been having a lot of problems with concentrating and focusing while trying to do everyday things not to mention trying to work. I also have a hard time recalling information... read more

Im running out of my meds and Im scared?

I take 60mg of Buspar a day. With money being so tight, I had to cut my Buspar to 30mg per day. I will still run out a week before I can get them. I can feel a big difference in my reactions to stressors. My anxiety is going off the chart. My headaches have come back with a vengeance. Ive also had... read more

How does Effexor affect your sex life?

I really enjoy my sex life and am starting Effexor in a couple weeks. I read some sexual side effects from this drug and am concerned to exactly what people experience. I know everyone is different. By sharing experiences I will have a pretty good idea what to expect and maybe what to do to deal... read more

Been on prozac 20mg for 2weeks. I am falling asleep mid day. Anyone else experience this ?

I have since changed the TIME of day I take my SSRI from morning to night didn't work- i fell asleep at 11 am, woke because i HAD to at 2 pm. instead of falling asleep at 2pm. So not much of an improvement switching from day to night. Anyway, if not for your answers I would not still be trying... read more

Have to wean off from Lyrica, experiencing blue moods & depression, will this go once I've tapered?

Hello everyone. Im doing fair. Here is my problem. I had been put on Lyrica for 2 months at 300mg per day. When I went to my PM doctor, he doubled my dose and I was taking it 2x a day. I started having double vision, dizzy, woozy, and felt like I was totally out of control. I told the doctor and... read more

I am so itchy!!! Which med is causing this? Feel like a chimpanzee...HELP?

Okay friends, you guys are so smart on here and I mean that sincerely!! My whole body has been itching like crazy lately and it is making me freak out. Now here is what I am on, starting from what I have been on the longest: Klonipin, 14 years, Ambien, 10+ years, Topamax, 1year, Effexor, a month,... read more

I'm on my first week of Zoloft 25mg. What else is good to help with anxiety beside benzodiazepines??

Suffering from anxiety I went from Prozac 80mg to Zoloft 25mg. I know it takes weeks to kick in so I'm going through anxiety. Can anyone can help with a medicine I can take besides benzos to keep my anxiety under control until the Zoloft starts working? I really need help. It's tough rite... read more

Effexor XR Dosage increase?

G'day..I've been on Effexor XR 150mg a day for some 10 years,I have severe agoraphobia and panic disorder.Originally the dose worked well for me but slowly over the years the benefits have diminished and I'm slipping backwards. Would raising the dosage help and what is the maximum?... read more

Bad morning anxiety. Any way to fix it?

I have severe anxiety & panic. I am on sertraline. Just went up to 150mg yesterday. I'm hoping it will help with my daytime stomach/chest tightness and maybe even the morning anxiety, but I am hoping someone may know something that could help aside from this. Ive read millions of tips, but... read more

I need help! I am on fluoxetine is there a pill I can take which will increase my sex drive ?

Ok so im 18 , Ive been suffering with bad depression, my sex life is almost non existent, i was started on Fluoxetine 20mg today and all i keep hearing is that it completely wipes out your sex drive, considering i barely have one anyway is there anything that is safe to take that i can take to... read more

Do antidepressants really lift your mood and improve anxiety help?

I'm trying meds but nothing works so far I'm on paxil now 8 days praying it helps severe anxiety depression and PTSD need feedback do they really help nothing so far has helped yet

Severe Anxiety about starting Zoloft/Sertraline?

To Anyone who can offer advice: I am a 37 year old male and have been struggling with panic attacks and anxiety for 3 years now and am on the verge of losing my job as I am avoiding more and more activities and some days can no longer leave home and drive. I wake up in the middle of the night with... read more

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