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Anxiety and Stress Questions (Page 3)

Related terms: Stress, Acute Stress Reaction

Displaying 667 questions associated with Anxiety and Stress.

Does Zoloft (sertraline) cause hair loss?

Hello, I started on 25 mg of sertraline for one week then took 50mg the next week and the third week I am currently on 75 mg. I noticed my hair falling out ALOT at the end of the second week (while taking 50 mg). I am 23 year old male and have always had thick hair and no one in my family has had... read more

When does Depo shot emotional effects go away?

I got the Depo shot on Feburary 8th, 2017. The first two weeks afterwards I felt fine, surprisingly no side effects so I was happy about getting it. However, when the third week started, all hell started to break lose. Mood swings, severe depression, OCD, severe anxiety, loss of sex drive, constant... read more

I have very bad insomnia, ambien doesnt work, can anyone help me?

My doctor recentally perscribed me to 10mg ambien to go with my .5mg klonopins and 20mg celexa. Originally he said the klonopins would knock me out. They dont. Called him, he called the pharm and gave me 10mg ambien, doesnt work either. I took tylenol pm and benedryl for a long time up to 5 tablets... read more

Just took a 10mg prozac. I was extremely anxious before. I haven't wanted to take it for over 5?

... years. I'm very afraid. I'm a fully housebound agoraphobic that suffers from OCD, anxiety, and panic attacks. Will this help me? I don't want to get worse!

What is the effect on the brain of long-term use of Effexor?

Does long-term use of Effexor lead to memory loss, brain damage and/or dementia? I know it inhibits platelet aggregation and leads to bleeding and severe bruising resulting from a very slight impact. As I am aged 66 years, I am concerned that continued use of Effexor may hasten dementia and memory... read more

Mood swings,anger, & freak out over small things, any ideas about what could help me?

I'm thinking about asking for effexor but I'm not sure. I'm trying to find something to help with my mood swings. I feel angry most of the time, I freak-out over the smallest things. Thanks

Is there anything out there other than benzos that help with panic attacks and depression?

I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety(some depression as well)for 20 + years. I have been diagnosed with major depression,bi-polar disorder,panic disorder,adhd,and generalized anxiety disorder over the last 20 + years.I have been prescribed xanax,tofranil,welbutrin,paxil,effexor and... read more

Can low amounts of xanax be taken safely long-term for chronic anxiety panic phobic-avoidances, etc?

On Prozac for years but not much help. Is xanax too risky because of potential withdrawl, tolerance, etc. Is a safe to take a low amount long-term; will that keep working?

Citalopram side effects - anyone feel like they are tripping ?

Citrilopram side effects, anyone else kinda feel like you were 'trippin for a little while ? I am on my 4 th day of generic celexa 10 mgs and when I took it last Night I felt like I was dreaming but my eyes were open. I had that feeling in my stomach that you get when you take ecstasy, like... read more

Anyone going through withdrawl nightmares ?

Did anybody take paxil during pregnancy? Is this OK?

I'm pregnant and I want to know if taking paxil is safe for me to take... thanks!

Zoloft isn't working PLZ HELP!! I have OCD, BPD, Situat/General Anxiety, Claustrophob, Depression?

I am new to this support group but not to the? sight, I usually come here to compare meds and do some of my research, however I NEED to reach out and get answers (I just hope there are answers for me). At any rate, this is very long but I would greatly appreciate it if someone or ones can please... read more

How long should I expect side effects of paxil to last?

Started taking paxil 10mg 3 days ago and am very uncomfortable with how it makes me feel. I am having a hard time eating from the nausea, i am zoning out randomly and sometimes actually feel like i am on drugs. I hate feeling this way and hope it goes away soon. Also... the day before i started... read more

Has anyone come off of 10mg amitriptyline after experiencing hightened anxiety whilst on it?

Ive been on 10mg amitriptyline once a night for about 5 months for ibs symptoms while ive been on this medication ive found myself feeling very low very tired and started getting anxiety and panic attacks from bowhere which id never ever experienced before and I heard and read online that... read more

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